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becca marie Nov 2015
you tell me you're secretive
you write poetry no one gets the privilege to read
you play songs no one gets to hear
you think things that are never spoken
and you feel things you won't let be felt
to you I am an open book
I tell you random little things
I share jokes with you
But you don't even know I write poetry
You have no idea 9/10 poems are about you
But you have no idea the fear of being put down keeps me from showing you
the words that are yours
Banita khanal Nov 2015
And we stand facing each other in the hall
Romantic Spanish guitar in the background
Our lips were in the same level
My high heels made it possible
Your hands over my waist
Mine over your shoulders
Our eyes on eyes
And my feet on your feet
Now time for a game
My mouth moved that apple over your body
And if it fall, one kiss for one fall
I let it fall again and again so that I can have
enough kisses
You step ittle back with each crawl
I put all my strength on you that you fell on the
You lay there in sofa, and I stand
Still crawling that apple with my mouth
Suddenly the apple falls and crawls under the
I leave it and get over you
The music is still on and with the music I flow
I finally unbutton your shirt and turn off the
Ezra Nov 2015
The way you play makes my body tremble,
I watch your hands move down the neck of that guitar.
The fingertips you strum with are the ones that pull on my heartstrings,
Play me again you angel.
I've watched from the crowd and also from beside you,
I've been the girl who made the song.
My voice and your hands move perfectly together,
But the way you play makes my body tremble.
Ambika Jois Nov 2015
I want to be your guitar
Run your fingers over my fret board
Pluck my strings and give me my melodious avatar
Sing to me and play that major chord

I’m feeling your song through and through
You don’t need a plectrum, you’re a born original
Work your rhythm baby, let’s get on the groove
Your fingers are enough to create our music wholly attritional

I will reward you myself for how you release my tension
I will resonate our love song through longevity
You’re a prodigal performer, I can feel you in tune with locomotion
We will move from verse to chorus under no shadow of ambiguity

I want to be your guitar
Let my moans reverberate off your walls
A finer touch for our creativity – a sitar
Let’s Indioul our way through these musical waterfalls
Arturo Hernandez Sep 2015
Brown eyed
God driven
Family matters
Devoted to art

Electric piano
Off beat guitar
Mercedes Car

High humidity
Cut grass

Quarter rounds
Day dreaming
Sleeping soundly
just words
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2015
In the corner stands
My blue guitar,
Mirrors my grimace.

I have played you
So like dream was the dear song
Where you playing me?

Your body makes mine
Shudder as I imagine
A woman in my arms.

At the top of your body
Are keys unwound at the ready,
Silver spirals of tunings.

My soul is near hollow
But the blue guitar
Is filling in the foundations.

What makes the blue guitar
So shining in the mundane,
All the world is makeshift.

My fingers wet with you,
What water sounds like,
As it kisses the earth.

Deep in the strings
I summon my being,
Always blue as sheer sky.

Blue guitar, silent, singing,
My fingers ***** your neck,
Never do you scream.

Once I heard music,
The sweetest tabulations
Of sorrows in rosewood.

My fingers ache on steel,
These are your moved guts,
Strings that I borrow.

At an open window,
All the day obtuse,
I hear birds in your vibrations,
Untouched air of blue guitar.

I do not know anything,
Music is lathed on an open fret,
The heart is beating to a note of bliss,
Hole set in the body braced by wood,
Time cuts as it is sectioned, a staff fires,
All the chords are listed in primes,
Is the ear a window or is the eye,
Blind in the choral songs we make,
All things are ephemeral, wonderings,
Variations we work as structure fades,
As the blue guitar is touched, turning light.
Mila Berlioz Sep 2015
I hate your flirty laugh
I hate how you make me smile so much
I hate how much tee shirts you use
I hate your soft hair, and how you touch it
I hate your voice
I hate how good you touch the guitar

I hate how you glance at me when I pass by
I hate how you ignore me sometimes
I hate how much you've made me cry
It even makes me want to say goodbye
I hate the way you make me feel
As if everything is perfect and it all makes sense
I hate you
But the thing I hate the most is that I hate you so much because I love you more than anything
And I hate the fact that every single thing I just said makes me love you more
Cheyenne Sep 2015
I watch you intensely,
And can't help but bite my lip.
You mesmerize me as you play.
Your hands dancing on the strings,
What would those hands do to me,
If I gave them one chance.
Would they roam my body with the same passion as they do those strings.

My breath hitches as you scream along with the song,
What would that voice do if I touched you,
Ran my hands along your body.

I watch you so closely.
Watching your face as you play.
For one brief second you look at me,
And my heart threatens to beat out of my chest.
I avoid your eyes, and watch your hands dance once more.
Mystifying Chaos Sep 2015
His mellifluous voice ignited a spark in my soul.
His face looked so calm as he strummed the strings..
But, the guitar strings were not the only strings getting plucked.
The strings of my heart were getting hammered with emotions,
As he started to play the kind of music that took me away to a state of trance.
All I could hear was his voice reverberating in the hall.
And all I could feel was Euphoria.
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2015
Hour glass body
Excited— fingers fondling
Love my blue guitar
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