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Lovey Apr 2016
It takes pain, sadness,tears to be any good at writing.
Whenever we are happy how many people actually write as deep?
We don't.
When you cry for hours, you think of the perfect words to make someone listen.
Actually listen to your story.
How many are 'happy' but actually lost their story?
In the world, you could cry in the street and everyone would look at you as if your crazy or walk on by.
So how do you know, if a person didn't just give up.
Every where is a competition on being seen,actually heard and helped.
Patrick McCombs Apr 2016
Constructing my Web of lies
Strand by strand
Day by day
Self imposed ignorance
Thousands of soft lies
To bury one hard truth
First it's a safety net
Then it's a noose
Ava Bean Mar 2016
It's been two days since I last heard from you
And in those two days you've told me more
Than you have in two years
Sometimes silence is the loudest form of communication
He held the glass to his head,
and had a stressed look.
The Laughter Echoes,
the Music Thumps,
He, out of the ordinary,
Has That look on his face,
He's been through betrayal,
Cornered Lies,
and an act of A clown
He notices How much he desires.
m i a Feb 2016
**** the fakes,
like for goodness sake.
we're forced into a prison with
plastic dolls, who always go to the mall and fall for the sport guys who are as tall as the skies. //

forget about,
the girls who destroyed your world.
i doubt, i doubt, that they actually care. look at them as they flip they hair, talking about you 24/7; then smiling at you the next day asking if you were okay, as if they cared.//

ignore the,
teachers who continue to bring you down, and laugh as they watch you frown in the bleachers. instead smirk at them, and be a goal achiever, become sucessful and laugh quietly as you see shock come upon their faces.//

prove to them how strong you are,**
show them that you're as bright as a star
be yourself, read books from bookshelves, do whatever. but don't become a fake, or a doubter or a gossiper, always be true, and be you.//
i was in school and came up with this, not all of this applies to me; but it may be what someone is going through. <3
Lajah Feb 2016
And the bird, he sang
to a rotting beat
behind missiles and prickles
and bombs thrown in the wind.

But the bird, he sang
to a lost melody
of the lack of humanity
who foreshadowed tragedy.

He whistled all he could
but the gun beat seemed to rule
and he sang to ignore,
to deny transition.

And the bird, he silenced.
The last bird flew away
up to the stars
where all the civilised remain.
Just wrote it, open to interpretation and comments for improvement!!!!
Paul Butters Jan 2016
A Note to myself and You:

“Don’t feed the Trolls” they say,
So don’t reply to them.
(Delete or block them if you can).

Let their bile or guile stand alone,
So that others can see
What bad people they are.

Ignore them completely.
Leave them to drown in the Silence.

Paul Butters
Having been flamed and maybe trolled in the past elsewhere.
We're quickly growing apart.
You ignore me.
We don't talk.
You'll look at me from across the room,
Like you're looking right through me.
But you'll never walk over, let alone say anything.
Maybe it's my fault,
Maybe I was too boring,
Or that I never gifted you.
I'm sorry I didn't meet you're expectations.
But I tried and In will continue to try until, you give up on me completely.
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