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K Balachandran Jun 2015
Tall avenue trees, so lush, standing either side of the road,
heads bend inwards playfully, to touch foreheads together,
were  in a blooming contest, a riot of colors wherever one turns,
no wonder, remember, this is Bangalore, the city of countless gardens.

The noon sun eager to  join  the mirth, is generous with light,splash
over the flowers of many hues, violet, red, butter white, yellow,
and the many shades of green of the thick crown foliage make,
with a rare delight, never displayed, in any other time of the day.

A midday lull pervades, very few people on the street,he was
relishing the mood, smiling to himself,but the lone girl, full of cheer
walking towards him, decided to respond, with equal fervor,
just then, a sudden wild wind shook the trees, as if it was pre -arranged
causing a shower of pollen,drenching her all over, she stood stunned,
in response he ran forward, hoping to rid her of the profusion of pollen,
what  at that moment she needed was a hug; he gave it to her quick,
they stood looking eye to eye, certain dreams happen in broad day light
even forgetting that one is awake;before they realized they became
day light robbers, robbing each other's heart, in an idyllic moment,
A magic moment, is around the corner;
don't fail to see it, keep your mind and eyes open!
Kim Yu May 2015
I’ve been wishing for that moment
That moment to address my statement
Not verbally but telepathically,
Not harsh but sweet and gently.

I want that moment with you
A moment for two
I want to stare at your cute face,
Go deep in your heart and find my dwelling place.

I want to go somewhere with you
Somewhere quiet, just me and you
I don’t want anything else but your lips,
Soften them up with a steamy kiss.

I want that moment in the palm of my hand
With words no tongue can comprehend.
I want that moment with you
A moment for two.
Eve May 2015
The year of the downfall
The year of the broken
The month when every human built walls
The month when returned with pride every token
The week of the undying lust
The week of the of the pardons of the unjust
The day the skyscrapers fell
The day the dirt started to rot
The hour of the broken majestic bell
The hour of your first cut
The moment of truth
The moment of dead roots

Those are nothing,
Compared to
     That moment I lost you.  ~~

^_^ p.s nothing too personal
EJT May 2015
evening everlasting;
          the night dissolved, seeping into the world


existence echoed, persisted behind us
Over sweet sighing, parting.

Like a dream I had forgotten how it had begun.
So, I was left to be aware of what was before me.
I glanced at this hand,
& a moment of infinity
was entered.
I was at the cusp of the end of an exhale
Pressing my lungs to my heart
Held in my sight:
the shape of those fingers,
half curled over the air.
                A shift! The pairs were caught:
For the first, ever, I was sealed;
it happened     inside       thoseeyes.

The world echoed its way out a backdoor behind us.
Shut, my breath gave out to a quick intake.

As in a dream I traced the sweet remembered melody melded of that still moment: a soft ringing, clean&pure.;
I woke up.
Night at the Mausoleum
Valo Salo May 2015
This moment someone
Runs down a staircase
And out the front door

This moment a planet
Crash into a distant sun
Million years from here

This moment a child
Helpless and lost
Cries out of sheer fear

This moment banality
Is **** on your jeans
Hope but only sorrow

This moment somewhere
Someone give birth
And someone is dying

This moment blood
Runs out of an animal
A human is slaughtered

This moment a song
Runs out of lines
And out of tune
mk May 2015
heart beating
you stop
“I love you”
I open my eyes
“I love you too”
and the moment
in the dark
for us
to keep
your arms
around me
your mouth
pressing against mine
my body
the rhythm
of yours
like waves
against the shore
so lost
in the moment
so lost
in each other
so lost
in this world
finally finding
one another
summer air
warm nights
I can’t let this end
hold on tight
I want to wrap it
and tuck it away
when the future comes
I will say
I was young
and in love
and that moment
that moment
was enough
// yesterday was magical; words don't do justice //
Devashish Kumar May 2015
"I want this to last forever.”
And there it was forever.
Why is it difficult to understand that
Nothing lasts forever?
Why can’t we be happy for the moment?
Why can’t we embrace the moment
And forget the future?
Why can’t we be grateful for what we have right now?
Why can’t we make these moments count?
Why can’t we be happy for now?
Why does it have to last forever?
The joy of the moment is not measured with time,
But with memories.
Let’s live these moments in a way that
These moments stay with us forever.
Remember only thing that lasts forever is the fact that
Nothing lasts forever.
Kenshō May 2015
Inheritance and loss
Time and space spans across
Planes of infinitude
Round of rebirth

Playing ten thousand games
Yet sparkling in each molecule
It vibrates complete

You are it and it is you
How could it be any other way?
That crazy moment when
Happens a lot..
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