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annh Aug 2020
I rest my head on her shoulder,
The shoulder of the earth;
Cradled in her warmth,
Caught by shifting currents,
Cleansed by ****-frost’s pervasive bite;
Tutored by seasons’ changes.

Musing to myself that she has faith in me,
That I have something to offer her;
Negotiating with my intellect,
Letting my imagination run wild,
Enough to entertain the idea that
I am capable of something more than this.

‘In the end, the bedrock of existence is not made up of the family, or work, or what others say or think of you, but of moments like this when you are exalted by a transcendent power that is more serene than love. Life dispenses them parsimoniously; our feeble hearts could not stand more.’
- Nicolas Bouvier, The Way of the World
Orakhal Jul 2020
Liberty tasked to a brass bell
Feigns dull a **** on consequence
Heather wanes wilt oer rosy death on winters mete
Bellowed ripe in reprise a thick on natures breach

In hurried flush a hue sets on sire scalp silken sheath
Feathering fire to lucidious claim a flay
Ambushed by echoes martyr
A drench in brines commence

Set down as thorn on kreep of ivy
A bit to writ
Chucks tic to a tocs tail
Wapping wimp to a mustard sail
Gunnika Mehra Jul 2020
Words on me,
Adoring my body.
Poetry in my soul,
Lighting up my insides.
Heart fragile,
Taking in the wild emotions.
Head aches with glory,
Trying to write an unwritten story.
George Krokos Jun 2020
It'd be nice to have a *** belly stove
to sit up close to like a treasure trove
in those moments when you'd be alone
depending on no one else who's prone;
and sit there beside it in its afterglow
with nothing to think about or to know
for its warmth would give you strength
in cold days where you'll be at length
to immerse yourself in another world
that would open up before you unfurled
and where you'd be safe from any menace
lurking behind all the darkness or surface
of those places hidden in your child's mind
to wander about in with some friendly kind.
Written early in 2020 after thinking what would it be like to have a potbelly stove in the house?.....hmmm
Alan S Jeeves May 2020
I gazed down from the water's side
To see a silver gleam
And standing staring looked and tried
To see beyond the stream.
The clearest water sparkling, pure,
Below me stilled and calm;
Its cooling, soothing, fooling lure,
Seductive in its charm.

I saw a young man peering on
With eyes that conquered all.
But in a moment, he was gone ~
Uncanny, I recall.
Beneath the surface he was there,
A soul of twenty-four,
Then vanished in the swell somewhere
And left me by the shore.

Again, he came when it was staid
And braved another glance.
Yet, had I his acquaintance made
Some long by-go, by chance?
He spoke and told me in a rhyme
He yearned that he was me;
Though musing swept me back in time ~
I longed that I was he.

Ritz Writes May 2020
The 4 am drive to the airport
Sealed with melancholy and unbarring silence.
Sweaty hands interlocked;
Afraid to let go.
For two hours of staying wide awake wasn't enough to absorb the repercussion we would soon be battling with.
And the new faces are just a mirage, collected stories and memories still imprinted in closed notes; the counted days of our momentary bliss.
The wait never felt like a burden, rather worth the wait to enjoy our last bite of meal.
Tight hugs and kisses, as I walked through the door with my bags and suitcases,
Never thought one day, that was the final draft of our story for five years back.
"No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories." ~ Haruki Murakami ❀
Did I say what they said I said
Some I said, not all
If I said the things I'd said
I'd have no time to play ball

I said some things I think I said
Some things came right from me
Some things I said, I wished I said
But those things, let them be

I said some things I said I saw
Some say I didn't say
Some things I saw, I didn't see
I just looked the other way

Some things I said I didn't say
I know, because it's true
I said some things I said I saw
The choice is up to you

There's things I said, that people like
Those things, I know I spoke
The other things I didn't say
Were just written as a joke

If I said the things I said
And you like them, say them too
But the things they said, I didn't say
Some are old, but most are new

I know I didn't say as much
As people said I said
There's more from me, I didn't say
At least that's what I've read

So, sue me if I say I say
Some things I said, but heard
I know it wasn't me that said
I don't know all those words

So, if I said the things I said
Instead of going out to play
I ask you now, to tell me please
Exactly, What'd I say
Marya123 Apr 2020

What is the point of fighting to live
To sacrifice, with nothing to give?
Why does one pretend that life goes on
When the courage to proceed is gone?
Does it make sense to hold onto hope
While falling down a slippery *****?
Will optimism stop feeling fake?
How much can one bear till they break?
With everything in this world going wrong
Is there any reason to be strong?


Justice delayed isn't justice denied
But it will be an eventful ride.
Live, to prove that you will always shine
Don't wait- the world won't ever be fine.
Don't give up hope, as long you're alive
You can do much more than just survive.
Be positive to drive away fear
Someday, all of this will become clear.
Patience and good faith will see you through,
You're never alone, I'm here for you.
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