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Phantom Poet Oct 2017
There was a time,
I cried and cried,
Because I had a dream,
That my parents died,
So realistic it seemed,
And I thought,
How long would they live,
They won't be there all the time,
At one point I must leave them,
At one point I'll never see them,

For four years,
I have had these great friends,
But then suddenly a rolling tear,
They won't be there for long,
They will go their own way,
They will move on,
I feel this guilty pain,
In a few months I may,
Never see them again,
Just memories,
All the fun memories,
Oh the crazy memories,
The happy memories,
The struggle memories,
The jokes and chats,
The stories and back pats,
All those will be missed,

My parents have years to live on,
And those years,
I must make the most of it,
Play with them,
Laugh and joke,
Everyday just be there for them,
So when death parts them from me,
I will not regret it,
I will smile,
Behind the smiles all the memories,

In a few months,
My friends will go their separate ways,
Till then we have days,
And we play like crazy,
Spend as much time with them,
Joke & laugh like never before,
Do crazy stuff,
To be remembered by,
The nicknames,
The arguement,
The debates,
So when they leave for their future,
I will see them off with a smile,
Behind it every single joke and games,
Over the years,
The favours and mistakes,
The laughs and craze,
I will not regret it,

I don't want to leave anyone I've met,
Within my heart,
With regret.
My friends will be leaving and am sad cuz I don't want them to and be with them forever
Crawler Oct 2017
t's hard to relax
With all of this train of thoughts
Eyes open wide
I'm flying deeper in this cold night

I remember when i start this day
I'm happy and careless, but its all ok
I know what i wanted and try to reach it
So sure that my hand can touch and feel it

Who knows things can turnd out bad
It's coming from every corner
Waiting for my mistakes
And ambush me with all of it strenght

Now i know how fool a man can be
Trapped in a hole that a blind man can see
My pride and ego always failed me
Now it happened there's no point to sorry

I hide behind the pillow and close my eyes
Hoping that i could fall into dreams
It's 30 minutes before the day lights
These regrets, still wont set me free
JustAskQueen Oct 2017
Of all the jokes I heard
your's made me laugh so much

that's when you said

I want you back.

its funny after they hurt and left you , they still have the guts to go back as if  they've done nothing!
Galbraith Frase Oct 2017
Tell me, if loving you is healthy
Been holding my tongue full of worries

Nature's shades can be yellow, blue, or green
Please show me things I have never seen

I'm only asking for dominance, full of desire
You had your chance, I can now call you a liar

My hands cannot stop from writing you different poems
Afterall, I still wonder, will you read all of them?

All of these try-outs is a waste of time
It's all unworthy, was it because I'm out of time?

'Could see your sins and they are relentless
I know you're skilled, though I still think you're perfect

The options I've been dealt are done foolishly
These silly reasons are lowkey plain stupidity

So tell me, if loving you is healthy
You can tell me the answer to stop and finish it with an advisory
What a good start for an account, aye? ****, this is a complete popped-up brain idea, nothing intentionally personal :) So yeah, I'm new, hello there x.
Jellyfish Oct 2017
I don’t have many,
but if I could take some back,
I would never have gone to that party
and I would never have stopped writing back.

Late in the night these days,
when I think of what occurred back then,
how I said nothing about it,
I can’t help but cry.

The same reaction happens
when I remember how broken I felt inside
as I’d let myself get drunk and high.
Nearly every night for weeks.

The way I pushed you out,
the way I said goodbye,
the way I curled up in that room
and prayed to something that I’d die.

I didn’t like being sick.
I hated the emptiness.
The loneliness that consumed me.
I shouldn’t have reacted that way.

I just want to wake up tomorrow,
and forget these things.
Dan Oct 2017
Paul was very tall
and now I have his skull
that’s not what this poem is about at all

Relax it’s a replica
given to me as they were cleaning out the office of a surgeon
did it really belong to someone?
Paul is that you?
He wears my glasses as I write
at times I’ll glance at him to the left of the laptop screen
pretend he’s watching
interested in what it is I am writing “Care you hear about this line?”
I’ll ask. No reply. He keeps to himself, or is simply ignoring me.
Deep cavities stare out, jealous of the mug or can,
more often than not containing caffeine, some sort of personal buzz,
the elixir for the page,
Hemingway’s tactics aren’t for everyone,
is there anyone famous for tea yet?

Paul has perfect front teeth, on the top at least,
he’s missing a couple on the bottom
along with one of his molars. What happened Paul?
Did you not brush enough?
A sweet tooth is a hard habit to break, it needs to be quenched,
much like the helpless need to fill the page day after day.
Classical music always plays during the sessions,
Paul likes piano almost as much as alliteration.
If he still had his hands I imagine
he’d have a million views by now,
just as many likes,
but still working a job outside of his passion to pay the rent,
much like everyone else. He’d come home from work everyday,
around five or so, sit at the piano, one given to him by his grandmother,
left to him in her will,
he wouldn’t get up from the leather covered bench
for hours, to him in the moment those hours feel like seconds,
from that bench he’d create masterpieces, rhapsody in every color,
the type of music people listen to while creating other forms of art,

the background to the inside of their minds.
There’s a replica of a brain inside of Paul’s skull.
It can be removed and taken apart, you can see where Paul kept his memories,
his passions, his regrets.
Being only a replica it’s clear, made of rubber, it’s all there though,
everything that made Paul Paul.
TheStartOfMyEnds Oct 2017
Deciding to halt my steps
Give my past a chance to catch up
She pats my back
A cold self loathing greet
Swallowing up my pride
Beating down the shame that crawls up my knees
It takes every ounce of strength
To mutter up enough courage for my eyes to turn
Face my reflections
And acknowledge the person I once was

There she stands
shoulders slumped and a smile so pitiful
In her eyes mirrors all my mistakes
painted in permanent colours
How I wish to befriend her
Thank her for the lessons
and kiss every one of her inglorious scars
For allowing me to become what I've became

Returning her the same smile
Doubt feels like acid in my throat
We have yet to meet the face of our future
Will she be disappointed?
But taking comfort of the present fact
However humiliating my past turns out to be
I will never wish to change anything of what she is and for what she was
For she and I, both aspire to be a one simple but 'good enough' thing
And the me of the Past shapes the future I've fought to attain
and Still
I just scribbled this up right at this moment, so I apologise if my poet-grammar is a bit tedious. For some reason, I'm feeling somewhat 'lightweight' and there's just this unclear vibe of letting go... and I'm just gonna embrace that without giving much question. I'm really exhausted with all the negative energy I've been giving off for the past days, weeks, months...years maybe.. ***! Some people call it a case of "bipolarity"..?? Idk but I prefer a big cup of self-control in my life so... f*ck bipolarity!! Hehe ...and no I'm not high, I am not on drugs
Wick Oct 2017
Walking down memory lane
I come upon miles of shattered pieces,
t’was your heart,
my wrong doings.
I continued walking
upon the detritus
of what was once was,
that are now fragments
sharp glimpse
of hurt
of betrayal
caustic; perforating.
but lo, I continued walking
walking down memory lane
knowing I deserve the pain.
for not being brave enough to tell you the things I should've.
My heart is not a place for you...
I just came here to tell ya
Im just not right for you.
There aren't enough words for me to describe the problems.
So just listen to me please..
Just before I leave baby.

Im so cruel, im so cruel.
So naturally cruel.
Yet you had to be fooled.
You had to be fooled.
Now where here in this mess.
Is it too late to address...

Why are you confused?
Did you really think what we had, would last any longer than a night.
Did you have to curse my name?

We all knew what this was.
Yet you still tried to find love.
Now you're sitting in the closet contemplating the decisions you made.

Im so cruel, im so cruel.
So naturally cruel.
Yet you had to be fooled.
You had to be fooled.
Now where here in this mess.
Is it too late to address...

Somehow you found love.
In the hour that we spent.
In that night of our sins.
I should've never let you in.
You know you don't belong.
In the kind of world i live.
Yet you tried to fit in...
In this world i live in.
You're too pure
Too pure

Im so cruel, im so cruel.
So naturally cruel.
Yet you had to be fooled.
You had to be fooled.
Now where here in this mess.
Is it too late to address...
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