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destructive Dec 2014
who are you?
it's a question i ask myself daily.
are you the one who walks the halls, confident and poised?
or are you the one who sits up at 3:27AM and contemplates taking your own life?
maybe you're the one who doesn't quite fit in.
maybe you're deemed "popular".
maybe, you don't have the best home life, and people treat you differently because of it.
but guess what?
all of these things are okay.
it's okay to be popular.
it's okay to not fit in.
it's okay to have depressing thoughts.
it's okay to be confident.
it's okay to have a broken home.
and if you ever feel overwhelmed with any of your responsibilities or who you feel you are, please don't be afraid to get help. there are so many options out there for you and every single one of them is willing to help.
Dawn Anderson Dec 2014
And then there was me
A **** up
A mistake
A pile of them in truth.
So why do I still try to stand tall
Try to keep my head up
When I know they can all see through it.
Why do I treat others bad
Make people feel like ****
When I know how much it *****.
Why do I bother with life
Why do I bother…
I don't know why I even try
Dawn Anderson Dec 2014
I hope
That she
Will not
Have to
Deal with
The burden
Of a trouble
I caused
I hope
That it
Will all
Be thrown
Unto me
So that
I have
To carry it
Why do I always **** everything up?
Heliza Rose Apr 2014
I have the gift of art,but I can't put it to good use.

Creativity blurs my mind but when I touch a piece of paper with a pencil,a pen,a brush it still remains empty.

I'm too scared to even attempt to let the art flow,because I know my paintings,sketches,scribbled messed up drawings would only land me in handcuffs
bcg poetry Nov 2014
There has to be a higher power, cause something out there is definitely ******* with me.
It was the middle of summer
When we first met
I fell fast and hard
And yet

You never saw it
Ignored it, rather
I did everything I could
To make us matter

But your eyes were set
On that perfect little miss
And by the end of summer
You had your first kiss.

I'm crushed,maimed
Seriously injured
Crucio-d,if you will
I knew I was never yours
But it hurt you

Led me on
You knew how I felt
I was your friend
But not friend enough

It's summer again
I'm healed on the outside
But there's a blade with your name
Piercing my heart

Every single day
bcg poetry Oct 2014
I'm starting to forget things
I'm starting to forget the really tiny details
The details that I would spend all night pondering
The tiny moments I cherished for so long
I'm starting to forget them
Which means I'm starting to forget you
And that scares the hell out of me
More than being alone
More than not finding love again
More than anything else
Forgetting you terrifies me.
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