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N  Jul 2015
Chronic hearbreak
N Jul 2015
When I was 15 I told my mom I couldn't go to school because my heart hurt.
She brought me to the doctor.
I couldn't find the courage to tell him the pain lives in the place where you used to be.
I had no courage to diagnose it as chronic.
EU EU  Mar 2018
EU EU Mar 2018
Shooting stars that are so magnificent
Even if they're just going to pass by and fall
Almost the same about ourselves and the people we suddenly love
They let us admire them, love them, then leave saying they just can't

All of the time you spent with her
Became memories that now made your heart break
The reasons made you feel like your stupid
Hearing "let's end this, it's for your own sake"

Your pillow became a tissue for your tears
Thinking everynight how you can still be that person's wish
Not wanting to wake up from the dream where we're together
Cuz my world crumbles when I see you love another
JR Weiss Nov 2010
it's been
a slow morning.
the wind started early
sweeping away the small stretches of clouds
and leaving dusty blue
for miles and miles
i watch my neighbors
take out the trash
kiss the wife
leave for work.

the old woman to the left
invites me over for coffee
and we talk about
all those years ago
when she was something.
she tells me her stories
of her trips to india
and her cats chasing the rats
that call our houses homes.

she has things to do
and i understand
lying, i say
so do i.

back at home
i wonder
in those years
when i'm old
and i look back
what will i see?

i'm no one special
never really have been.
never been on a trip
never had a great love.
the only stories i have to tell
are of hearbreak
and hard times.
but i guess
someone has to tell
those kinds of stories
Angela Dec 2009
I see you in the distance
a face among the crowd

An aura all around you
like the sun shining down

I want to get to know you
so strange this is for me

I tend to shy away and hide
from encounters that could be

Yet, I find myself walking toward you
fearless and aware

That hearbreak could be knocking at my door
and for the first time I don't seem to care

Then you look to me and smile
and I feel myself beam bright

Stranger than fiction
a sweet encounter
of  love at first sight
Lily  Mar 2016
To my children,
Lily Mar 2016
Whomever you may be,
Whatever gender, color, height, or whatever career you decide to have later on in your life...
I want to first off tell you,
I love you!
It may be years until I see your faces
Because I do not plan to have children until later on, but I do know...
I will love you no matter what.
On another note...
Here are things I do not want you to go through alone:

Identity issues- I will always be here for you and I will understand you through your crisis. I will help the best way I can- even if that is constantly making you laugh with lame corny jokes!

Sexuality- Whatever gender you prefer or if you are confused or even if you decide to have a *** change... I don't care! As long as you are happy!

Body Image: If you ever sad about your body or see something wrong with yourself ... Please tell me. You are beautiful. I do not want you to cry yourself to sleep because you hate yourself. I will help you. I promise. You will learn that what we must seek is the beauty within ourselves. You will never be alone through this process.

And when you find the one I want to celebrate with you!!!!

School: Best believe I will bother the hell out of you if you persue a higher education and leave my sight. It is never fun to face stress by yourself. Trust me.

In other words,
I don't want you to think you are alone in the world or that you have to face the struggles of this world alone!
I want you to be able to rely on me.
And it pains me to ever think that you will go through the same  Self struggles I have.
I do not ever want you to be crying yourself to sleep for any reason.
Or worry yourself about nonsense
And let that worry consume your sleep.
I will never let that slip pass me!
Therefore, I promise, I will always be here for you. Always.
I will always listen and try to be understanding.
Any time of the day and any time of the year, I will be there for you!
I want you to rely on me as a parent and know that I will go to the ends of the earth for you.
Your future mother, DLM.
Its been awhile and I apologize. Life has been hectic and I havent had motivation. Until now. This has been on my mind quite a bit ever since the man I love and I discussed how we don't want our children to suffer like we did. Plus its not much of a poem, so im sorry for that. I hope to use this one day.
AnonEMouse Jun 2017
Often we tell children not to speak to strangers
We hold that accountable in our mature lives
Passing the passerbys with a faint hello
Subtle smiles in coffeeshops
Where no one dares to go
Weaving the wonderful world wide web
Lush with poets and muses, and music too
Likes on statuses a passive aggressive sup'
Friends among friends, can see you as well
So we like our things, bemused in silence
A comment left, do you see me now?
A fondness grows through likes and things
Strangers or friends? As it may seem
So through a message a nightlong chat
Weve told some secrets, stored in our hearts
For when strangers come together
On likeness, life, hearbreak, and self
We are strangers no longer, stuck on a shelf
And so i urge you, to hear my plea
Think of these things when you go out to eat
A chance hello, how are you? we begrudgingly speak
May be the best for us... even you or me.
Though stranger it seems we have some common ground
No longer a stranger, but a friend now.
S Smoothie May 2014
it's a new day and I seemed to have crushed those damning thoughts

the sun holds its new perspective over me and I see it through brightened eyes

it is what it is.

no one said to love would be with out heavy costs and sacrifice

the birds still sing everyday despite their troubles

theres somehting to glean from every shadow and dark space.

I am in love with too many gorgeous creatures in too many ways

and I cant save them all.

though it kills even to lose  just one.

unacceptable. intollerable. pittance and suffernation!

alas, to love and lose is a thing so crucial.

it defines love.

it defines you.

and all the tollerances afforded, brings no relief to hearbreak

and these are things I struggle with because they are such beauteous presents wrapped in tragic illustrations

I love the the struggle. it keeps me warm, it keeps me alive, it meters my heart

it changes the beat, it forsakes the dolldrums and the zombie-like dutiful love

it shakes the tree  and as the tree strengthens only the more powerful storms have a baring

untill the end and the tree falls over or breaks in half only to discover a new way of being.

the sun rose today. the wash of bright warmth falls over every delusion, its clear.

The kettle boils gently, its time for coffee;

just me and the sun

this is a bright new day, fresh with no mistakes in it.

Speen Cough Jul 2015
Come with me and take a ride through my own mind
something sinical working inside always makes me cry
for you this all seems to be far too easy but in the real life it's not laughing joke
I sit in my room all night and try hard not to choke
Pressure is building and lights burning low
what the heck is this smoke? I'm not average folks
I'm no run of the mill so lets head to the hill
Watch the cars rushing by always tryin to get somewhere
long winding roads that never lead anywhere
Plagued with these memories and spider web nightmares
I claw at my mind and I try to pick it out
but this is just the first act of this 3 act play
stick around and maybe you'll find the sun ray
I worked really hard, spent long days in dismay
it's all about life and it's called heartbreak highway

I tried pictureing myself without you
but it always came out wrong
What a curious way to show devotion
to someone you'll never have
when lights go dim and curtains call
we'll wish that we could have it all
but heartbreak highways in the way
and it'll never go away

I talk about lighthouses you might wonder why
they represent hope through the dark gloomy sky
that's something you gave me but you take it away
every time you say something about that one night
lets skip to the end cause act two's really dismal
it's running away because of disaproval
The soul leaves the body but comes back  to find
the pain of the world and my demons at arms
act 3's resolution and you who you are
there's a sparkle of hope and you've traveled so far
the end seems so happy if you want it that way
you merge to the right and get off hearbreak highway
you finally move on and your victory throng
it's all taken place in the span of this song
we've worked really hard, not much left in dismay
and this is the close of heartbreak highway
Brielle O'Brien Oct 2014
I was born with a broken heart
I've been shattered for so long now
The pieces are all here
They just don't fit together

I've been mended
Not fixed
I'm fragile
I'm a mess

& if you leave just know
I've been broken before
I know pain like its my friend
I don't mind dealing with hearbreak
All over again
Cíara McNamara Dec 2014
Those three words
You will me to say
I cannot say
At least not today.

Their meaning I have yet to find
I cannot walk into this blind.
I know you ache
From hearbreak,
But today, I cannot say
What you will me to say.

Its not enough to speak,
But lack true meaning.
You make smile,
Make me laugh,
Make me wish and will -
All is enough but still

Those three words
I'm unable to say
At least not

— The End —