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The Writer Nov 2017
i've never been good with crushes
never been good with
not getting attached to those i like

because when i fall for someone i leap
into a bottomless pit of
happiness and sadness entertwined

and when those feelings aren't returned
then where does this,
this useless crush, leave me? nowhere.

i am left with nothing to catch me
as i free fall into pain
a pain i hoped would never happen, but

i knew what was coming when i lept
i knew the risk i took
but still, it just hurts so **** much

because i've fallen for you
and i don't know how to stop
so i keep fallin' til i reach the end
Sam Nov 2017
I've never been much for wine.
If I was, you'd be the last sip of a fine red.
A moment staring at the empty glass.
The taste lingering.
Soon, a craving fills the mind.
Followed by a void feeling in the heart.

I've never been much for wine.
I used to be much for you.
Now memories infect my head.
The last moments we spent together.
Like that last sip,
you've become unforgettable.
Kaylee Nov 2017
I still hoped that we could be friends
But I guess I was the end
To anything more
And everything before
it was something I could feel
it wasn't even around me
it was in me:

it was...dread
that's the easiest way to describe it,
knowing the worst is coming
but having no way to stop it,
no way to warn the people you love-

until its too late...
kylie Oct 2017
one pill will put her to sleep

three pills will you into deep sleep

five pills will put you into very very deep sleep

twelve pills will put her in the hospital

seventeen will put her in the morgue

         she decides on seventeen because sleep was her original goal and all she wants is to sleep

Emma S Oct 2017
You know that feeling
When it feels like you're actually
Going to die
Literally like there is no air
For your lungs to breath

You know that feeling
When it feels like you're actually
Ripping apart
Literally like your heart
Is breaking

You know that feeling
When it feels like you're actually
Literally waterfalls from your eyes
But you don't

The truth is
When it feels like you're dying
When it feels like you're crying
That's means it all done

The truth is
You've already used up all those tears
There are none left to cry
You want to but you can't

The truth is
You have already died
You died when no one listened
Even when you tried to explain
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
What do you do when you are no longer the belle to his beast
The muse he used to indulge in
When you no longer give him the feelings you still feel
Do you stay and fight
Or do you give up
What do you do when you can't sleep
Hoping he's alone but knowing his heart belongs to someone else
So you sit and cry yourself to sleep
Contemplating if this is a fight that's worth the pain
Or do you save yourself from feeling even more pain and move on
When you're stuck against a wall and a rock
With nowhere to turn
Do you give it all you've got
Or do you raise the white flag
And let it go..
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