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Bill Sep 2014
This life is a mysterious one,
Happy, sadness, boredom, fun.

So many people walk this earth,
Yet lonely isolation weighs over mirth.

When lonesome desires cross my mind,
It's a faithful companion I wish to find.

Yet when company sounds an irksome tone,
I wish to leave and be all alone.
cait-cait Oct 2014
i remember them
better than they remember me
i'm sure
my hate like the tip of an iceberg
drifting in the back
of my mind
driving me insane
since it seems like its been
maybe forgiveness
however much i hate the concept
is the right idea
when it comes to
their nature,
and my closure.
having friends is a pain
Aderyn Aug 2014
I am as blue as the apparent veins around wrists,
My life is as colourless as my pale body.
My mind as dark as my pitch black eyes
My soul…I don’t even think I have one anymore,
It’s been stabbed, crushed, broken,
set on fire too.
dismantled like my scared body.
nature reflects the feelings.
Bear D Jun 2014
Every time I hit my heels to its sides
The horse would go cut wind and go beyond its power, even faster
I would bend forward protecting my eyes against nature: specs of
leaves, bugs
Her brown frame trotting full speed wouldn’t pause for water
Me careful holding on not to fall off thinking of the skies, the red
pinkish ones and how
how after this, I may have no one else to fly for
I just wanted to go as fast as we could
over up a hill then ease into valleys then
Home where the neighbors, all strangers, with different languages
hoping everyone understands gallop, gallop, gallop=get out the way, get out the way

The more I hit her sides, I realized we were both made of the same flesh
And that I could not control her
And before because of my ignorance, I couldn’t understand this.
She slowed down
I do not wish to be controlled she said back to me

There’s a law that goes something like:
            nothing can be tamed
            And that the grass is wild,
            And that this grass grows wild everywhere
            Unpredictable in its layout
The second part goes:
            The sun shines in places we can’t see

This sky we’re under can’t be caught and observed in some jar,
can’t be manipulated into giving rain,
it expands beyond our vision wildly in every way north
in every way south
in every way—

me your horse,
am not your horse, if it weren’t for evolution of you-man
to try to control all that wanders in free and in nature,
all that is visible seems obtainable in the eyes of man-kind-less-ness
boy, the trick nature played on the both of us
Mr X May 2014
"Peaceful Kings are always destroyed.
Only discontent can lead to happiness."*

~Extract from the Mahabharata
Mr X May 2014
That night we went out for a long drive.
Me and my beloved.
We exchanged sweet words and melodies.
We knew we were the best buddies.

Suddenly there was a blazing light.
And I saw a truck comming for our lives.
I knew it was too late...
I clutched her hands tight.
And then, for the last time
She looked deep into my eyes.

I got up from a deep slumber.
Feeling numb, feeling nothing.
Then suddenly her body crossed my eyes.
She lied there in a pool of blood so bright.
I stood up in an instant and went by her side...
And then to my horror I saw my body lying beside.

I tried waking her up.
I attempted to take her hands into mine.
But my fingers passed through her hands so divine.
I shouted my lungs out...
But all I could hear was the silence of the night.

Then an old man...Perhaps God himself
Parked his car and took her to the hospital.
I walked beside the car which ran at infinite speed.
The next day I knew it was time for me to leave.

She slept on the hospital bed...
And illuminated the room's thousand corners.
She was the divine goddess
And I was the sinful Ghost...
She was the brightness of the lights.
I was the darkness of the shadows.

A few days later,
She was rendered physically fit.
But her heart was incomplete.
Coz during one of those good days.
I remember her giving me a piece of her heart.
For me to keep it safe and protected.
I wanted to return it.
But they didn't allow me to come down to earth.

I always knew I am a sinful man
So why did heaven take me in.
Then I remembered its becoz'
I loved her so deep.

Years pass by
And I watch her toil deep within.
Her diamond-like tears
Wet her bed every night,
And she keeps talking to me
Without getting any reply.

One day I decide to defy the heaven's rules
And walk down on the earth so beautiful.
They punish me to die everyday in hell.
But how can that be as this heaven is my hell!

I visit her during her sleep
And before returning the last piece
I kiss her forehead
And get a taste so sweet.
The next morning.
I see her smile return.
I see the girl who is jolly and fun.
She notices a locket on her neck.
A heart shaped one...with our pictures on either side.
She takes it off
But keeps it safely beside the white roses.
I am a memory now.
A beautiful memory.
But only a memory
Nothing more than that.

She soon leaves for work
But on the road she stumbles and falls.
First I run but then I stop.
A tall young man helps her up.
First she hesitates, but then takes his hand.
I smile and stand still behind.

Now she has a happy home,
And I walk the roads of hell alone.
I have gone out of your sight
And you've me out of your mind.
Thank you his beloved for forgetting me.
Thank you his beloved for saving me.

— The End —