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let's sit and write letters
to Santa, together,

is it okay to ask Santa for a person?
i asked, empty paper but heavy heart

what do you mean?
she asked, her eyes lighted mine

i only want you, you only
i replied, she smiled

i am here with you now,
she replied, her love is undoubted

but now is not enough
i said, i was being selfish

it will never be enough
she kissed, it is okay to be greedy for love
The Calm Dec 2018
Stop telling me
that love is beautiful
Just cause,
it was good to you
Sara Svensson Dec 2018
You're so much like our father
With the careless gaze you have
Your unempathetic, selfish ways
Your golden, bright blond hair.

Perhaps it is why you coloured it brown
So you'd look more like me instead
You must not have noticed yet, dear brother
I look so much like our dad.
Olivia Catalina Dec 2018
He is the can of Red Bull shaking in my hand.
At first sip he does nothing for me,
but then he slowly begins to take effect.
My heart accelerates,
my breathing quickens,
And I soon slip into the next world.
I feel like I’m floating whenever he’s in my system.
My feet are several inches from the ground,
and my head is in the clouds,
and I can’t seem to come down from this high he left me with.

She is the flag adorning my bedroom wall.
A memory fabricated from the ocean,
the stars,
shopping trolleys,
and the sound of fabric being torn at the seams.
She cannot be wiped from my mind,
nor can all the nights we’ve spent together.
Not that I would ever wish to forget about them.

I am the wordless demon that haunts their every waking hour.
The one who dreams of them with ardour,
and the one whose words come across as too strong.
I have been told I bat my eyes too often
and that my smiles occasionally seem more than just friendly.
I have been told that my touch is too tender,
and my motives are too selfish.
I have been told that I am the devil.
Myrrdin Dec 2018
Am I trying to help you
Because your pain
Is too much for you to bear
Or because seeing you like this
Is too much for me to bear
fiachra breac Dec 2018
never content:
withholding love out of what?
fear? envy? greed? sadness?

how i long for peace, stability and change...

a constant contradiction. barreling from heart to heart -
never finding ground long enough to lose myself
in someone else’s arms.

feelings stronger after i tear them out.

have to look at them in the air in front of my eyes.
bleeding, dripping their blood on the carpet,
heart beating in my hands.
to be clinically inspected and torn apart
only to discover that this was what i wanted all along.

like a tree, felled to tell its age,
dead, but finally understood.
too late to say,
“ah! look how old it’s branches, how deep its roots, how wonderful it’s shade!”

dead. dead and decomposing on the floor.

will i always glorify love lost over love in front of my eyes?
an outburst found in my notes. dated 3rd nov 2018. I will wreck this, and it will be hell.
Sudipta Maity Nov 2018
Survival in nature is always
a selfish process.
Whereas, Nature itself
built selflessly.
In nature difference between selfishness and selflessness has surpising facts.
Leigh Nov 2018

My everything swelled

Until my fear grew legs

So to carry me from you

And your everything too

At all costs.
Gianna Nov 2018
(can i call you that?)
how i wish that i could hold you again
how i wish that only you could see
that way that my heart is breaking
when you bring up the way you hold someone else
and when you carelessly remind me
of the way
you lack to feel
for me
how selfish of you
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