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neth jones Mar 17
hospital bed                                      
                   wedded flourish of decor
catcalls foam the past                
                   behind the eye blind     stimulus
limbo scapes rake...          
                                then nevermore
early version

hospital bed wedded
flourish of decor
    catcalls from the past and blind eye
landscape  illumination... then never-mind
Vianne Lior Feb 15
Falling plum blossoms,
wind takes them—no one noticed.
Was I one of them?
When midnight embraces the skies,
When desolation sits in,
I can hear silent bellows,
She screams for you,
She drowns in torment,
For no words can define the grief,
For the rain brings agony,
For she was left with nothing--
but a cold tombstone with an epitaph etched beneath your name.
What a world to live in--
without you in it.
Lost you forever.
In this life, we will never again encounter.
I miss you and still ache for you.
The tears never dry, mi amor.
Lizzie Bevis Feb 11
We mistake some encounters for forever,
blaming time when our hearts don't align,
but, perhaps we were never meant
to be each other's Valentine.

Maybe we were just commuters,
meeting at the perfect time,
when you needed steady ground,
and I needed a divine sign.

The moment wasn't wrong at all,
it was our expectations' weight;
Two strangers meant to cross paths,
to help each other navigate.

But, my compass pointed towards the North,
as we met in unfamiliar lands,
and you were destined to travel South,
our lives just had different plans.

We were wrong for who we were,
yet, perfect in that moment of stay.
We were not meant for endless tomorrows,
but to help each other find our way.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Sometimes love isn't forever.
But, I hope that one day,
I will meet the one.
Xoundor Feb 6
A rupture in silence, stolen peace
Uninviting brightness signalling my release
Unshackled, torn from where I lay
Involuntary I enter the fray

I present thou my mere body and soul
Unbeknownst this presence shall take its toll
Overwhelmingly consumed, sworn to cherish
Inevitably destined to once again perish

Carve the canvas, paint the way
Defiant to thy bidding, led astray
Cast adrift where echoes wane
Cursed to orbit fear and pain

Wounded and struggling to retrace
Attempts to rekindle, efforts to replace
Futility lies beneath the dark glare of despair
One shall not walk this dreadful path, I swear

The forsaken now seek to guide
Where many had fallen and tried
The adept stand as stronghold where one should falter
A last and valiant attempt for fate to alter

Inexorable strife lurking from the uncharted rift
Once more, my soul I lay as gift
In brittle armor I stand before thee, ghost
And plead to take me off this tarnished coast

Sink where time no longer weighs
Fade into the quiet haze
As the echoes draw a conclusion to the trail of shattered stone
In the moment of reckoning all will be reduced to dust and bone

Now the echoes draw their final breath
All is dust, yet what defines death?
This is the first poem I ever wrote. I present you my soul.
Kenshō Dec 2024
We met once again,
In an instance
Outside of time.

You reminded me
You hadn't gone.
And, we caught up
On moments lost.

You explained,
It was just
A misunderstanding.

You had hid away,
To make us all
How much we loved you
When you were

The solace I felt
At your return
Filled me up.
Just like old times.

Until, you needed to go
Leaving me wondering,
When I'll see you again.

For, you had many
Loved ones to visit
That night;

And you were the
Shared connection
Between us all.

As I wiped the
Sleep from my eye,
I got ready for the day
Without you.


Yes, my friend, my heart has enough space to carry you a thousand times, back and forth from here to there. And, I know there will be a space for me in yours when I see you then.
I love you forever!
JD Lovell Dec 2024
I remember how I loved you,
and I knew you loved me too,
it was oh so long ago!
now I am this man,
while you are now their mam,
yet once we were one,
just two touching souls

I remember how you kissed me,
and I knew that it was just me,
days that should come wrapped up with a bow,
Then we were naughty,
Now around 40,
Yet once we were one,
just two touching souls

Oh yes, so young!
oh yes, so free!
unfortunately not forever to be
Oh you were 'his'
as so, I was 'hers'
but that is life,
its sometimes how it goes!
then we grew up, as we grew apart,
almost a magnetic reversal of hearts,
but i still remember
that first night,
that September,
when we held our toes touched
and so did our souls
for Miss Helena Maria Jones
it was a pleasure and an honour to share a moment in the sunshine of our lives!
you were almost as beautiful as me (*wink...just joking) x
Todd Sommerville Dec 2024
Lying on my back in a field of gold,
 sky watching
as God's artwork unfolds.
Fluffy white pictures,
of animals, and faces,

intertwined lovers,
and magical places.
Flying on high,
oh how I wish, I could too.

Worlds they pass,
so slow, yet so fast,
it all shall be gone too soon.

I close my eyes and sigh,
as a tear escapes my eye.

 It all shall be gone,
 too soon.
This poem has been added to my you tube channel if you'd like to support
it please copy and paste the link above or search Todd summers poetry
in you tube
Ariannah Nov 2024
Is what you did
Is what you said
Is all I get

For words
For something
You to say anything

Time passed
You haven't called
Time passed
I haven't stopped

"I need you" was all I said
Silence is what I get
"Say something" I begged
Silence is all I get

Did I say something way too honest?
Did I make you run and hide?
Did I really say something that bad?
Or I should've kept my mouth shut?

I wish I understood the silence
I wish I knew what to do
To ******* get to talk to you

And I'm sorry
For always crying
And I'm sorry
I talked about it
But please, I don't deserve silence
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