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Chris Jan 2019
School is filled with rules.
Followed by too many fools.
Spending many years in schools.
You think we'd have the tools!

Tools to help let us know.
Help us find where we'll go.
To put our thoughts on show.
Make our creativity flow!

Instead we're put inside a cell.
Falling deeper within our well.
We're forced to live in this hell.
Never to break free from our shell!

Pulling us further from our kin.
We're to find the area within.
Setting us up for greater sins.
What's learned can't help with what we're in!

They want a story to rhyme
But won't give you any time
Stay silent like a mime
Feel like you've commit a crime.

Teachers will take what you earn
Being left with no where to turn
To become more than a fern
We must choose what we learn.
So I wrote this poem after taking a math test that I thought was something that I'm never gonna use because I plan to be a Drama or English teacher. I would like to have a discussion with people about this but teachers just ignore me or wave me away. We should introduce subjects and let the students choose if they want to follow them. Not have everything mandatory and useless. As an English teacher I would rarely, if ever, need to use the quadratic function. I also feel many times in school, our creativity is stomped out and we're to be machines that repeat menial tasks. I would like to hear anyone who read this far's opinion in the comments.

Thank you, enjoy.
Axel Jan 2019
stories have been told
they said "be strong"
I've tried
I did it
but it's so hard to keep it cool
it's so hard to let go
but how can I do that when it's going to be you?
i really wrote this while crying,**** some of my friends aren't gonna be beside me next year,so i let my feeling out in this poetry. i'm really sorry if this poetry is kinda bad. <3
IncholPoem Jan 2019
school  children

  We  want  
to   go----------!

Temple-where  you  will
                     find   the   lesson
                       to  live  and  also  for  

May   be  to
newly  made  
football    field
which  is  floating
on  a   cargo   ship.

May be  to
go   an  old beer  bar
   where    classic   songs
are   newly    mixed  
by   school children.
shia Jan 2019
Basking in blinding white lights
Pencil in hand, papers on the side
Silent, worn gears shifting at five
Eyes droopy, limbs and souls tired
Yet the thirst for knowledge
keeps them very much alive
An ocean of opportunities where
They might drown but they dive
We dive, despite all the risks
The route to our goals still naïve
But for our aspirations, we fight
It is never too early to create
A future for us that’s bright
Our obstinacy a weapon
As we carry the day late at night
Notes in print and in handwriting
We quickly chew what we can bite
So by the time the war arrives
It will be certain, our triumphant vibe
But no matter the glorious recognition
No matter the numbers we are labeled by
As long as we carry on and fulfill
Our dreams, our vows, then we will rise
Rise until we ourselves become the stars
Who will soon emit blinding, white lights
can't think of a title. this was done on a whim. it's been long since i posted a positive one. here's to the people who dedicate their time for their dreams to become a reality. you will get there, i promise.
Specs Jan 2019
On long car rides late at night,
You finally exit the freeway'
And the car slows to a gentle stop.
The lost momentum stirs you and your eyes open
Just enough to see the car's insides bathed in red light.
Your eyes are more comfortable when they're closed,
And the warm air whispering from the vents invites you
To slip under completely.

The early morning, when you still have an hour or two of sleep.
You turn to get more comfortable,
Feeling the warm spot where you used to be.
You sigh deeply and,
For a moment,
You think you catch the scent of your own home.
You pull your sheets higher and feel your body relax.

The teacher is lecturing.
You feel your legs grow heavy.
Your blinks become longer until
It's more work to open them than you're willing to put forth.
The fluorescents buzz a lullaby just for you.
You hear, but you can't listen.
A sharp jolt.
Your head bobs.
You are awake.

You're seconds away from falling asleep.
A dull flash lights your eyelids, and
Though your breathing stays the same,
Your heart rumbles with the distant thunder.
You are made aware,
Once more,
Of the steady patter of rain on your window.
the school counselor
what a cliche
but your nonchalant attitude
is irresistible
you're young too
it's quite uncommon
how'd you get this job, if i may ask?
ignorance is bliss
as they say.
nonetheless, i haven't seen you much
except in the halls sometimes
but you called me downstairs the other day
and i noticed how you're not so perfect
as i imagined
you've got a beard to hide your acne scars
slightly overgrown eyebrows
but, very broad shoulders
dressed to the nines in a suit every day
blue or gray, to be precise
when you spoke to me
asking if i was skipping class
you were awfully close
not that i minded
i'm also not sure where you were looking
i hope at my lips
rather than my eyes
eyes are the window to the soul
and we both don't want to know
what my true intentions are
wrote this on the metro coming home.
Asominate Jan 2019
I'm running out of moonlight,
Soon it will end, the nightfall
Dawn would break, and I'll live to see the daylight
And fall apart at sunrise

Keep myself together while the moon shines
Cause at the sunbeams I fall apart.
When you work through the night and still not finished when the morning comes
Gareth Apr 2019
what a wonderful day to stroll down the corridor.
seeing all of these people again makes Me wonder why they're so different
why do they look at Me like that?

why did they start running?

why am I wearing the mask that only I don in My dreams?

when did I get here?

why are the police here?

why am I covered in blood like in those dreams?

why do I smell like gunpowder and why do I have the gun I tried to hide from Myself?

have I finally done

have My dreams finally come true?

they're dead.


the rivers run down to my feet where my boots are coated. baby moses come floating through down to the holy land I have created.

I ended their pathetic existences and the thanks they give Me is staining My nice jacket with their putrid blood.
to look at me with their empty white and red eyes.

no open casket funerals.
made sure of it
mangled, mutilated maggot corpses
due to get incinerated and returned to the dust from whence they came.

how fitting that
I am the one who ended it
I the one who wanted to end it peacefully
has now ended it peacefully.

the crying girls and women bother My ears with their pleas to live.
I am the second coming.
I am the reckoning.
I am the judge.
how dare they invade My healthy mind and inner thoughts with their attempts
to guilt Me?
surely you'd know by now that I have no sympathy for the Devil.

so hand Me over now that they are here.
give Me My crown of thorns and pin Me to
because in the end,
because in the now,
I am the king.
I am the reckoning.
Don't you miss the days when being in a relationship meant there
Was no competition?
Where sepration was a last resort
After all other means had been exhausted
When you didn't wait up all night
Creeping through social media
To know what your partner was doing
Love letters were handwritten and saved
They knew your favorite candy
And laughter was in abundance
Are we all so focused on not getting hurt
That we'd destroy another to spare ourselves
Do you remember when"I love you" meant something?
Did those days ever exist?
Mohannie Jan 2019
I want to live in a life
Where grades don't cut like a knife.

I want to not live in a place
Where only the smartest win the race

I want to not have a number define who I am
And to be compared or cry over an exam.

I want to be equal, despite all my flaws
Than to feel ripped apart by your hurtful claws

I want you to listen, and your attention you will give.
I am not defined by my grades so please just



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