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kathleen Feb 28
I liked connecting the dots when I was younger—
drawing a line from dot to dot to make the picture.
My tongue between my teeth, with concentration traced on my face
as I connected the dots to make the picture.

I still like connecting the dots.
But now, I’m trying to make the picture of who I am now—
why I am the way I am now.
Connecting the dots to find out what happened
to the old me—the hopeful me, the happy me.

Connecting the dots to find the events that led up
to this different person I’ve become,
connecting the dots to make the picture of me now, inside and out.

I’ve connected the dots.
There is no picture—just a jumble of lines
leading in no clear direction, passing over each other, and lines cut off, just one massive knot of confusion.

So, with my tongue between my teeth
and concentration traced on my face,
I’m trying to make a new picture.
No dots, no lines—just me,
making the best new me I can.
Lizzie Bevis Feb 9
Throughout the noise of passing days,  
I seek the sacred silence  
where clarity lies in waiting.  
I listen amidst shouts and the din,  
patiently awaiting peace to drift in  
like a dandelion seed on the wind.  

Each person I encounter
is a part of this universe
especially, the quiet ones,
their stories shaped
by the flow of time,
and even I am a traveller
trying to embrace
my place among the stars.  

Still, life endures
like stubborn weeds  
sprouting up through concrete,  
defying the cracks of cynicism
that threaten to spread out of control.  
Despite my moments of doubt,  
Time is a wise scholar,  
teaching me to be kind and gentle
towards others and myself.

And right here, in the rhythm
of my steady heartbeat,  
I claim my peace;  
it is real and honest,
a welcoming,
comforting emptiness
that swallows the remnants
of my long lost dreams.
My life is magnificent,  
even if it feels untamed,
and requires nurturing
with a shower of tears.  
I am, just like you
another person
under this timeless sky,  
as I continue to be
wholly and fiercely alive.  

©️Lizzie Bevis
True love is everlasting,
not even death can take it away.

True love will always linger,
even if another takes its place.

For in the heart and memories,
it will always hold a space.

So do not grieve forever,
a passing true love.

They carried your love
with them until the end.

So try not to guilt yourself so deeply,
When grief's grip starts to release thee.

And feelings of love begin to
find you once again.
I've seen people consumed with grief to the point
that their continued existence destroys them
And I can't help but think this is not what their love
would have wanted for them.
And that's the message I was trying to convey here.

for the video version
Lorraine Colon Dec 2024
How nice of you to come visit me,
I wondered who was at the door.
Rarely does anyone come to call,
So please, pardon the dreary decor

Of course, there are cherished memories
That answer to my beck and call;
Some make me smile, while others bring tears --
You may wonder why I keep them all

Well, memories reflect reality --
Long ago, Hope's idle dreams fled;
I haven't seen or heard from them since
(I'm beginning to think they're all dead)

But I'll not go searching for lost dreams,
Nor on their return will I dwell,
For dreams are precarious footpaths
That can lead us to heaven . . . or hell

Fate writes the script for Life's theater,
And assigns our last curtain call;
Foolishly, I thought I was in charge . . .
Now I laugh as I roam Memory's Hall

There are times I draw back the curtains
Just to see what goes on out there;
But your world is no better than mine,
With its endless turmoil and despair

I like to think I've found asylum
In a world so devious and cruel,
Then Fate laughs and scornfully taunts me . . .
It's true, there's no fool like an old fool

But solitude offers safe harbor--
Yes, my flag of surrender's unfurled!
Please, leave if I cause you discomfort ---
But if you stay . . . . .  welcome to my world
Lakz Poetry Nov 2024
Travel an emotion
With lots of happiness and Hopes
Either crossing timezones
or to the nearest city
Either Holding hands
or setting yourself free
Exploring the essence of
New Place, People and Culture
Travel could find your true self
making it the best refreshment
Keep travelling!
#Travel #Finding Self #Life
morningdew Nov 2024
While I was trying to find
where love could be
Love had come
           A thousand times
and I failed to see
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2024
A hermit crab
In love with his bongo.
Scuffles on with his bongo beat.
Each thump filling the empty space
Around him.
He walks the hot concrete.
In search of something like home.
His shell dragging behind
Weighing him down.
The thump no longer loud enough
To move its tiny body.
The rhythm barely rattling around its
After a while everything can turn into a drag.
But still, he scuffles on.
He smiles, stopping to take a break
On the grass.
The concrete burning his feet.
His tiny claws scraping across the bongo.
He looks over to his left.
To find an old boot.
Nodding her head, tapping the ground
Following along to the beat.
Although weathered, she too smiled.
Echoing back his loud thuds.
Her sole cracked but full of life.
Life happens in the strangest way sometimes.
Two outcasts alone.
Drumming up stories without a word.
Scuffling on a bongo heart.
Life doesn't have to be a drag all the time.
Imaan Asif Aug 2024
The tears came as I held the pen,
I don't want to do this,
I yelled in my head; then,
The mountains tumbled,
The rivers dried,
The flowers crumpled,
And I cried,
It hurts - much,
I don't want to do this,
But I have to,
Its been decades since I've been lost,
Maybe I want to,
Find myself again,
Pick up my pieces as it rains,
Because the tears came as I held the pen
Go find yourself.
Sophie Jul 2024
The depth of his heart,
like a book shrouded in
I flip through the pages,
until my eyes grow tired,
and my hand aches.  
The end nowhere in sight.
Whenever I almost put the book down,
I get a tiny insight into his heart.
Playing me like a fool into
short-term satisfaction,
and long-term despair.
M Vogel Feb 2024

We would be the best looking couple on the beach.  
You would be continually dragging me into  your
condo bedroom to **** me hard up against the wall..

and then dragging me back out onto the beach
to slap me under the cover of the breaking waves..

where no one can hear me crying like a little *****.

Only to become overwhelmed within the emotions of it all;
and dragging me back into your condo bedroom..

Ah, **** Babe..

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