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Michael Stefan Feb 2020
Love, unlike pizza,
is never good the next day
after it has grown cold
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2020
In the night's embrace
Out of nowhere
They asked me,
"Where is your home?"

There, the stars
Were watching
Why the Moon
Waited for me
How the Sun
Greeted with warmth
And the lyrical chirp birds
Sang for me

Everywhere I belong
But nowhere
Had been my home


To them, I replied
Genre: Experimental
Theme: In Being
So go ahead and tell me, child.
Would it all have been worthwhile
To tread upon Eliot's allusiory notion
Having bitten off the matter with a smile
Negating warnings, blinded by devotion?
To have squeezed the universe into a ball
During our days to ****** and create
Amnesic to past transgressions of a dying fall
Divulging the insidious question upon our plate?
Daring to disturb the song of the universe
Repeating the same indecisions and revisions
In which we must ultimately reverse?
tuesday, january 29th, 2019.

an epilogue to 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.

kalica delphine ©
Lemonade Jan 2020
Now I'm not even sure if I loved a coward,
or didn't love you enough.
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2019
Once she/he asked
"Why do you ponder?"

After all
I like
A thought of you

She/he heard
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Imprint || The Muse
Colm Oct 2019
Cold trails
Dark sparks
Wood chips drowning beneath waving path
No time
No chance
No opportunity left to embark

I've missed the stars
The skyward boat
It's filling mast has sailed away
And I am left standing
Beneath the reality
Of day

My reality
This day
As you sail away...

This one's about some kind words I once received. A mere word of thanks for me quietly giving up my seat. It was nothing special. But the memory of which has become quite precious to me. Very pretty.
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2019
I will stop
Looking at the Moon
And the Stars

Believe me
Are enough

To get inspired from
Good enough
To stop time

He/She said
Genre: Romantic Raw
Theme: When everything inclines towards the one.
Louise Jul 2019
Here in this castle,
in my tower,
no one and nothing
can hurt me but myself.
Walls are built out of silver and gold
that I begged the laws of the universe for.
I might be the princess that sleeps,
but will never feel the pea
that lies underneath my piles of bed
made out of skeleton bones.
Now yes, I lie on them...
they reside not in my closet
but beneath my frail, sorry body.
Some nights, I am one of the skeletons myself.
I might be the very monster
that I have been fearing for the past two weeks.
I might be making the very noises
that keeps me up until morn.
Have you ever seen a fortress
with the enemies lurking within?
Gates with the robbers
who are playing cards inside?
Welcome to my little world,
welcome to my tower.
Where I can craft deadly words,
in here I hold the most power.
Diyan Sa May Mga Nilad #2: Rapunzel's Tower
Riz Mack Jul 2019
People write such lyrics for me
Of my light, my face, my tranquil sea
I wonder, do they really see?

Fifty fifty this life I lead
The light I share is lent to me

My dark side hides but not from me
Left to the light
My lunar sea
It's 50 if you include the title
The uniVerse Apr 2017
They say talking to yourself is a sign of madness, but who cares what they say no one else can hear them.
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