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Tinker Bell Jun 2016
A blank notebook stares at me,
Crisp pages, neat edges and lines
A pencil sharpened until the tip ******,
placed by the side.

I carefully carve slanted letters,
bundle them into words, into sentences..
and gradually,
I switch to sketches and doodles;
weird shapes,
mindlessly drawn (mostly spirals)..
Dragging the pencil to and fro
until it becomes blunt and curved.

Pens are convenient
but pencils are better.
You can always erase the mistakes,
though they leave scars and marks.

How long I sit there, I don't know.

I go to sleep,
and an abandoned notebook,
buried under tomes,
sits quietly on the desk,
telling the stories I've written.
I just bought
A new notebook today
Have so many things
I want to say

Filled the last one
In like a week
Writing is the
Way I speak

Express emotions
With pen and paper
Spoken words
Will turn to vapor

All my thoughts
Fill your pages
It's a story
For the ages

When I see
Your empty page
All my feelings
Start to rage

Maybe I'll write
A poem or two
Close your cover
When I'm through

Inside your cover
Does flow my pen
Silently waiting by my bed
Till I need you again
erin baker Mar 2016
We were sitting around the kitchen table, my eyes prickled with tear. "Why are you crying?", but you might as well have said 'Shut up and do not speak your mind.' I looked up and wiped my eyes. "It's embarrassing."

I spoke so quiet I hardly heard myself. I saw you reach for my notebook, and in three point seven seconds I yelled 'No!' My shoulders rose and fell quickly. My small hand slammed on the table grabbing the book. Your demaner changed and you got angry. You took my hand and crush my fingers within yours and ripped the book from my hand. Tens apon tens of pictures flew out as you shook all of its organs from the binding. My eyes fell the floor, nothing was left in the notebook. The notebook full of horrible feelings and terrible secrets. You snatched the cover open and flicked through. With all the cynicalness you had, you ripped the pages and fed them to the garbage disposal.

I look up in the same spot as I had began. We were sitting around the kitchen table, my eyes prickled with tear. "Why are you crying?", but you might as well have said 'Shut up and do not speak your mind.' I looked up and wiped my eyes. "It's embarrassing."

"Fix yourself before I fix you."

I'm startled but I wipe away my tears and eye my notebook dangerously. I live to write another day.
This is a poem about an agrument I had with someone and how I imagined it would go versus how it went. I applaud them for controlling their anger because if they hadn't I wouldn't have the notebook that I use to write down my thoughts so I can compile it into poems. Thank you.
Xan Abyss Jan 2016
I'm the boogeyman in your closet
I'm the creep hiding under your bed
I'm a twisted, broken damage case in an ugly world of dread

The Secrets that we keep
Behind the tinted glass
are diseases growing in the deep,
Beneath the painted masks

It's a strange, strange world
We've all been forced into
But none of this compares
to the Horror within me and you


How far can we take this?
How far will it go?
I can't see the future
Through the Pains of these windows

I'm waiting for the rains to come
Wash us all away
Waiting for the desert storm
To bring the winds of plague

It's a strange, strange world,
is it not?
Found this in a notebook. Angsty.
tlhago Jan 2016
i know you
i have seen you
the real you
the one you hide
from everyone
the poetry in your notebook
that is the real you
and my dear
you are beautiful
I never thought that a three second eye contact
Could rock my world like this
I just wanted you to notice me
It was never my intention to fall
I don't know where I lost control
Must have been somewhere between your smile and the way you dance

You have marked my notebook
But your smile left a mark on my heart and mind too
You are everywhere I go
And everyone I see
Take my heart with you
I don't need it without you

**I think I better Ron (run)
Fangirling. I dedicate this to the boy who made my day extraordinary. This is for you Ron Mclean Galang. <3
Remembering June Aug 2015
I'd be a butterfly,
For Heaven's sake.
The kind that Noah forgot to take.
But still survived The Flood...
In your eyes.
I'd build a boat.
Out of your ribcage,
To set the birds free.
You heard me!
**** butterflies,
I got birds inside me.
What I have to say,
comes from the rip chord
of my razor blades.
Waiting my whole life
for that rubber band
to snap back.

Thank God for my destruction.
Thank God for my ruble.
Because tree's
grow out of the sides
of stone cold mountains.
That have been blown up
by the rough hands
of people mining for gold.

And people set forest fires
on purpose.
To get rid of the dead stuff.
So new things can grow.
And Sometimes.
I pick the plants.
Just to see how much dead stuff
I can accumulate,
before I set myself on fire.
And when I do,
I swear to God.
I'll be an empty notebook.
So you can cover me with lines.
The good kind.
That come from your pencil.
Cause we don't have to roll up
dollar bills
to see the moon, anymore.
the scent of sadness lingers over your lips as you whisper the word;
and as I'm trying to move foward,
while forcing the stream of tears flowing down my cheek to never end,
I can't seem to fight the force
that wants me to
give up and understand that your tears shall never fall upon my hands again.

you're being is a closed exhibit in a forgotten museum,
a place i will never be able to find no matter how far and wide I search the depths of the earth.

you are a foreign stranger,
just another face in the sea of humanity.

BUT you were once my universe,
you once showed me how love can truly exist.
you had showed and reflected hope onto my life.
you marked a footprint in my life,
a milestone.
your heart cared similar to a mother caring for her first infant child.

my heart had continued to beat because of you,
you had showed me strength
and you taught me to never give up.
so here is my promise to you,
I shall never forget your promise to me;
*just keep pushing , no matter how much weight the universe is placing on your shoulders.
Makenzie Marie Jun 2015
half of me
Just wants to fly
until my fingertips can touch the sky...
until I can taste the sunrise.
I want to know the flavor of the cotton candy sky
at five.
(Does it taste the same in the morning and at night?)
I want to breathe in the stardust that I've been wishing on all my life.
I want to fly.
I want to be where you cant tell earth from ocean or sky.
I want to find
that magic that's invisible to the naked eye.
I want to light a fire
In my heart and sould and mind....
I want to fly.
Arcassin B Jun 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

The world is gone to hell up in thunder,
What's beyond this earth , we've always wondered,
I needed someone to fulfil me,
and you did only that when you were younger,
stayed by my side when we were youngsters,
carried out our guns and roses,
that's a cozy way of hearing voices,
I never doubted the young lady you were,
in our world we have a say-so in every amazing thing to occur,
we are not long for this earth,
touching her skin,
admire her birth,
Both had it hard in school,
but who hasn't?,
suppose to know your worth,
those kids gave you hard time aside from your bad habits,
walking to your house every other weekend just to explore a dream that we made,
Higher than angel dust and 12 packs of cherry koolaid,
cool as the other end of the bed you made,
with several pizza stains,
the icebox could not be as chill as what you displayed,
I'd be your slave madam,
ill be the one to throw the shade madam,
if were right here , kiss all over your face madam,
so for what we've built they can't take away madam,
I couldn't be anymore proud madam,
known you when you were a child madam,
I love you more than God's crown madam,
forever in my heart you'll be young and wild,
I'll always remember your younger days.
I love you madam ❤❤
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