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Ibekwe ifeanyi c Oct 2020
Today mama am signing off
In this suite and am ever gorgeous
Am emotional that I made you proud and ever pompous
You raised me with value and to never show off
But rather to strive and always grow up
I wish father was here to gaze at his face ever joyous
I am through but yet I  forever move forth
I love you mama though I've never spoke thus
Just graduated from the university officially and making my mama proud
Now I have yo move on to the next stage
Pao Sep 2020
we've been here before
tongues tied
blank stares
you always stare back at me
with no gleam in your eyes

i've been trying to align my chakras
finally putting my wisdom where my mouth is
i don't think i can do this anymore

back and forth
running from you
running back to you

i will always find you wherever i run
to west palm
to the warm sunset
to the soft crashing of ocean waves
to the yellow flowers i see by nameless corner stores
to the rain during spring and fall

i can't hold back
let me go and i'll let you go
Poetic T Apr 2020
My conciseness was a seed of spider threads,
             and when an idea birthed like a
sack of baby arachnids.

Crawling within,  
  consuming my every introspection.

I slumped over the page, they crawled forth,
           tiny metaphors continuing after
   my musing was consumed within..
The wind is a wild and crazy device.
Pushing the air and it doesn't think twice.
Blowing harder and harder with every blow.
It moves leaves, pedals, and many more.
Blowing past the houses and the sky, moving in this world and we don't ask why.
It blows without worry, concern, or care.
Sometimes I wish I were the wind blowing up there.
Maybe wishing I could be lighter than air.
Nothing is faster and lighter, of course, as it hits my head while I walk a forth.
Thanks for any support you guys are giving me <3 I love you all
Lily Thebault Apr 2019
one step left
one right
no, two left.
one right again.
it's like that book plot
that's all the scribbles
on a white board
instead of that
clear line that goes up to a point,
has it's ******,
and then falls back down
in surrender to a resolution.
but one more step right
then three left
two more right
left again.
one more step right
three this time
then we're just back at square one.
c Oct 2018
Find your passion
hold it tight
and never stop to rest
until what you hold
inside your hands
is finally at its best
Absent deliberate intervention
     vis a vis suicide,
supposed "natural" longevity
     of generic human primate ride
ding ******* across avast
     broke back mountain minus pride
defies accurate prediction,
     though hypothetical

     projections can override
unknown factors, whereby
     excluding misfortune nationwide
(and/or globally deadly accidents,
     catastrophes, diseases, mudslide,
fatalities from gunshot, et cetera)
     unexpectedly arise dismissing by landslide

mortal adversity can be generally,
     and more accurately spell joyride
ding calibrated to continue,
     thus subsequent existence,
     viz getting inside
scoop of this basic fellow, aye surmise
     to continue for many another hayride
say...two score plus more orbitz,

     whereat linkedin, flickr ring guide
by invisible hand snapchatting
crackling and popping fireside,
twittering whatsapp pining
     during eventide,
watching virtual twilight at dockside,
witnessing artificial intelligence,
     perfectly mimicking

     illusory edenic countrywide
vibrantly melds scenic
     ideal tonic bedside
counting black sheepish crows,
      thence set sleep number
      putting all worries aside
while merrily rowing boat
     with gentle creatures alongside.
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