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The sun with its
Fingers of ray
Caressing and dubbing
Thawed the ice,
Which a brook,
Soon bubbled
Forward to advance!

When will my
Lovelorn and
The frost of loneliness
Congealed soul
Begins to liquefy
In a way
Description that defy
Fine-tuned to
A soul mate's voice
And enticing eyes
With a heart
Engaged in ecstasy
Choreographed dance?
people pine for the day the get a soul mate!
Lillian Harris Dec 2015
Tiny, shredded
Paper hearts
And flimsy
Bitter aftertastes
On tongues,
Licked wounds
That are not

Like quiet,
Vacant rooms
And minds
Screaming in
Aching chests
That long for love
Stranded on
Lonely islands.
kanma Oduwegwu Sep 2015
For some reasons
It seemed so right
To move out of life
renting a space in hell
awaiting my death

This became my fate
On that painful Friday
as I ran through hate
Punching my face on glass
With eyes open and sore
I chose death to life
When I said those words
     "I QUIT"
that will hunt me for life
as I retell I sigh
remincing my rash induced pain
Swallowing spittle to give gain
Holding on to withdrawn hands
Screaming in my dreams
As I cuss loudly
Bemoaning my fate
When I chose the path
Not carved by God
as he clearly told I moved far away
"My daughter please stop"
Repent and return
as hell is in front
and regrets pursue you

I turned and sought
those arms I love
rewriting my words
Hoping for good...
But changes will be as I still remember
My five insane minutes of hell!!!
Brent Kincaid Sep 2015
Pretending a day is forever
Then watching you hurry away
It’s a game we play together
We are strangers in the light of day.
I’ve learned to lie with my eyes
To act like we never were lovers
When I am nobody you ever claim
We won’t walk in sunshine together.

The love of my life is a stranger
And this is the price I have paid
I smile when my heart is a wasteland
And, my life is a dance masquerade.
I’m dancing with a shadow
It looks so very real.
It moves with the rhythm
It does everything but feel.

I can only get so much reward
From rewriting each scene
From what it really was today
To what it might have been.
I am settling for a fantasy
Of what love is really about.
Picking up the scraps of dreams
That anyone else would throw out.

The love of my life is a stranger
And this is the price I have paid
I smile when my heart is a wasteland
And, my life is a dance masquerade.
I’m dancing with a shadow
It looks so very real.
It moves with the rhythm
It does everything but feel.
lynnia hans Jul 2015
as i stand there on a lone rugged crag, the celestial winds blanket around me comforting me in my time of need, as i gaze out into the greyed churning waters forever mixing and convulsing in unison. a tear rolls down my porcelain face as the breeze kisses it away since i am at peace with the love in my heart that will never die.
Just to hear your breath,
Even though I am literally deaf,
Oh the twinkle in your mischievous eyes,
The realization that in another world, another life,
Your mine...

It's too much,
My once great mind is,
made low, by the self-same beats of
my heart.
My love I've let you go,
Oh and I cried, that day I died,
Take me back there, let me take you back,
I want that John back,
That's reluctantly in your arms.

I am without you.
Who knew death could feel so good,
Another lonely ******,
Le petit mort,
And oh I only want more,
I find myself addicted to your absence,
Coursing through my sickened blood,
Hungry, ravenous, Like the Raven,
Darling, love, dearest,
I'm listening to breakup songs,
And it's how many years since,
It's not an obsession,
Because I constantly forget,
but when I wake and take my shower,
Its your body my mind connects with,
I'm nothing, humanity, life,
there is no meaning
a void an absence,
That's why we all seek connection,
Hey if you'll understand me,
Maybe I AM something,
No, just a dream,
Fleeting among the sea,
Washed away till you are alone at shore,
Beached, frostbitten, with a lost stare,
Looking at the sky,
Dreaming up a heaven,
And that you will
take me there.
Not anymore.
K Balachandran Jun 2015
Her breath contained a signature scent, wild orchids secretly send,
a fleeting dab it was, but a swift lightening sketching the sky line
she need not speak, her mere nearness makes his heart spin like a top,
a lance dipped in honey smelling lilacs, hits there with poetic force.

Bleeding love, he is a tree bloomed before season, raining flowers,
why this, her presence or absence, an excruciating ordeal?
no green horn , his love has seen seasons, many a spring and fall.
anything physical has it's limits, this is beyond all comparisons!

The moon beams scorch him, blazing sun loses his power at noon,
poetry makes him wistful, when metaphors speak of hidden yearnings,
stop that haunting song, in a pitch high, difficult to bear it's taunt,
reminding her ,singing about her love, an ambiguous fantasy.
He wants to say 'I love you'
but only manages a 'goodnight'
because love will mean falling
and she's afraid of heights
Dallas Phoenix Apr 2015
I hurt myself the other day
Stared into the mirror
And was disappointed at what I saw

When your blood taste like coffee
for the reaper to drink
Will he ever tire
Will he ever tire chasing me?

Eyes of Eden
Are now empty field of billowing sands
But I will trick myself
Trick myself into believing that I'm okay
Paste a superficial smile on my face
SøułSurvivør Mar 2015

**there's a place where the
heart goes . a place that
only torment knows
there's a vale where
tears are shed
it's in the
stomach and
in the head
if you've
ever been
in love
you know
this place
and you have
fallen . you've
been shoved
when winter
comes to
in that



In this place right now.
I can't stay on site
right now

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