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Espresso manic Feb 2018
and the traffic in your life is terrible,
drive forth.

When the sleepless nights come,
and whiskey cannot inebriate the feels,
nor Tom Waits lull you home,
and your mind goes dark and deep.

When you find yourself feeling sad
and can't locate the epicenter of life,
when all is gone,
take a minute,
2 minutes,
6+(n-1) when n > 9,
and vent your feelings.

Let the real you out to play
and find meaning in the insomnia.
I too got lost in a maze -
retrace, map, and conquer - not sure where I'm headed
but I can see the sunrise.

For a friend. Or anyone in need of self reflective time.
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
When the world feels
like one big maze
full of twists and turns
and mostly dead ends,
I take  time-out
to do philosophy
which clarifies
my emotions and thoughts
and progresses my mind
towards the wisdom
I need to improve my situation
to increase my joy and happiness.
Zia May 2019
there are days
when i sit in daze
in my mind, on repeat
a phrase
is it a phase
or is it the start
of a maze?
i look for ways
to get out unscathed
it doesn’t work, not always
Em Apr 2019
The depths
of nothing
rise and fall
creating tones
to the human ear
to the eye
Creating a labyrinth
to confuse her
to evoke feelings in her
to make her revoke those feelings
and crush them into nothing
to be plunged into the depths
And become the depths themselves.
i made this up as i go (as i normally do ahfajfgh)
help me im bored
im procrastinating
Cobear Apr 2019
I need to find a map
A map of my mind
Because lately I’ve been lost
In a labyrinth of emotional suicide
With walls built to the sky
And dead ends everywhere
Maybe I’m stuck here
With no way out
Living this endless cycle
Dying every time I wake
aeri izzy Mar 2019
what's to find in this labyrinth
how to move with the flow
too much mist and identical plinths
no Adrian's string glow
no scent of hyacinths
is a pathway ever gonna show!
suddenly represent itself and meet her gaze!
and will it matter if it's spacious or narrow?
perhaps she's enjoying this state of maze
or maybe it's denial and ache for the afterglow..
Asante' Mar 2019
Standing all alone in front of twisted mirrors
Viewing versions of myself I’ve never seen before
The more I try to run the more I run into them
Will I ever find a way to reach the exit door?
Em Feb 2019
The walls around me
are tight
They close in.

A seemingly endless maze
of monochrome
full of sharp turns

A piece of the sky
I look up upon
Bright and blue

Not unlike you.
im a weeb this is a weeb reference
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