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Nicholas Feb 2020
I walked inside the den
and it was filled with wolves
showing their teeth
with snarls
and growls
so I threw some bones
and they paid it no mind.
They had blood
on their minds

bless my soul
it’s time to go.
Michael Stefan Feb 2020
Your beastly desires were always hidden beneath
A calm and cool exterior, hiding truth
You waited and hunted me, tracked me
And watched me as your intentions stayed aloof,
Preparing to at last spring your vicious trap
Cleverly laid in the deep woods of passion
You are a beast, who stalks this once lush forest
And I am your prey, lying dead in trees now ashen
White Shadow Dec 2019
Everywhere I go
I am being followed
By your thoughts,
By my fears,
By my lonliness
That I try to get rid of.
I go to places to clear up my head
But every place have some memory related to you
That breaks me again.
It's not a demon that I am afraid of
Getting followed by
But it's the memories related to places I go.
Memories related to you
Memories of us
Memories of time when I was happy from inside
But those memories clash now with the reality
And haunt me like I'm it's prey.
Every place contains a unique memory...
Max Neumann Nov 2019
manager demanded: write
for all of 'em

conscience claimed: write

yesterday time
stopped passing by
yesterday i
floated above the
hudson river

grand mansions
polished shores


the pillage started when
scavengers pillaged

don't get me wrong you
get me?
Mark Toney Oct 2019
focused praying mantis still as a stick
clueless prey three times its size-
best friend of gardeners
10/13/2019 - Poetry form: Kimo - An Israeli form of haiku that has three lines with a 10-7-6 syllable format and which does not rhyme. Also, the Kimo is focused on a single frozen image (kind of like a snapshot). So it's uncommon to have any movement happening in kimo poems. - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Nazish Idrees Sep 2019
he is a parasite
he is a leech

he feeds on your blood
he is full of greed

he has a plan to put you down
without even your notice

he started with love bombing
he ended on blaming

he did projection all the time
he injected toxicity within your happy soul

he targets his prey
he handles ten at times

he can never be loyal
he does chronic lying

show him the mirror
show him the death

cut off his oxygen
don't ever interact
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