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she never needed no therapy,
no medicine, no painkillers,
no antidepressants,
all she needed was to be held
while she grieved, mourned
her lost childhood
and the dreams she never had,
the hopes that died before she grew..
half of her memory
is lost in a timeline she can't recall,
the only thing she remembers is waking up to
an empty, cold, soulless world..
she kept praying, day and night,
for death to take her away
somewhere she'd find
some solace, some peace
a place to hide, go unnoticed
while all she needed was to be found, seen
all she needed was for the people
who brought her into this world
to tell her they didn't know any better
to say that they couldn't give
what they never received
instead they were raised to be
emotionless machines
except anger for it was the very thing
that dominated the house..
i don't know how someone like her
came out of them
she's too different,
she can't be normal,
she can't function on autopilot,
she can't pretend there's nothing wrong
with everything,
with how they live their lives,
with the world..
she somehow survived
when all she ever wanted was to die,
she puts on a mask that says "i'm fine"
but on the inside she keeps falling apart
she doesn't know who to trust
because she's been burned
one too many times,
falling into hands that only
took her for granted,
trying to find missing pieces of herself
without losing the essence
of who she really is..
she's tired of fighting for what
should be given away freely without a price
she's tired of having to prove herself, her worth..
she never learned that
she was enough
just being herself, the way she is
not needing anyone's approval
not needing to break, bend or shrink
to fit in somewhere she can call "home"
searching in all the wrong places
for what already exists within her
when she comes back to herself
when she steps outside the bubble
of hate, resentment and trauma..
forgives those who didn't know
how to love a soul like hers
forgives those who couldn't show
how much they loved their daughter
how much it would tear their souls apart
to lose her..
In the theater of souls,
I am a man!
But I think the thoughts
of a human.
I walk the eternal path
of spirituality,
Reflected in the light
of my reality.

I reached for the higher truth
as the old wives fables disintegrate
into the light of rational thinking.

Our light shines brighter
when we open our minds
and see through the darkness
we’ve been making.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Thump thump goes the heart
Machinery overflows
Can't rest can't stop, boom!
- David Cunha
february 23, 2025
7:23 a.m.
My inner child cries
Watching my animal self
Unfolding like sludge
- David Cunha
feb 23, 2025
7:16 a.m.
Cynthia 3d
What do I live for?
This is a question many people including myself ask.

Society has consumed the idea that
if we don’t HAVE an ultimate goal
or a perfect life plan,
then our life is meaningless.

You see there’s so much
unrealistic expectations
that are placed on yourself
for simply wanting to reach a perfection
that doesn’t exist.

To this I say:
Not because you don’t have the next 10 years planned it doesn’t means your value is less

this is my answer to that question.
What do I live for?

In all honesty I don’t have a goal for my life.
I’m not planning on becoming the next
superstar, or millionaire.
I live day to day.

I don’t expect anything more out of life,
than to simply be happy.

I don’t think you need a reason to live.
You don’t have to live for the idea of perfection.
You don’t have to live for goals you might not even reach.
Simply live because you want to.
Find a fulfillment in life.

Having your future predestined is ridiculous.
Sometimes I can’t even see my future
in the next year.
The world might end tomorrow,
but all you were focused on was the next day, not this one.
If you live preparing one day ahead when are you truly alive?

Practicing slowing down is
sacred and important.
Moments of peace in quiet rooms,
in the sunsets,
morning coffee,
a good book.
These are moments are the I live for.

I live because I know..
despite my own flaws and struggles.
Life is too short to waste.
Cynthia 3d
Don’t condemn me for something you too did.
What makes you any better?

Who are you to judge the equally guilty person?
And in what right mind should I trust that your opinions aren’t based on unjust bias?

You judge Eve for have eaten the forbidden fruit,
but wouldn’t you too?

You’re no better at being human than me.
Or the homeless guy on the street,
or the slave you so claim worthy to keep.

Your judgement should be taken as a grain of salt,
almost worthless.
Because you’re no better than the murderer,
the thief,
or the saint.

This is where the like of morality blurs,
because if I’m not a good judge,
who is?

Who is the one worthy to judge?
no one.
No human or animal is cleansed or perfect.

But one whom clearly understands the laws,
and upholds them
is truthful.
Not perfect,
but sufficient.

But on a wider spectrum,
true judgement upholds moral values.
But no one has the same values.

The most important thing when it comes to righteousness
is a diverse and open mind.
Able of taking in different perspectives and opinions
and slow to react with anger or bitterness.

Realistically though only a few handful of individuals can classify themselves under these conditions.
Because as humans it is as natural to judge than it is to eat.

Am I trying to justify it?
And in no way am I trying to uphold or encourage it.
Yet, I am recognizing it.
Because as much as I wish it weren’t,
it’s the dark side of being human.
Or at least one of the many parts.

Maybe living in peace means living without judgement,
but if that’s the case
I guess humans live pretty agitated lives.
Winter 3d
Love is in the Eyes
She shines bright and brighter still
Like Gold
Dazzles me into a state of unbridled happiness
For both Young and Old
Love unfolds

Love exists in all duality
It will hurt  
It hurts to know oneself deeply
Love is brutal
Broken love is still love
Self care is self love
it protects…
Vulnerability says that love lives here too.
Love is
integrity and intention.

Love is God.
Like an all encompassing hug
It makes us whole…
Every thing with a spirit needs love…

Love is growth.
Love is warmth.
All evolving
To me… love is in all things
my metamorphosis and my dreams.

How do you define love? Do you think it evolves?
Our bodies will die as stone; buried beneath the earth –
We’re resting days, until the end of days is unearthed
For all our own sins have fallen from Adam’s curse
And perhaps when we fall in love,
It too is a curse…
When all the effort we give, just never works

Yet, as somebody’s child is probably crying
Would the sky truly wipe their tears –
Our skies are dying…
As the winds blow in mystery; never telling us
Where they’ll go – we hope to dream, we dream
For hope, but is hope worth your dreams dying

We are only but a strange paradise
Praying up to Heaven, for a means to survive
We love, we hope, we hate, we cry, we try
And all will die – question is, what do you choose
To do with what you have left of this life?
Cynthia 4d
To be human means to suffer.
To fight for a permanent fulfillment that never truly existed.

No matter how perfect my roadmap is,
it will never follow that predestined trajectory.

This was a hard truth to accept because
humans have a fragile need to control.
It might be their ego or pride,
but when things don’t bend their way they get enraged.

They become too deeply attached to this impossible idea of perfection.
It’s just that life is so imperfectly beautiful and complicated,
but that’s the best part.

Embracing the unpredictability of life means to acknowledge that…
no matter how hard life gets,
it has a funny way of letting things fall just right where they were meant to be.

This doesn’t justify the cruelty of the world.
The genocides in Rwanda,
war on Israel,
millions dead and injured,
worldwide injustice.

It’s also important to realize that cruelty was not natures fault,
it was us.
We created the evil in the world,
but just try not to be the cause of it.

Learning how to live with cruelty is vital. Realizing that life wasn’t ever meant for death,
but it has it anyways.
It is important to balance these two points.

Accepting the hardships that come with life means living truly at peace.
This also doesn’t change the fact that life is difficult,
it just makes it more tolerable.
sometime in the early 60's
when I was still that near-empty canvas
about to be painted
the dark strokes began
the old man with the long grey hair
***** beard and tattered clothes
digging through the trash outside the Smithsonian during a first grade field trip
we all words spoken
no explanation from our teacher
that is my first vivid memory of the dark strokes
the second was an incident in Dallas, Texas
this was black paint in very bold strokes
that never seemed to dry
smaller dark strokes were interspersed with bright colors as well
for this is the painting of life
learning we were poor
that my father worked two or three jobs to feed the eight of us
over the many years
such a good man
a quiet genius set out to provide at age thirteen when his father passed of TB
it was all he
but he was a brilliant man
if not accessible...a poet as well
which I discovered after his death
his colors
his painting was very dark
save for one bright stroke of light that drew the eye first
the crowning achievement of his lifetime
my Mother
who added so much light against the darkness in all our paintings
an Angel on earth
the balance that provided hope
moved us along
matched every dark stroke life threw our way
gave us all reason to view our paintings upon completion
with the joy of knowing that we would soon be with the artists
once again
life is a painting
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