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Kat M Mar 20
Electricity buzzes through my mind
Surging in my stomach and onto
Every cell of my body ignites by the thought
Of you and your lips on mine
As each and every word you muttered
Lingers on my racing mind

A dangerous feeling to remember
Your hand holding mine
Something so comforting yet
Juxtaposed by the nervousness of
Butterflies; their wings batting against my focus
As I cling onto your arms

Memory of each engagement leaves me
Engulfed thinking of your skin on mine
Your voice in my ear; my thoughts are
Covered with your residual trace
Yearning for a mutual exchange of
Thought unburdened by niceties

Pure enchantment of novelty and security
Mingling with the clashing of reality and fantasy
Aching for your presence, just biding my time
Until our paths finally intertwine
Interlocking puzzle pieces creating
Familiarity by your side as our ideas mingle and collide
Feedback Welcome!
Man Mar 4
I feel that the light is shining on all of us,
Here today,
That are of this generation.
Without thought for creed or nation,
Dispensation or convictions.
I feel in the air
A breeze of change
From the winds of truth.
I hear the chimes
Of a pur of gust on chords
From a pale vision given color.

I see concern in the face of my brothers,
I discern the scent staining my sisters.
That they are not treated as fathers,
That they are not treated as mothers;
That they are less person & more chattel.

Whatever your chosen identity.

And even so, despite conjecture
The majority feel as such,
That line of a nation
Is one without factions.
And yet, by the party system,
That lie of a nation
Is one where we are equals.
Because in being separate
We are not different,
Not in this way.
For we are conjoined
And yet disjointed;
Debating becomes like arguing,
Disagreeing becomes like fighting.

My friends, what are we doing?
Is it not yet evident
That without the cooperation,
And participation
By the majority of the populace
That it is impossible for us to attain real order?
Outside of seditious and nefarious plans
For power grabs of total control,
Which will all reliably fail,
There are solutions.
Nothing so final
As the extremist comics,
Often pessimists or nihilists,
So salivate and dream over.
And nothing so care-free
As some sadists or hedonists,
Often pessimists or nihilists,
So swoon and fall for.
Yet nor too meek or rigid
As some fanatics or magicians,
Often pessimists or nihilists,
So worship and practice ritual.
No. We will be democratic
With a government
Who hears of all
That plagues & plights;
By little & tall,
Small & large.
We will have a middle,
Common ground
Where we may all be impartial.
That place we shall call,
Melanie Feb 25
mare tranquillitatis
sea of tranquility
our place of security, of calm
Blue Moon, Moon River
across the hall
feels 238,900 miles away
Zee Jan 8
Sometimes there isn't a reason why.
Sometimes you just have to sit in the pain.
Let it wash over you like rain.

Sometimes the villain wins.
With no justice in sight.

It's hard to watch a person that hurt you.
Get everything you want.

Sometimes people are people.
With their own flaws and faults.

Some are bad.
Some are good.
Sone stand in between.

You never know which one you'll meet.
Till they show the running colours underneath.
That you wish you would have never seen.

Some goodbyes are sweet.
Wishing you well.
Others are bitter.

Leaving scars in your memory.
Sometimes just sometimes.
People are people.
They can't help who they are.

Sometimes you can try to change.
To rearrange them.

Sometimes you just can't.
I walk the streets
Looking for friends
I walk the streets in
The middle of the night
As I am in search of
Of friend life forms
But only to
Be met with hate
Only to be ridiculed
Only to be
Forced to fit in
Man Nov 2024
When one self-medicates,
Sometimes they grab the nostrum
Rather than the cataplasm.
Trying to clean the well, they mistake belladonna for myristica.
Perhaps it was the region or the season,
Maybe the water table atop which they were building.
Were it a town,
Perhaps its citizen lacked hygiene
Or had no care to maintain things.
Maybe they sparsely talked things over
And thought little of one another.
Of the many circumstances,
It could've been the building materials
Or the architects.
The dictates we lay out
For ourselves and those around us
Rarely are truly followed
In the case of relations between each other,
And typically less so
In the case of the larger world.
But we keep trying!

Inspired by a comment from another poet, badwords.
egg hot pot Nov 2024
can I obtain you
no you're a person
not a minecraft achievement
credits go to marine my best friend
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2024
Falling in love; well at least falling for the person- the narrative
of our love, a romance narrated from a distance — seen in third
person. You’re the third person I find myself whispering, “I love
you,” sharing so much about myself, sharing so much that it
aches to be so personal.

Sometimes my words disappear under your breath; I’m fading
away, and not feeling as myself; no longer existing as a person-

I catch glimpses of uncertainty in your eyes, and I sense that my
many personalities can be overwhelming- please don’t take it so
personal. You sometimes feel diminished in their presence, as if
you’re non-personal

Yet, as the day draws to a close, my greatest desire remains:
to know you deeply and to call you, my person.
mjad Nov 2024
Argue argue argue
But do you ever win?
I see you so different
Than who you think you are
But I know I have you figured out
And when I told you how
Your jaw hit the floor and your eyes got wide
A child
A deer in headlights
That someone has let themself inside
Your mind
And knows
Exactly what your next thought is
When you try and win
Think again
And I'll be there in your head
Steve Page Jul 2024
god is not a proper noun.
It’s more a job description.
Jesus is very different:
god embodied in a person

So, don’t go exploring
a systematic doctrine.
Begin with seeking out
the person worth discovering.
Listening to Elizabeth Oldfield - theres a reason the bible describes god is relation to his relationships ['The God of Jacob, etc.]
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