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Kashish Lahrani Oct 2020
Our souls were intricately woven into intense love, our souls deep-rooted
Not for a moment I ever hesitated
I gave you all of me, you seemed to have given too
I still remember you saying, 'To be lovers, we are fated'

I am so tired of the gnawing pain that has been wavering around me
From the moment you left me jilted
The tears of happiness that once rolled out of my eyes
Now cry out in agony. I am no longer jovial, just wilted

I wonder if you ever loved me. The air of agony I am surrounded by won't take away the pain
You spilt your love in my life, I was spoiled with stains
But now that you are gone, the stains you caused will never faint
And I have come to realise, all that I am is an abyss of your remains.
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
Every time I felt insecure about us
Every time you stayed away for nights and days
Made me wonder if you still loved me
And you never failed to prove that you do and you always will, in all ways.
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
I am wanting to be wanted
Not by all, at least by someone
But nobody ever keeps me first
The fears I carry, have often held me to shun
I try to feign, I pay no heed
But I espy all the tenuous changes
I try not to get distressed
But I end up getting hurt, knowing people have multiple faces.
Everybody loses interest, as time passes by
Nobody keeps a check on anybody, be it me or you
All are engrossed, I know. I wonder if they lie
I’ve come to realize, everyone becomes someone I once knew.
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
If while unveiling my vulnerability,
I collapse into smithereens
Will you hug me tight enough,
To help my broken pieces stick back together?
If while wearing a fake smile,
And dissembling my true emotions
Will you try and understand what I feel?
Will you not compel me, to not be me?
If while being veracious to me,
I fall in love with you
Will you fall in love with me too?
Will you not leave me, like others eventually do?
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
Strolling down the bridge I was,
As I witnessed a day of dappled seaborne clouds
A sudden clash of wind caressed my cheeks
The sky turned into shale grey, and I knew the rain has come

I got the first splatter of rain
I looked for a tree to hide under
But I also couldn't resist dancing in the rain
Despite the mild lightning and thunder

I got drenched, I got soaked
I felt every splash that touched my skin
As the droplets fell onto the ground, the sound seemed melodious
That reminded me of a heartfelt croon.

Scintillating beams of light broke through the clouds
After a heavy yet, soothing downpour
The flowers got covered in dewdrops, the tiny droplets fell off the grass
And I cherished the musty petrichor
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
I desire to soar high
In an iridescent sky
That coruscates variant gleams of light
When looked through different angles
Making me feel,
The same way you do.

— The End —