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NeroameeAlucard Dec 2015
If i still had passion id spend more than a healthy amount of time trying to figure the possibility of us out
but that dream was doused by the water of doubt

If a fire was still in my soul i would throw myself into loving you every second of every day
but sadly the flame has flickered out, my hearts been suffering a long winded. seemingly endless drought.

This little tidbit of poetry is the debut of a character i'd come up with. His name is noir because he only seems to see the world in different shades of grey, as opposed to the colorful symphony it truly is. He's also depressing as *****
Oscar Mann Oct 2015
Like moths I’m drawn
To man-made moons
To bathe in its artificial light
While the rain pours down
And the world runs down the drain

And in the end I end up
As a lonely, dancing ghost
Blinded by the fake moon
A worthy spotlight
For a would-be Gene Kelly
Braxton Reid Aug 2015
"Would you like to know my story?"
I sit across from a man far from boring
Like a noir film, the man was painted by his black silhouette
And tattooed on his arm was "Never Forget"

"I'm a bounty hunter, you see."
He said as the double bass bellowed
"There's not really a destination set out for me."
I could see that the nicotine had turned his nails yellow
And his face distorted as he remembered a past
A far off land where the moments would last

He told me about his life as a cop
And that sometimes he came to this jazz club to make the thoughts stop
He'd let the drums beat out his anger of a partner that left him for dead
And the piano would lift him back up instead

When all was said and done I told him "Good night."
Something felt different about my life
As I walked out the rain would start
It seems everybody can be a piece of art
See you space cowboy...
Chris T May 2015
The corner restaurant is a rendezvous of ghosts:
wholesome weeping wannabes, caricatures of caricature people,
large heads and drooping eyes, haunting cold coffee mugs,
burgers with fries, buzzing waitresses exhausted
has two kids back home and a young guy,
his hands deep in soapy waters and plates,
sweat stained shirt and forever o clock shadow
wishing he was someplace far, he's new but that one's not,
that one flipping canned meats, beer gut hanging low,
been here since 1975, used to play the guitar for a band,
the doors swing open, "Hey man, how long y'all open?",
boasting a cigarette mouth, coughing and yellow,
"I gotta get on the road but what pies you got?",
a 'Nam jacket zipped up, he sits while the jukebox sings
a cancerous voice and narcotic trumpet, and two lovers
are lost in the saturn moons for hours, wandering alien spaces,
the envy of no one, all the clocks crack the midnight bouquet,
the register rings, the phone rings, the manager scowls,
"Someone give her a hand!" mascara caked mystery howls
as her order nearly flips as the struggling waitress loses her tips,
and it never ends, the "help wanted" sign shines beneath the neon fright,
like moths attracted to lights, a newborn waddles inside.
a piece i was working on though i haven't written anything new in months
Di satu sisi aku ingin mengaburkan batas raga antara kita
Menggagalkan objektivitas yang tersurat
Sehingga berdua adalah entitas jiwa yang ideal dan bermakna

Di satu sisi aku ingin menghukummu
Merobekmu hingga berkeping-keping
Menghilangkan eksistensimu agar kau tak memenuhi benakku

Di satu sisi aku ingin membimbingmu
Meniti sehelai rambut menuju altar suci
Bermandikan mentari, kita adalah makhluk yang paling dinanti

Di satu sisi aku ingin mencabikmu
Menikam segala urat nadi yang berdetak
Beriringan dengan debar jantungku kala visimu terbayang olehku

Di satu sisi aku ingin bicara, di satu sisi aku ingin menerkam
Menertawakan humor renyah gestur yang kikuk dalam bertindak
Hanya dengan menyakitilah aku dapat mengungkapkan
Perihal aku candu akan dirimu
Kepada Pria yang menjadi Psikedelik Pribadi-ku selama tiga tahun.
Carson Hurley Apr 2015
The city sleeps among its incandescence,
she does not.
she watches,
she waits.
Locked in the safety
of her ivory tower,
her pale nakedness
becoming a silky glow in
the dim light of the room.
She is imprisoned
by her beauty,
though she is loved by many
she loves only one.
She waits up for him,
as a stranger
to the sea of sheets
that cling to her bare legs.
She hears footsteps
from down the hall
and questions,
is it her lover?
or is it another
who insists to pay for
her love.
She works the night,
a high end harlot.
Her sorrow wanes
like a wounded cry from
a beaten wolf.
Knuckles wrap against
the hotel door,
and she turns her gaze
from the city outside the window,
her hair moving
like dancing rays of
stolen light.
She reaches for the lipstick
on the night stand,
and walks bare skinned
and beautiful to the door.
free verse
John F McCullagh Feb 2015
She starred with Bogart, Douglas, and Victor Mature.
The Smokey voiced blonde whose motives weren’t all pure,
Lisabeth Scott was the last of her line;
Femme Fatales of film Noir, you know her kind.
In the forties and fifties she was in her prime.
She was the subject of scandal of a ****** nature
When the tabloids discovered that no man would date her.
Like Garbo and Stanwyck, stars in their own stead
Lisabeth preferred a brunette in her bed.
For her men had their uses, Men had their places
But she found herself drawn to soft feminine faces.
Lisabeth Scott, Star of the film Noir genre during the golden age of Hollywood, has passed on due to congestive heat failure at the age of 92. Her career went into partial eclipse in the early 50's when a newspaper outed her as a woman who patronized female prostitutes. While hardly the only gay star in Hollywood at the time, the unfavorable publicity combined with some poor career choices diminished her bank-ability. By 1957 her film career was effectively faded to black.
Josh Bass Dec 2014
Leaning back in my chair to give the crowd a scan
Outside the bar window up pulls a van
He came in with guns drawn, hands in the air!
Wallets and money liberated told not to stare
Gone now, reach into my sock for a 20 to pay for another dram
HackMonocut Nov 2014
If I could write a love letter
I would tell you I miss you
if I could put it into the right words
I would ask you to stay

Don't know who you are now
but I know I still love you
and I wouldn't be afraid of
if I knew you felt it too

Meet you in my dreams
night after night
don't know where you come from
don't know about your past

  but we know who we are now

You walk like an angel
with a smile on your face
we're running out of time
night after night
before I need to wake up
I need to kiss you goodbye
then I know I love you
that you are the one

If I could write a love letter
I would send you a flower
but what if it's too late
and you belong to someone else

If I could pocket my pride
I would tell you I'm sorry

   I was blind

now I realize I missed you for another life
now I realize I missed you for another life

I don't wanna wake up and kiss you goodbye
I don't wanna wake up
new song in 3/4 time, naive love song, waltz noir:) , usually I don't write love songs...
Matthew Rodarte Nov 2014
I walk up the stairs, head for my room,
the keys been used,
I open and see,
Divine as my first glance,
leaning on the chair,
only the moons light ,
glaring your red lips,
red shoes, and fluttering eyes,
eyes that heat me,
that look of yours ,
so lost, so gorgeous,
your hair blows softly,
the windy city air,
your skin sizzling,
with slow ease,
your body so sophisticated ,
beautifully indescribable,
I move closer, and don't bother to notice the door slam,
your grin widens with comfort,
step by step ,
I pause,
then put a hand on your leg ,
your smooth thigh,
my other hand ,
your back,
i lay my lips on your kiss of death, ..... the rest is euphoric, ......moment by moment,........ as we both lay ,
I know your initial J,
you know mine,
we both know one of us will die,
,...... that is certain,
she is that lady,...... my lady, ..... goodbye....
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