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Dani Jan 2019
It sure is such a rarity
To have any kind of clarity
In this pall we’re covered with - no verity
Grey is not lit with any prosperity
Only shroud covered lands all in a form of familiarity
Knowing what is covered, but cannot see it’s true identity
Shadows cast through the day of skies so cloudy
A wet mist reminds - there is no remedy
Sunshine does not peek or wink through an atmosphere so gloomy
Dark grey grows over the land walked by one in singularity
Unfortunately, having clarity is such a rarity, a sad insincerity..
When the day is gloomy, depressed, and/or down feeling. When you feel that the world about you is so far away from any of your senses....
Haylin Jan 2019
In the cold, dark
        of January,
         I remembered
        the most.
  As the chill
      snapped bones
              like branches,
     as the afternoons
   bathed themselves
in gray,
     as the birds
and the backs
so did my lips
   around your name.
I'm so happy
     January is almost
over now.
Mortecai Null Jan 2019
White light from the street lamps shone in from the blinded window.
Everything was grey.
The cold, painted brick wall was all I had.
I held my hand against it as I laid facing on the cheap bed.
I had never felt silence like this.
Grey always felt good.
It felt good in my hand.
It felt good on my skin.
It felt good in my eyes.
I could see nothing else.
The cold brick was all I had and all I wanted.
It was the only moment of neutrality in the loud world around me,
the loud pain inside me.
I thought I would never see color again,
and I was realized.
I did not move.
I sank into the conformity of the moment.
I wasn’t unwanted.
The grey did not care.
It held me in it’s arms and accepted me as I was.
It’s gift to me was the cold brick wall.
The only thing that felt real.
It did not pulse.
It did not live.
It was grey.
I wanted to be grey.
I offered my hand to the wall,
but the grey did not accept me.
It was just there for a visit.
It told me it would come back for me.
I will wait for the wall again.
Devin Lawrence Jan 2019
So alluring,
the way the dark spreads itself
across a sea of shining stars
and makes us forget the infinities we haven’t seen.
I question myself
and I think about how the starlight we see
is a gift from centuries ago.
I’m alive in the dark.
I’m lethargic in the light.
And yet the darkest corners of my imagination
are the places I dread the most.

I’m alone in the light.
I’m a force in the dark.
My wrists tremble at the thought of
another night of telling stories
with ambiguous intent
and metaphors that strike my knees -
bow to the dark -
and yet I’m the only fool who reads my words.

The gift of the dark
is the great balance of life;
when time is stuck in one end of the dichotomy,
these little spots of grey pour out over the blue in my eyes.

And as the colors are muffled
like the road workers
covering up an artist’s graffiti,
I begin to understand why there’s two sides to a coin.

I’m alive in the dark,
tired in the light,
and the shadows of the night have become my favorite audience.
Apporva Arya Jan 2019
When own blood betray,
With emotions they play,
It all seems grey,
No hope for a better day.

And only I can pray,
Loving myself is the way,
Time will make them fade away..

They had betrayed,
What we were yesterday.
Its my dreams,they betrayed.
now i say,we cant stay.
No time to delay,
Run Run you!. The karma's prey..
It hurts when a family betray. It all seems grey. But all i can do is prey,love myself and do my karma. Time and Karma has sparred none. I am forgiving them all.
dadens Dec 2018
when you found me, I was shattered inside and out
you slowly filled my cracks with your sunshine
until I was radiating light everywhere I went
but then I started shining too bright
so bright that I outshined you
and you didn't like that
so then you began dulling my light
exposing the cracks once more
until there was nothing left of my foundation
and I crumbled like never before
my happiness and shine turned into ashes
and you left me just as you found me, shattered
© d.a.dens
kell Dec 2018
Sunflowers reach,
Up to the skies,
My experience is sad,
And so are your eyes
A spirit is evil,
And so is your smile.
don't you leave
stay for awhile.
Leo Dec 2018
No more screaming, no more voices
In the empty land of wasted stories.
A place of madness and lost faith
But look at it the right way
And it’s astonishingly great.

A null tricky game, planned, well played,
You’d better keep watching before it vanishes anyway.
But perhaps it’s too late, in this blurry night
Maybe too early to see the bright light.

Just a second of hope, a last broken prayer
To remind you in this game, you were a good player.
Cause there are no winners
No losers, no glory
In the not too far land of wasted stories.
Francesca Nov 2018
Blue skies are optimistic,
even when days are cold

Grey skies are oppressive;
they weigh heavy on the soul.
I’m not a big fan of winter.
Ankita Gupta Nov 2018
You are the rainbow, living in disguise
In shades of grey, between black and white.

When you shine through me,
It disperses all colors of you,
Like I am the prism waiting for you.

You see, not all can see
How pretty you are from within,
And all I do is stand amazed
By colors of you in all shades but grey.
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