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What do you do
If your spirits feeling blue?
Grab a jacket, go outside
And don't forget your shoes!
Take a walk, enjoy the sun
And enjoy the breeze
It'll feel like heaven, unlike this hell
Which we're living.
Ashlyn May 2020
The sun shown bright
and yellow.
Leaving my skin red like an apple.
The breeze moves my
hair like a ripple in water...

Hearing nothing but the birds sing,
And feeling nothing
but the grass and wheat
beneath my feet.
I run.
Finally, feeling free...
In a world of pain.
A school project. We had to focus on imagery, and include sensory diction.
Thomas Apr 2020
As I looked up,
under the night's blue overhung,
A moonlit hollow.
I could not know what the people were,
nor the things,
That grew within the garden walls.

But I was not saddened,
I was not cold,
Beyond a closed window's glow,
and hearing only the rustling
Of grass in the gutter.
Blackenedfigs Apr 2020
And just like that,
the warm summer nights begin.

The desert's short-lived Spring
mostly undeniable in the cooled evenings.

The palm fronds swaying in a cowardly breeze,
the ruffling of bird feathers, housed in their pine nests.

All to be replaced by the chirping of the crickets,
the shrieking of the cicadas, and the yelling

of cats in heat
of quarreling couples nearing their ends
of babies too feverish to sleep
of lovers exorcising their souls through open windows

for all of the night to hear.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
I hear whispering outside
The wind as your name is cried
My company on these nights so cold
Rhythmic song keeping my hand to hold
I miss you, and everything I hear or see reminds me of you somehow.
Sage Richardson Mar 2020
A windless night,
Two worlds meet again
Beneath the child star light
A collision for the ages—
The time between each
From the outside looking in

September 22nd, 2016
Emily Mitchell Feb 2020
Some may think it odd

                    to see me outside

     dancing around

              with the wind as my guide....
This is a small bit of a poem that I wrote a long time ago... I need to find the rest of it... I just remember this line... I thought it was cute... I actually used to do that hahaha and still may occasionally now if the mood strikes me hahaha... XP  woah! a poem from me that's not a haiku!  hahaha X'D
Sydney Feb 2020
New but old
New feelings
But old friends
New time
Old place
New boat
Old sea
New outside
Old inside
New friends
Old feelings
Old but new
John McCafferty Jan 2020
Morning risers
No surprises the days begun
Come freshen your mind
Present yourself and
step outside with sharpened tools
To help the world

When light withdraws
Slow your thoughts
Reflect and heal to
recover from another time
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
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