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Mica Wood Feb 6
“What is your necklace?”
Maria asks.
Such a loaded question,

for it is not a necklace at all.
It is a demon,
and I am possessed.

Fruit flavors tickle
my damaged taste buds;
nicotine still breaking through.

Constantly nauseous;
choking on the taste
of burnt cotton…

I cannot breathe
without this noose–
heavy around my neck.
Lemon Black Oct 2024
For long you've been haunted,
but finally, the chest breaks open.
At last, continue onward.
The final lock's been shattered.
But make no mistake,
resistance wasn't pointless.
As now within your grasp
its contents are for grabs.
It's all you ever wanted.
It's all for you to take.
It's all that ever mattered.
It's how you trigger traps.
A mind driven by insurmountable desire accelerates passionately, ramming through every obstacle, unblocking the way with sheer force of intellect. Opposition only sharpens its focus, equipping it to overcome even more. Nothing can withstand its will, as it channels increasing energy into the cause. In doing so, it merges almost entirely with whatever it tries to acquire, stripping away everything else in the process—caution and rationale included.
rooN Sep 2024
Love is the last manifestation of satan
She’s a crimson rose, a veil of fragility
A hidden thorn, a well-kept secret
Her sweet floral embrace cultivates a garden untamed
With weeds budding, obstructing her angelic guise
And soon she whispers of corruption
Disguised as an everlasting symbol of affection.
Her enchanting petals blind and burn
And her touches of devotion fill with insatiable need.
As the weeds wrap around her stem
she screams of blessed corruption
Divine tyranny, Hopeless possession
lmnsinner May 2024
caugh ***** but at rest, posing fully attentive,
in her favored chair, a Mies van der Rohe of a
leathery chocolate color, which admittedly is most
accepting of the human frame most welcomingly

but She, gazes relaxedly & rigid, unflinching fixed,
upon on of our Friday flower self-giftations,
an array of eye filling pink and white peonies,
that have mesmerized, entranced and made
her rigidly relaxed, peaceful whimsy on her face

the seasons of life are short, the season of peonies,
is an abbreviation in human terms, perhaps a dot,
a single month a year, in truth overshadowed by
their competition, overly popularized cherry blossoms,
but these 5 P’s, are in her brief of, most pleasuring
pink peony prized possession, remarked upon
with always trace sadness throughout a diminished,
perma~lacking, imbalanced, rest-of-the year, with
sighs emanating from where her essence resides

minutes pass, I too, pass by, dithering to/fro other rooms,
but She, transfixed, breathing quietly, she neither notices,
or acknowledges my temporal interruptions in her moment
of possession by the robust busting opening of the flowers,
an eclectic, electric charging of amentia, for she is
enwrapped and entranced
in an emotional place only that She,
this woman,
shares with no one else, a Universe tiny but all encompassing,
her eyes winnowed and windowed upon the extravagance of
the beauty that comes so briefly…
Chelsea Quigley Nov 2023
Look at me,
Full of frills.
My milk skin
Gives you thrills.

Spinning around,
I show my treasure.
I know quite little,
But you,
Know better.

I obey and play,
On the bed I lay.
In your arms I sway,

On the shelf,
I stay.
Jeremy Betts Nov 2023
A bad hand delt, a crippling hopelessness felt
In possession of a heart that can't and won't melt
Whipped unmercifully with a tanned hide belt
So often in fact it no longer leaves a welt
Only a lonely darkness under this human pelt
Always knew when the fear was near by how bad it smelt
And out of respect, or maybe terror, every time it arrived, I knelt

preston Nov 2020
Selmhem Naise

She stands at its edge
looking back

looking into.

Who is ‘unafraid’ enough
to come near the edge;
Her searching eyes ask
as she looks back.

You see you, girl—
through my eyes
as I see how alone you are
at the edge of it.

I am you also—
standing at the edge.

Is there enough
love in this world
to swallow up  this fear?
Apparently there is

tho often
only seen

    from the edge.

oh Mary
you have seduced my soul,

forever a hostage
of your child's-world..

bearing a face i can barely recall
wearing a body that falls through your arms
i was born with these phantom limbs
hands that can't hold anything
grip that won't leave fingerprints
nothing in my possession
i'll haunt the halls that were held from me
always at arm's reach
never in my possession
dorian green Jul 2021
full moon, nervous edge, sweat beads,
my lungs are bruised and beaten,
and my heart is made of bone.
why, pomegranates bleed,
sigh and remain uneaten,
calcify or rot alone.

i saw persephone cry
and all the angels alight,
stark and sad in burning flame.
a soft weeping right nearby,
holy fires of the night,
and i swear i heard my name.

possession requires a host,
but i couldn't catch my breath
stumbling through the graveyard.
i don't believe in ghosts,
but the awesome fear of death
caught me lonely and off guard.

i will try to describe it:
in the face of this feeling,
your guts are on the table,
your insides exposed, moonlit,
mine were cold and revealing,
dead, skeletal, and mangled.
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