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Lizzie Bevis Feb 6
When first I met my cat, Timmy,
he was all whiskers and purrs,
a lovely soft kitty;
So, I brought him home
without a clue
of what my "precious"
little kitten would do.

He has a scratching post
and toys galore,
I fed him, I played
and I brushed his fur.
Yet somehow this
was his gratitude;
My sofa was shredded
and my cushions were chewed.

The cushions sported
a modern flair
Of hanging threads
pulled everywhere,
and the armrests
bore his signature,  
a tattered masterpiece
made by this furry inciter.

He sat there
all regal and proud,
surrounded by stuffing
pillowed like clouds,
He gave me a look
sat amongst debris
As if to say,
"Oh, it wasn't me!"

Oh, foolish me!
I should have known
when bringing this
cute little kitty home,
that cats don't grasp
the word "expense"
they lure us in
under false pretence.

Yet, still I love Timmy
and all his flaws,
but, he shall now
endure monthly manicures;
and although my furniture
has seen better days,
it really did need
updating anyway.

©️Lizzie Bevis
You see that cat in the photo, yes?!
Meet Timmy, but don't let his cuteness deceive you!
morallygray Feb 6
come to me cats and dog
in the meadow you all roam
Leah, I watched you take your last breath
And the winter air froze my tears
The moon shined on you and made you glimmer
and through it your soul rose
The moon was half dark as it was light
like you and your sister
and a star placed too perfectly at your side
which I believe was your brother

and God gave me a chance to look at all of you one last time

Run kids and don't look back

I'll be right behind you
Rocky, Leah, Molly (Mojang).

I love you 3 all so much, roam free in Heaven.
rose Dec 2024
In the depths of my despair, when all seemed doomed,
A furry companion entered my life, a gift bloomed.
Rocket, a cat with eyes that shone like stars,
Became the beacon that guided me through life's wars.

I had lost all hope, my soul weighed down by sorrow,
Drowning in a sea of darkness with no glimpse of tomorrow.
But this feline friend, with his playful antics and gentle purr,
Slowly began to mend the wounds that time could not deter.

Rocket, with his boundless energy and infectious cheer,
Reminded me that life was worth living, that joy was near.
He would prance and leap, chasing imaginary prey,
Bringing laughter and levity to even the gloomiest day.

As I watched him explore the world with such unbridled delight,
I found myself drawn back to the simple pleasures once out of sight.
The way he would curl up beside me, offering warmth and solace,
Soothed my troubled mind and allowed my heart to find its place.

With Rocket's unwavering loyalty and unconditional love,
I discovered a strength I had long forgotten, a light from above.
He became my constant companion, my faithful friend,
A reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope can transcend.

Through the gentle touch of his paw, the nuzzle of his nose,
Rocket showed me that life's journey is not meant to be one of woes.
He taught me to embrace the present, to savor each moment with glee,
For, in the end, it is the small joys that truly set our spirits free.

As I look back on the days when Rocket came into my life,
I am filled with a profound gratitude, a sense of renewed strife.
For this feline savior, with his unwavering spirit and grace,
Has forever etched his paw prints upon my heart's sacred space.

Rocket, my dear friend, my reason to live and to thrive,
Your presence has ignited a flame within me, a will to survive.
Through your unwavering love and steadfast companionship,
You have restored my hope and set my soul on a new, brighter trip.
M R Mathews Dec 2024
My heart yearns for her to live the longest of days,
I pine to have her a year longer.
My sweet Missy,
The one I have guided through youth and the one I will guide through her final most fragile days.

I can see the light in her eyes grow dim with dull torpor.
I can feel the sluggish sense of enervation in her spirit,
yet at every chance I get,
I plead to god for another hour,
Another day,
Another month,
Another year.

I know that the final countdown is set.
The air is filled with the slightest tinge of melancholy.
And with every weary glance,
Our eyes meet one another.
And with every placid breath
Words that only a dog and its owner can understand are spoken.

Yet as the days grow dull and the air runs thin,
New life is approaching.
As the spring flowers bloom.
And if she is to depart soon,
Hopefully, she may be reborn into a new life.
And her soul and breath will take in renewed unsullied life energy.

And maybe we will meet again.

They say that with death comes life,
And I've come to accept that we may not have much time together on this earth.
But maybe,
just maybe,

we will meet again.
I wrote this right before my dog had passed away in June of this year
Jack Groundhog Dec 2024
While walking through a wintry town
of weavers’ crackerbox houses of stone,
all with carved shutters and panes of wood,
I noticed I was far from alone.

A tabby cat sat on a sill
and looked at me with wet jade eyes.
I asked her what she for Christmas wills,
what sandy claws might bring as a prize.

She winked a blink as slow as tar
and gave me a sideways smile.
All she wanted was a door ajar
to sneak into with all her wiles.

Why yes, I opened the door for her,
and scarcely had she gone inside
that she returned with a satisfied purr
and said that she’d changed her mind.

This cat will do as she may please —
She’s a feline, fickle as a winter breeze.
Inspired by a cat I met and made friends with while walking in Nowawes, a scenic part of Potsdam-Babelsberg known for its many quaint weaver’s cottages.
Todd Sommerville Nov 2024
Crossing the room like an acrobat
never touching ground.

Crazy Cat found my lap,
landing without a sound.

Kneading my belly,
claws in my skin,
hurts like hell my little friend.

I grin and bare it,
rubbing his head,
Sinatra is saying it's time for bed.

He tucks his paws under his chin
and casts his blue eyes on mine.

Goodnight, sleep tight,
rest in peace baby boy,
everything is fine.
Sinatra was my cat he was taken in off the street at the estimated age of 3.
He died of feline AIDS about 2 years later. He was the first an only cat I ever had as a pet. I was always a dog person. Sinatra changed my opinion of cats forever. I still miss him.
This poem is now on my you tube channel check it out if you can. I'd appreciate the support thanks.
Jack Groundhog Oct 2024
Had a chat with my cat.
Now how about that?
She spoke with a twitch of whisker
and slow blinked her eyes to whisper
that she’s feeling quite content
to be in this moment.
For though she’s told me her life story
of all the times she’s been crowned in glory
by defeating her toy mice —
which is really not a vice —
it’s in the here and now
with no sweat upon her brow
that she’s glad to becuddle me
and from worry be wild and free.
Watch her fur belly rise and fall
and her purr keeps me in her thrall
as I scratch her fluffy chin
and feel peace spread within.
My imperial feline mistress made me write this bit of doggerel (catterel?)
Bardo Mar 5
Back in the bad old days of my youth
When I found myself isolated and alone, unemployed... friendless
Had nothing to look forward to
And a body full of pains
I was sitting out in a back shed one day... despairing
How had things come to this I asked myself
And what could I do?
My life had really gone off the rails...
Now I had these two young pet cats 😺
They were my best friends and confidantes
While I'm sitting there... busy despairing
One of the cats comes in and jumps up onto my thigh and quietly just crouches down there
And closes his eyes
It's like he's saying "I'm with you in whatever you're going through, you're very important to me"
It interrupts all my despairing, I smile and think it's rather cute
And then... then the other cat appears, he comes in and he does the exact same thing
He jumps up onto my other thigh and crouches down there and closes his eyes
It's like they were saying "You belong to us, you're our best friend, we don't like to see you unhappy, we're here for you, we're with you in this"
I had to smile, even laugh to myself
I thought it was like God was sending me these animals to cheer me up
To tell me not to give up
That there was still hope in this world/ this life.

The two cats were tomcats
When one of them grew older he went wandering looking for a female probably (wasn't neutered)
He got killed on the road, knocked down
The other developed some kind of mange and would go around crying
In those days people were poor, they didn't spend money on animals
My Dad eventually got sick looking at him and hearing him cry
He threw him in a bag one day and doused him with water
Put some sticks and stones in it and threw him in the ditch (it was cold Winter time)
For the next couple of days and nights you could hear the poor animal crying
Until at last, there was silence
(It was like that scene from the Silence of the Lambs movie
When the young FBI agent recalls her childhood memory of hearing the screams of the lambs).

They were there for me but me, I wasn't there for them.
True story from the 1980's.  A sequel to the 'End of Innocence' poem.
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