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Take a left at the willow tree
And picture an artist's brush
Painting colors not known to man,
Celestial images replacing the devil's handiwork.

I am learning to dance again
Even in this dreary downpour.
Rain can't deter me from
The sunshine of grace.

I will become an artist
And learn from the hand of God--
I will hold a paintbrush,
My new colors I will paint.
Stele: Carved or painted stone pillar or slab; central part of plant's stem.
Ella Jackson Aug 2014
Time stopped.

The artist in me just painted my wrists.
©Ella Jackson

Feedback would be the most wonderful thing to receive ever, please? :)
Dhaye Margaux Jul 2014
I am but now a young adult
And may you please consider this
I do not  want for an applause
Or recognition to be pleased

I am here at this stage
I'm at the middle of my life
So I just wish my future days
Won't be that sad nor full of strife

The only thing that could help me
Keep away from all the pressures
Is this feeling that I am free-
Freedom in words and in gestures

Have you considered to speak your mind
To tell those things you really feel?
Or you just sit down in one corner
Then cry alone, nothing could heal?

Oh youth, please do remember this
The only thing I could tell you
You have this big chance to be happy
There are much things that you can do

Your hands are skilled in making things
They almost beg, hear when they call
The crafts that only you could make
Now is the time to show them all

Your words that long hidden inside
Could be the best song or story
Or they could be the finest poem
Let them be heard, let the world see

If you can paint, just paint it all
If you can sing, just sing it out
If you can write, just write the words
No matter what, feel free to shout

Life is too short to **** yourself
By doing things you do not want
Or just to grow old with much regrets
That in the end you'll make a rant

Always remember that time's a gem
You should not waste, you should not stop
While still young, go for your dreams
Express yourself and reach the top!
To the young artists:
Go for your passion. Go for your dreams.
Don't waste your time. Be free. Express yourselves. Express your creativity. There is art in everything. There is an artist inside of everyone of us.
Sarah Coulston Jul 2014
The brush is still in the garage
on the cold, cement floor
beside the empty tin of paint,
its sides eternally dripping
with a dried, buttercup hue.

The walls which we smothered with color
are faded, now riddled with children’s earthy hand-prints
after a day in the mud. A mess to us,
the results of battles, safaris,
and space travels to them.

I could paint over the marks,
start over fresh and show off to friends.
But I think I’ll let it be.
No longer the bright yellow of a sun trapped in a painting,
these four walls have still brightened many days.

There has been roaring laughter,
divided by a few screaming matches
that have made the dog whimper.
This room has seen much of our lives,
and life cannot be painted over so easily.

So it stays. The color will always be buttercup to me.
S Jul 2014
I wonder how long it will take me to be whole.

You might think that this sounds odd or possibly vain, but it is a thought that torments me constantly as I am driving home in the wee hours of the morning.

I'm tired of being captured by the picture that others have of me, as I am more than a nervous disposition and a small frame.

Everyday I go through the motions, yet everyone I experience seems to see right through me. I am only a temporary splotch of paint that will be covered up on their canvas of convenience.

I finally reached my breaking point, and as I stood there with tears leaking through my closed eyes, you asked me if I was okay and at first I didn't even hear your voice.

I try to keep my emotions under control, but I have come to accept the fact that humans can only hold in so many different feelings before they explode.

You saw the small crumble of my body and mind, watched all of my colors pour out of me, and yet you stayed.

I am entirely grateful.
Lani Foronda Jul 2014
We're all authors
We have stacks upon stacks of paper
Piling high
Of what we wish could happen
Of what really did happen.
We're all painters
Tubes of endless
& in betweens.
We try to make a prettier picture
Of what's in front of us.
Try to take something ordinary
And make it other worldly.
We're all photographers
Film strips
Memory cards.
We capture the moment
Lock them in our hearts
Imprint them upon our brains
Because we don't want to forget.
We are all artists.
Because we each have visions
And create them
In order for others to see what we see
Feel what we feel.
June 22, 2013
Autece Soul Jul 2014
Stroke, stroke, dip
Stroke, stroke, dip
The writings on the wall
The words from my lips
The vibrant red is live
On the brush it drips
Paintings of my pain
Sanity losing grip
A world now warped
The handle starts to slip
Years of wear and tear
A heart with a small chip
Cracks began to grow
As the wall starts to bleed
Stains scar the surface
A wounded soul in need
Acrylic love ascends
Brushes with such speed
Paintings of my love
An attempt of good deeds
Soon is forgotten
As the walls start to strip
Unable to let go
The paint starts to rip
The tears began to form
The shaft loses grip
The writings on the wall
The words from my lips
The vibrant red is dead
On the brush it drips
Paintings of my pain
Stroke, stroke, dip
Unable to escape
Stroke, stroke, dip
Paintbrush by Autece Soul is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Unknown Jul 2014
Just take it easy
Let your heart beat freely
Slow down
Breathe deeply
And dance the sounds
Of peace

Forge a gentleness
Over the stress
Callused onto your mind
Run your fingers through your hair
And smile as you stare
Into the eyes of ecstasy

Cast a shadow over your
And let euphoria caress
Your weary soul

Embrace the music
Of joyful energy
And soak in the layers
Of awe

Happiness comes
In the color you choose
And the world
Is your pallet
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