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Britni Ann Nov 2018
People always say that time heals.

But the more time that passes, the more painful it becomes.

But on the other hand the more time passes the easier it’s getting for me to be without you.

So... in a way time is doing both,

Hurting and healing

Burning and regrowing,

All into something new.

So always be thankful of the past.

For without it, you would not be the person you are here today.
I almost think it would be harder if you were here.
Kevin Hayes Nov 2018
From the foundations of manhood
I send you this letter.

Right now might seem the worse
But the end will be better.

I’ve longed for someone  
While we’ve been together

I’d try to do both
But I’m not that clever

And I know I said never again

******* with randoms
A friend of a friend

Lies on top lies
That **** never ends

But atleast this time
I told the truth like a man.
Toxic yeti Nov 2018
I am a lost soul
A wayward ghost
Stalking the streets on Halloween
Looking for my lover
From a past life
Who promised we would be together
I do this every year.
But I am living a this earth bound
Curse in my head
I am beginning to forget
Your Buddha like face
So gently
So kind
So compassionate.
I am ******* up emotionally
The universe playing mind games
Every Halloween.
Our love was beautiful
Our love was my enlightenment
I have neither the present, past nor future
How can I cure
Myself of this emotional curse
Of this mental damnation.
Stark Nov 2018
All but still
Wheat wavering in the distance, shivering in anticipation
Animals hide away, tucked in the safety of hideaways, holes, and orifices
Humans crouch underground, waiting
Hours pass
A lone alarm shouts across the land
"This is an emergency. I repeat, an emergency warning"
So loud that those below, closer to hell than ever before, clutch their ears
For they are ringing from the vibrant sound waves stretching across the fields
A slight change in wind directions
A little bit of motion
Begins the devastation

A lone inverted triangle appears
Seemingly hovering, inches above the ground
Circling its prey, before it gorges itself
Endless cyclic motions, vacuuming everything in its path
Houses, barns, plants fly
Tugged from the attraction to the ground to the sky
Engulfed by the tornado
That winds down a path of destruction

On a whirlwind high
Drunk off of its power
Invoking pain for no reason, except that it can
Land ripped to shreds
Houses taken and tossed miles and miles away
Barns slingshotted across the American countryside
And the deaths
Oh the deaths

Those who thought they could wait it out
Survive again once more
Those who tried to chase the twister
Mesmerized by its hypnotic dance
Those who were in the wrong place at the wrong time
Oblivious to their preventable fate

When the humans emerged
From their underground bunker
They found a land left ruined
Wiped blank of human development
With that they shed tears
Watering the fertile lands
As the tornado wrecked havoc
It brought a rebirth
A chance to start again fresh
tornadoes and their destructive power.
Stu Nov 2018
Someday soon,
under a new sun,
We will sing a bird's song of white and gold hues.
Of beaming light.
Of warmth encompassing all that we love.
And it will be magnificent.
Stu Nov 2018
Tears grow heavy as you watch all that you once were begin to rust away.
You do not feel sadness,
but nostalgia,
as clouds containing past lives and past loves circle the space around your head,
Screaming in your ears.
However, you know that becoming a new bundle of energy and knowledge is a great expedition you must embark on by your lonesome, without distraction of any sort.

Those dust-covered shoes struggle to comply at first,
But without any other hesitation,
you set off towards a door that has now made itself known.
With a hand pushing through,
you turn to look at the carcass of twisted memories and,
not knowing if this is directed towards yourself or maybe something bigger than that,
you ask aloud,
"please, tell me before I go, who was this one? This time around, who was I?"
AiR Nov 2018
The Law of Karma is very deep
As you sow, so shall you reap
The bad you do will make you weep
The good that you do, you get to keep

It's a Law of Action, a Law of Reaction
It's a Law that says you get what you give
A Law that ensures what goes around comes around
A law that's for everybody on this ground

The Law of Karma is born from your Dharma
It's a Law, a Universal Law
A Law that watches all your actions
And a Law that ensures the same reaction

If you plant tomatoes, you won't get mangoes
If you plant cactus, you won't get a rose
So also if you do good, your reward will be good
And if you do bad – what returns is just as bad

What is this Law of Cause and Effect?
A Law that ensures the balance is perfect
A Law that records everything you do
Good or bad, it must come back to you

But how does this law work, we don't know
It belongs to the One who created this show
It controls how on Earth we come and go
Does it end at death? The answer is NO!
Our Body may die, but our Karma stands by
We CAN escape our Karma – that is a lie!
Our Mind will be reborn to live and to die
We will continue to suffer and cry

Death is not the end; it's just a bend
Whatever we have done has to be undone
If our actions are rewarded as we live – that's great
Otherwise, the residue will decide our next fate

Is our body responsible for how we act?
No, it's our mind that's in charge, in fact
Thus, the Law of Action is that of the Mind
It's a new body that the mind does find

It carries the good and the bad that we do
The score doesn't settle at death when we go
Life after life, the score goes on
The score decides how we are reborn

So should we suffer again and again?
When will we finally escape this pain?
We can if only we Realize the Truth
We must get to the bottom; we must get to the root

What is our purpose of life on Earth?
Are we just born to die and take birth?
Where did we come from? Where do we go?
The Law will go on till the Truth we know

Are we the Body? Are we the Mind?
Are we the Ego? The Truth we must find
The ignorance that's around us, we must rewind
We are Energy of a different kind

The Law of Karma makes this world go round
It's a Law that makes sure all's well on the ground
The Law is for all who come and go
Except for those who understand the show

Those who realize we are not the body or the mind
Those who are able – the Truth to find
They are the fortunate few who escape from action
For them, there is no Karma, no Law of Reaction

When bad things happen to the good, don't blink
It's the Law of Karma in action, just think
If you plant a seed, you will face the deed
For what you do will come back to you

If you want to master the Law of Karma
You must realize that the world is a Drama
You must know you are not the body and the mind
Then True Joy, Bliss and Peace you will find

What is Karma? It's the Law of Action and Reaction. Read AiR's thought-provoking take on the Universal Law that governs us all....!
Girard Tournesol Nov 2018
Morning greets me with surprise
A silent knowing of gratitude
That now is all we ever have
Delivered as patient birth
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