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Grey Dec 2019
When I awake,
Will you be there,
Be lying by my side?

Or will I be alone,
Alone again,
Like all those other nights?

Will the sheets next to me be warm
Or will they be cold like you?
Will you be there, finally,
With the love that’s overdue?
Andrew Choo Dec 2019
What does it mean to be enough?
To have the right stuff?
To look good and feel tough?
Am I weak or am I strong?
Does anyone long to be with me?
Stick with me?
What's wrong with me?
Who do I belong with then?
Do I belong with them?
Are they the right ones for me?
When do I get to write my story?
Can I right my wrongs?
Do I have to write some songs?
Belt out at the top of my lungs?
Are my skills dung, like doo doo?
Am I just **** at what I do?
Is it true what they say?
Am I always blue or am I yellow?
Are we all racist or just prejudice?
Can I be a soldier and a pacifist?
Can I be selfish and an altruist?
Is there a list of things I can't be?
Well, I can tell you,
There's a lot that you can't see.
Some days, it's hard to breathe;
I don't wanna eat,
I just wanna grind my teeth;
I wanna find some meaning;
Hold a meeting with friends...
Oh, wait... what friends?
Am I in the right section?
Do I have enough connections?
Am I enough?
Enough with the questions.
Sanjali Dec 2019
How did I lose that golden thread
I wrote so joyously about?
When did the meaning of comfort change?
Why does it seem there’s nothing around?
My sweet child, Blue, I love you, I do.
But I must follow this path I have paved
Through changes thick or wrong
You and I must be strong.
But my love, do you resent me today?

Dear baby Blue, my sweet child its true
I don’t feel it in my breath these days.
But I assure you I will still find
All the reasons that have us bind
To this world and these fleeting ways.
I must ask, is that enough?
For all that I have now become.
Is this a sin drowning me in its wake?
My sweet love of Blue, I have to tell you, I do.
Soon this ocean will consume my name.
The thing about love
There's no air spaces between those letters
You suffer alone or give without measure
You take to the sky on your own
Or have your wings severed
To be lonely or suffocated
Which would be better?
To love or to fly
That is the question
Sarthak Gaur Nov 2019
In the midst of each moment, I looked up to you
I tried to make you believe, that you’re among the chosen few
What is it I wonder? Is there something I did?
Or was it something I said?
Please swallow the pride you hold, and tell me what wrong I did?
Remember, when you looked out the window, and found me looking at you
You might have wondered, what is it that dragged me to you
I tell you now, that it wasn’t the shadow you casted
It wasn’t your pretty face, nor was it your cute smile
O hear me my dear, I tell you the secret now
It was your eyes that did the magic
It was your eyes, which jolted my soul
It was your eyes, that gave me a glimpse of the paradise
It felt like a ray, penetrating the cage I lived by
It was oxygen to a man about to die
I saw HOPE in those eyes, a hope to live by
Hey, tell me this?
Was the journey we had so bad, that you didn’t even wait to say goodbye

Remember the first time, when your lips touched mine under those million twinkling lights
It seemed like a dream, but was the dream just mine?
The birds singing the songs of love, tell me that you didn’t hear those.
Tell me, did you not hear the whispers of the cold air?
The whispers that said it’s all too true and real
I felt like I was in heaven, but was it not true for you?
How can you push me away, after everything we’ve been through?
I try to write about you, but I wonder, were you ever mine to write about
Well now, the more I write about you, the more I drown myself
The more I think about you, the deeper I hurt myself
The ink runs dry now, just like my trust and belief
It was just yesterday, but it seems a million years have gone by
Hey, tell me this?
Was the journey we had so bad, that you didn’t even wait to say goodbye
Heartbreaks are never so easy. There are thousands of questions we want to ask from the one we love, hundreds of things we want to say. I just tried asking a couple of questions, while remembering a couple of sweet memories.
Winter Sparrow Nov 2019
What's your star sign? Let me guess a Leo?
I felt it. You're strong.
And charming.
Proud even, like a lion.

I'm a Pisces, a romantic...
Oh, you are too? Ok!
You like a challenge as well,
yeah, me too.

And you're an adventurer.
An artist as well. Smart and Free.
I like your soul. Your face. Your body.
I love, your mind.

I barely get lost. I know my way around the world.
I know how to protect myself against monsters.
Even my own. But your eyes;
I'm lost. I know the exit, yet not where they lead to.

Don't give me the map. Its ok.
I can handle it. Let the green light be the guide.
You're fragile and sensitive.
You're bare, unfiltered.

I like that a lot. And you like me too?
I' awe. Wow. You? Really?
I...thank you, beautiful lady.
I appreciate you.

What can you teach me?
Lets exchange lessons.
A give and take.
You seem wise. Enlighten me.
Peter Tanner Nov 2019
He walks though rivers and streams
Through distant meadows and traveler's dreams
As he does this he always ponders deeply
about wondrous sights and mountains angled steeply
Why does he do it? Only I know.
He sits back and wonders why the rivers flow
He climbs to find where the greener grass might grow
He wishes to know as do we all.
On this earth what is our purpose?
Is hoping for something after this life hopeless?
What and where was I before this?
Thus we wander and ponder as we dump our thoughts into a seemingly endless abyss.
Most of us wonder why we are here, where we were, and where we are going. The answer is out there. Maybe as we wander it will find us.
growingpains Nov 2019
i'm always the one who hopes while others get to have
life only gives me lessons while others get everything
why can't i have everything?
im always the one who speaks 'it' into existence
while others exist with 'it' without hesitation
why are things limited when it comes to me?
why are my dreams too big for reality?
why can't i have it all?
why is it that when i complain, instead i should stay strong?
why is it that others speak freely and get comforted while i need to stay shut and be quiet?
why is it that my pain has to be bite size while other's pain can cover miles?
why do i have to be the strong one? why do i have to persevere?
why does it always have to be me who has to work hard,
not cry,
not cry.
why is it always my blood,
my sweat,
my tears,
but, oh god,
don't cry.
Life has been hard since Septembre and frankly, I'm tired.
Much love,
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