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Jeremy Betts Jan 17
Seas churn wildly
Dancing with the icy wind
No land mass in sight
Alone in it's savagery
My heart and soul mirrors it

~ Tanka ~
A Japanese poem that is 31 syllables long and is written in five lines and follow a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern.
The word Tanka translates to "short poem" or "short song".
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
A well lit path is not part of my journey
Mine's through a dark ally
The thoughts that emerge from the shadows come in a hurry
A savage flurry of the eire
Physically consumed with how badly this could turn out for me

𝙶𝙽𝙶 May 2022
© snoW
Terra Levez Feb 2021
I thought love consumed
Before you made me see hate
I hope you now see
What the truth of me is
I'm a monster
And I have your name, address and number
Sweet Dreams, you will sleep for a long long time
When I'm done with you
Astrea Aug 2020
Looking at the map,
my eyes find their way to the unnamed borders,
the many lines that divide the land
and the sea,
the civilised,
and the savage.
I dimly wonder
if those lines are truly the ends of the earth,
or are they beginnings of a new world?
jas Jun 2020
should have known from the very start
you were only going to break my heart
why oh why didn't I see the signs
should have known every day I cried

begging you to love me right
all you ever stayed was quiet
they weren't lying when they say love is blind
couldn't lose you without a fight

but you proved me wrong
over and over again

savage love
you really broke me
savage love
why can't you see
what we coulda been
written to the beat of savage love - jawsh 685
Michael Stefan Feb 2020
Your beastly desires were always hidden beneath
A calm and cool exterior, hiding truth
You waited and hunted me, tracked me
And watched me as your intentions stayed aloof,
Preparing to at last spring your vicious trap
Cleverly laid in the deep woods of passion
You are a beast, who stalks this once lush forest
And I am your prey, lying dead in trees now ashen
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