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Let me love and care for the art piece
of your body- every pulsating touch of your
spasms. Jumping wildly; while washing
me in your spring water on top a mountain
of passions. I’ll spurt within you, from its tip.

And in kind; let the wetness of your lips
sooth my skin. Kissed by your sensual soul, as
it echoes every word of thirst, running down your
throat; chasing after every breath we lose in
a moment.

                       Still, let us not love in haste.

Amazon Queen

I gaze at you, as my sprouting rose in
bloom. But not something so delicate; she is
tall, shapely, and sturdy— my Amazon Queen
that keeps me in the centre of her rainforest.

As she lets my words water her floret by
their tip- its warmth and gentleness spoke of
a love so deep and fulfilling.


Oh, how she stimulates my eyes,
as I make out with her eye’s persuasion;
my mind often rehearses how I’ll love her
in it’s imaginations- my mind’s perfect

For our desires are much sweeter,
by every bite of her smooth chocolate skin
I adore her more than I would have
yesterday- to quietly bless each step
she’ll take tomorrow. And a reason for me
to kiss her feet.


Surely as the night is washed by the gentle rains-
I have these saturated thoughts, pondering how
she’ll drown me over another night’

As she could never
have the most without I in the middle;
her underwear feels so moist.

Climactic Prelude & Conclusion

Would you love to experience a climactic
prelude; a middle so sweet in its time;

While my eyes ripen at the sight of your
ripening fruit,

Oh, so sweet in its time, let me capture
and savour that juicy fruit,

For yes indeed we had fallen in love-
but let not that fruit eventually fall;

From its tree, to rot off its vine; let me bite
you as mine- to taste your heaven’s ecstasy;

In this climactic prelude; I promise the middle
is filling, and its conclusion won’t be short lived.
Styles Jul 1
In his bed, she lay, pressed deep inside,
His raw desire, no need to hide.
Pumping into her, his ***** slapped her ***,
Bite marks on her neck, their passions surpassed.

Moans filled the room, a symphony of lust,
His grunts echoed, their bodies a ******.
Chest to chest, he rumbled and roared,
******* her deeper, into the mattress he soared.

Overwhelmed, she felt on the brink,
Too much and not enough, her thoughts couldn’t think.
Holding him tighter, legs wrapped around,
His **** slid deeper, lost in the sound.

Her knees trembled, her cries filled the air,
“That’s it,” he moaned, pulling her hair.
“*** on my ****,” his voice a command,
And she did, falling apart in his hand.

Trembling, moaning, his name on her lips,
She came all over his ****, in their lustful eclipse.
Feeling his twitch, his pulse, his release,
Warmth filled her up, bringing her peace.

In that moment, with him, pure bliss,
She could die happy, embraced in his kiss.
A symphony of ecstasy, their passions untamed,
In each other’s arms, forever they remained.
Styles Jul 1
Want me fiercely, hold me tight,
In your submission, I find my light.
Inside of you, our desires ignite,
In this symphony of control and delight.
Jeremy Betts Jun 30
...I mean, where do I begin?
Her toxin,
It has me locked in
Open to every sin
A reckless passion
Electrifying the skin
She reminds me softly through a coy grin
That there's no rules but she likes the discipline
So I jumped in
Just for it to be a solo swim
Don't trust a whim

James Cushman Jun 27
Lost in a forest
And falling into a whirlpool.
Crestfallen into the deep
As all tension is dispelled
Into a fading mist.

I find myself lost
In a forest of beryl.
Glittering and glistening
Vibrating frequencies
They pierce my very being.

Lost in a forest
Snared by roots
Transfixed in place.
I begin to melt
Like the flame melts the candle.

I find myself lost
Fading into shadowless night
Lost in the forest
Lost in her eyes.
If you love someone, be sure to show them, and not just tell them.
Shoot a shot;-
jumping a gun, for the bullets
to be bouncing in and out of a heart.
Alas, another crime, another scar,
and another broken heart.


Give her all of your attention
don’t mask over intentions,
Quickly solve all tensions-
love her as an instrument; a song of love,
And be her instrument of protection-
her caring, compassionate, and loving weapon.
Dive into my thoughts like a well-written tale;
to understand the part, you'll forever portray.
Embrace me in your fiery passion,
in a moment so divine -imagining it in
reverie the following day

And caress me gently; sweeter than
any dream that's ever been seen
Our love, a dream so surreal;
In moments lost, we find our appeal.
Kiss me until, we both wake up from that dream.
Styles Jun 24
Under the silk of a star-kissed night,
Our bodies find each other, pure delight.
A gentle touch, a lingering sigh,
As shadows dance where our secrets lie.

The heat between us, a smoldering flame,
Whispers my name, over and over, the same.
Soft breaths mingle, lips softly press,
A symphony of desire in each caress.

Fingers trace paths on skin, so smooth,
Every inch explored, in a rhythmic groove.
Heartbeats sync in a sensual beat,
As we melt together in the summer's heat.

Eyes locked in a gaze, deep and profound,
Lost in a world where only passion is found.
In the quiet hum of the night's embrace,
We find heaven in this sacred space.
Styles Jun 24
The harsh heat of fire's harsh grip,
Deflecting the sunlight's unyielding whip.
Flames roar loudly, shouting in the day,
Taking from our moment, the joy away.
In the heights, where light beams separate,
Fire absorbs indifference, yours and mine.
Every flicker hides a tale so bitter,
As we resist, our flames flicker,
the sky's open and our paths diverge.
Glenn Currier Jun 24
Thinking of him flings me from these plains
to the nearest body
of water whose mist smells of salt and life
the unrestrained passion
and ****** of sea.

The book, Odes to Common Things,
a gift of a dear friend
who knew not the arousal,
the seed of near sensual desire
it would plant in me
like the buttery aroma of a woman’s hair
or the taste of her moist lips.

Even a thought of Neruda
takes me to the stormy stirrings
wrought from the ***** of the Pacific.
and sounding on the shores of Chile.

How could the writing of a man
a continent away
foment in my chest
a fervor akin
to a spiritual awakening?

I read him in English
but feel the thump
of his Latin heart
in my body.
I read that his book, translated into English as Residence on Earth, was born of Neruda’s feelings of alienation. It seems that a large part of me feels as if I have been on the margins of society and maybe that is why I feel that thumping of Neruda’s heart within me. Spanish poet Garcia Lorca calls Pablo “a poet closer to death than to philosophy, closer to pain that to insight, closer to blood than to ink. “A poet filled with mysterious voices that fortunately he himself does not know how to decipher.” * I thank oldpoet MK  and his poem Broadcasting the Seed of Poems  for the inspiration for this poem.

“The Thumping of a Latin Heart,” Copyright 2024 by Glenn Currier
Written 6-23-24

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