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Vibrant colored
blossoming blooms,
brings hope to all,

At first just a tiny seed,
so God could show us His power, It's nothing short of a miracle,
of what that seed does become,
It's still a mystery to me,
But God knew the need.
The Lonely Flower

She stands so elegantly tall, but she stands alone,
No one else besides me would take notice, because I know how it feels to be lonely all too well.

I shall plant seeds at her feet,
Then she can stand proud,
Now knowing
all will look up to her.
She's to exquisite to stand alone feeling the pain of loniness.
I'm not all that good,
I'm not all that bad,
Maybe one day,
I'm as bad as a person can be,
Maybe on another day,
I'm one of the best you can meet,

Raised in a small town,
Where people gossip
from sun up to sun down,
Brought up poor in a broken
family, only added more,

When I'm out and about,
I get those judgemental stares,
with whispers of, "she's hopeless,
she's beyond repair,

I get worked up so
I purposely give them a reason to
gasp for air,

Of course they all claim to be Christians,
The type that choose clean blue water
to be baptised in,
But I was baptised in muddy water
and I'm glad to say," hey listen up,
I was baptised in muddy water so
I guess that makes me too ***** for
your kind?"

Then I smile to myself because
I know  something they must not,
WATERS, as well.
I imagine it kind of went like this:
Upon meeting Jesus, John said: "I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? I imagine Jesus told John it was only right to do so, I can imagine John trying to convince Jesus to at least let him find cleaner waters but Jesus knew so He refused.

You see in the time of Jesus’s baptism, the Jordan river and surrounding areas was no less than now, a river full of muck, *****, muddy, and gross looking, you can’t see two inches into it today nor could you then.

These very people called Christians are the same people who judge so harshly, through the centuries they've compared Jesus's baptism to our own,  with an understandable preference for the clear waters of a Blue Hole over the muddy waters of the Jordan and beyond,

So yeah, I'm all messed up in the head,
Better the head than the heart,
But you've already judged my part.

So if you ever run out stuff to gossip about, just think back and remember,
the small town girl that was baptised in muddy water.
- Author Ven J Arnold / SacredInkedBlood
The word Christian is so diluted that I refuse to be labeled as one. Christianity was a new religion started by Paul. Honestly, I know many and they do gossip, intentionally hurt others and think they're way is the only right way. Look at all the wrongs done in the name of Christianity. However I do believe that there are some genuine people who label themselves as a Christian and proudly.
People who give love to others
should do it without any conditions. Unfortunately so many people place conditions on love for other people. That is not selfless nor free.
Honestly if you think about real hard is there live without conditions and expectations? Some of us do it purposely because we have an agenda and some of us do it without even knowing it.
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There's a thin line
between loving yourself
putting yourself on a
Respect yourself without
becoming your own idol.
~ Author Ven J Arnold
There's a lot of thin lines such as they there's a thin line between love & hate. For me this is another this line that I've known people who have crossed. That's a very dangerous one. See :
I don't miss you,
I miss the person,
you pretended to be,  

I loved you for a facade,
It was just a counterfeit  
you in a masquerade,

It would be impossible to miss
a person that never did exist.
You were just a fake.
You can't miss someone that never existed. You can't love the counterfeit when you were deceived by the counterfeit. ©2021
Dovrei essere proprio come te, Cuore di ghiaccio nero, Sii gentile, Un amico, come creare un'illusione, nella tua mente, sii vicino, fingi di essere reale, un modo per conoscere, i tuoi sogni, i tuoi piani, la tua prossima mossa ,

Quando vedo le tue aspirazioni, che ti portano avanti,

Essendo un maestro manipolatore, come te, pianificherò astutamente la tua caduta, come un giullare, ridendo con la folla, che sono convinto che tu sia sempre stato, nient'altro che quello di un immutabile intimidito.

Sei davvero solo un codardo, hai paura di qualcuno, fai solo uno sforzo per fare ciò che è meglio, hai paura di qualcuno, che non è nemmeno una minaccia per te, o per la posizione che occupi.

Dimostra la tua superiorità, fiducia in te stesso, essendo orgogliosamente audace! Il tuo orgoglio, la tua arroganza, la tua ignoranza, la tua cecità e la tua ipocrisia...

NO, non potrei mai essere come te, rovinando gli altri come fai tu, pensavo di essere lo sciocco, ora vedo, ora ** pace.

Quindi prego sinceramente. "Dio apri il suo cuore, per accettare la tua grazia straordinaria, attraverso di te, conosceremo entrambi la nostra parte, il nostro posto, e se non presto, allora in Paradiso, avremo

un'eternità da rifare. "Sì, ti amo sorella mia in Cristo!

- VenJencie Ⓒ Autore Ven J. Arnold
"I Could Never Be Like You," An earlier poem that I wrote is translated into Italian by me. The title is, "Non potrei mai essere come te."  ~SacredInkedBlood
I should be just like you, Heart of black ice, Be kind, A friend, how to create an illusion, in your mind, be close, pretend to be real, a way to know, your dreams, your plans, your next move,

When I see your aspirations, which carry you forward,

Being a master manipulator, like you, I will cunningly plan your fall, like a jester, laughing with the crowd, which I am convinced you have always been, nothing more than that of an immutable intimidated.

You are really just a coward, you are afraid of someone, you just make an effort to do what is best, you are afraid of someone, who is not even a threat to you, or the position you occupy.

Prove your superiority, self-confidence, by being proudly bold! Your pride, your arrogance, your ignorance, your blindness and your hypocrisy ...

NO, I could never be like you, ruining others like you do, I thought I was the fool, now I see, now I have peace.

So I sincerely pray. "God open his heart, to accept your extraordinary grace, through you, we will both know our part, our place, and if not soon, then in Heaven, we will have

an eternity to be redone. "Yes, I love you my sister in Christ!

- VenJencie Ⓒ Author Ven J. Arnold
Venjencie Clifton Arnold
Inspired through a true experience just recently that shattered my spirit, my trust in humanity. Out of being hurt I acted out to show them that I was everything and done everything they accused me of, then 1 night, my feelings completely changed because of a personal conversation with God, and I felt and feel sudden peace. I love her and the few others involved and only want the best for them and to succeed in God's bigger plan even if they don't see it yet because I've seen in it and #God is not limited. I'm truly praying for God to open their hearts and work in their lives. It doesn't matter if I'm part of that exact plan or not but praying that God will open their hearts so they don't miss out on this opportunity to do a mighty work through God.
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there's nothing left for me to do,
I'm just a nobody to everybody,
with me they are done & through, already gone & deleted
from their human minds,

like a recording that's gone before rewind,
nothing but their trash,
after it's burned down to ash,
like ashes to dust,
I'm still scattered here & there,
still just making a mess.
2 Corinthians 5:8
We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
Romans 14:8
If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
Birds of December,
carrying memories of you,
I don't need reminders,
instead send by wings, God's angels, so I can be there with you,
I'm a nobody to anybody,
I'm forgotten, already gone,
down on the floor, face down,
crying out to the Lord,
to make their reality the truth,
I'm a nobody to everybody, in this place,
beggin' you Lord to take me soon,
no need to end this with, 'amen', because it won't end, until the Faithful Amen sends me through.
This is part 1 based on a real experience. A true story of how I got hurt in a place you'd never expect to get hurt. In my whole life I've never been broken in this way. Blessings to you. I hope that you never have to go thorough this. Author Ven J Arnold
Find me on you tube under Jencie Arnold
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