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Rockie Jul 2015
Oh look,
Dusty memory built on dusty memory,
Let's blow the dirt away,
Give the old generator a massive
Oh  look,
Let's oversee the images of happy children,
Ice-cream vans out to play,
And skip on over to the start
Oh look,
Clown phobias and fear of frowning faces,
A teenage hand gripping teenage hand,
In case of imminent circus death,
Also, look here,
Nessa dieR Jul 2015
Before I go, I have to know;
                Your arms
       Did they ache to hold me?
(Just like mine did.)
           Couldn't you care more about
                    (As much as I did.)*
A friend of mine had said we were like passing clouds
We met and together unleashed          
                  Smolders until the forest

But unlike you ,
          I can't resist fire...
                                I'm afraid of it
Ihave many phobias
Many fears and worries
All too many to name
What scares me the most
Isnt saying something wrong...
**...Its not having anything left to say
I have lost the ability to write,
I've lost the way, and frankly it hurts
Neex Jul 2015
With the *desire
 for LOVE,
And it only gets *worse.
It's hard.
XIII Jun 2015
I'm afraid of falling.
But you're the fall I'm willing to take.
Barophobia - fear of gravity.
Tasmin Jade May 2015
I don't want to grow old,
age and see my face fold.
I don't want my bones to brittle,
and to remember so little.

I don't want to grow old,
my body used to the cold.
I don't want to go grey,
while the rest of me fades away.

I don't want to grow old,
where the shakes take hold.
I don't want to be looked after,
in a place with no laughter.

But when I grow old,
I'll enter the years of gold.
I will watch my children,
give me grandchildren,
where I can experience youth
once again.
Just something I whipped up while I was pondering my 21st birthday coming up. I hate ageing, it's a small phobia I have.
Nessa dieR Apr 2015
Drawing pictures of any opaque scenery
Instead of your smile.
ellie Apr 2015
I'm scared of just about everything.

I'm scared of spiders, they have too many limbs and too many eyes and it makes my skin crawl.
Though I stopped admitting it years ago, I am scared of the dark. When the lights turn off and the sun goes down the idea of being alone with no idea of what is around me gives me goosebumps.
I'm scared of being hurt, even though I am always the one who ends up breaking hearts.
However much I ignore it, I am scared of silence. That complete soundless ringing that fills my head and whisks up my thoughts makes me uncomfortable in ways I cannot describe with words.
I'm scared of getting lost, because even though I want to be spontaneous like the cool girls in the movies the idea of not knowing where I am terrifies me.
Despite everything life has thrown at me, I am scared of being myself. I have a million alter egos and personalities stored in my head because the reality of who I am makes me sick.
I'm scared of outer space, and how one little push can send you floating into the unknown without ever stopping.
Unsurprisingly, I am scared of my mother dying. Through thick and thin she supports me and to this day her warth gives me life in ways nothing else does.
I'm scared of the ocean, because even though I love fish I cannot stand not being aware of what is beneath me as I paddle on the surface.
In a sick and ironic way, I am scared of dying. Despite my wishes for death and suicide attempts, when I am in a dangerous situation my stomach clenches and I cling to the life I have.

I'm scared of just about everything,
including fear itself.
I don't know really
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