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Echoing thoughts

Silence between us

And gravity never felt heavier,

I said words that cracked the silence like lightning

and crashed into some of hers

She never spoke after,

Well not full sentences, slight words and mumbles

Perfection like sleep always seems to elude me

We stayed up,

We stood still, with echoing thoughts in our mind of what we should of said.

The lines on her face narrates,

How are you going to lose interest when I just got used to you?

How are you going to lose interest when I just got used to you.

How are you going to lose interest when I just got used to you...
Sometimes, it's hard to articulate the emotions.
L Marie Apr 2016
I must resist the urge
To erase every word
I ever wrote of you,
For they bring me pain;
I must remind myself now
As I reread those lines
Of hope, of love, of loss
That they tell a story of
What could've been and
What was never meant to be.
I shall hold onto those lines
For they serve as a record
Of what I am better off
Leaving behind as I go on
And what I am searching for
On this new path that I begin.
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Whispering lies
Evil in disguise
A smile so vile
That bewitches and beguiles
Cold deceiver
Gullible receiver
Lifeless eyes
That never cry
Gleam only with hate
To those who dare to debate
Against her reign
Of endless pain
Living solely
For her and her only
This Queen of discipline
With a broken soul within
Secretly pleads
To be released
From her personal hell
From which she fell
Under his spell
Only to lose all sense of self
Desperate and alone
On her unwanted throne
She weeps alone
Karmen Mar 2016
I'll never forget the feelings we made up
To keep each other alive, survive another night
Everything of us, all just myth
Medicine to heal but power to destroy
Greatest addiction to be released
Finally at peace
with these unsaid words
This would be our final goodbye
Everything of us, all just a myth
Bittersweet it was, to overcome
the closest thing to real love
I wish you the best as you continue
Prayers for your next love
To be blessed
Nothing like us, all just a myth
Ending with burned pages
But instead
Ending with laminated chapters
She was like a rainbow
But yet so grey
She was full of diseased love
But as beautiful as a dove
Full of festerous denial
Tainted by a guy named Kyle
What the hell did he do
He took away her color
One after another
Brent Jan 2016
Fate's pathways go
Like rivers
Twisting and turning
To seasides and shores

Fate's lines converged
Caused you and I to meet
And our sights to merge

Fate got our strings in knots
But Time was against us
And what we had sought

I leave it all to Fate
And accept the fact
Fate got us in knots
A little bit too late
wrong. *******. timing.
redemptioneer Dec 2015
i've gone to war with my own skin.
i'm sorry i never bloomed. leave all the things i wish i was on top of here.
i never grew wings.
you will not find me here.
i never could find myself.
my bed might still smell like me.
please, whatever you do, burn that notebook.
i wanted someone to read it.
i never had a someone.
my heart lies over the delmarva.
Narcisa Desiree Oct 2015
This is *******.
You know.. **** of bull
I can't stop thinking about them
comparing them
trying to find the good in one of them.

I know J used me to get 'what he wanted'
but hey!
at least we WANTED something from me.

But C... he just used me
he didn't even wanted that 'something' from me.
Hope he at least had fun.

Yes, you could say J used my body,
but C used my heart..
So you tell me wich one's worse.

I knew things with J were 'that' way
I knew we had nothing 'connected' (well, we actually did but, you know..)

But C... he told me he loved me
he told me I was important
he told me I meant something to him.

They both ****** me,
not in the same way
but they both ****** me really hard.

But now.. you tell me
wich one you think
I enjoyed the most.
Sorry if it's not good.
I'm just trying to write what I feel. Hope eventually I'll get better :)
Adam Mott Oct 2015
Sometimes I like to just close my eyes and drift away
Dream that maybe tomorrow will be a better day
Hopefully the dawn will eat at all this decay
Leading to a love I could feel
One that comes from me, not someone else
Been burned, frozen out
Left to breathe in a room with no oxygen
Tired of all these trees shifting and swaying
Regardless off all my trials, I still enjoy praying
To who I do not know
Some entity that I feel loves me so
Maybe I am weak
Possibly so
Regardless I fight back the tears
I will not go
I'm here today and will be tomorrow
This life is too short to be this way
Too beautiful to live it on a shelf
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