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eleanor prince Mar 2023
His crown sat bent -
    and it looked quite odd
          on the shady side
          of his sparse baldhead

His ego reigned
     while his daughter sweet
          could not make the move
          to get past her dread

His aproned slave
     dared not make a sound
          to defy the rules
          'til he made her dead

His cranium
     suffered sudden blows
          when an illness struck
          with the news ahead

He spat in barks
     telling all who came
          they should breathe their last
          and he died instead
a bitter-sweet ditty like a child's play poem
Katinka Feb 2023
she looks in the mirror
grabs her face cream
and as she applies it it down her neck
she looks at me and smiles
"don´t forget your neck" she says
otherwise only your face will stay young

since i can remember she was beauty
everyone always told me
but i was never her
i didn´t have her long hair or nails
that easy smile and grace  

"you know my lips used to be just as full"
she says showing me old pictures
"i used to have fuller hair too"
she says stroking my hair
but i don´t anymore

It almost feels like a contest
you look skinny she says
i didn´t eat today she says
my mother is beautiful
but she doesn´t see it anymore

sometimes i forget she is more
more than just beauty
more than just my mother
who always carrys grace
that she is a person

my mother just turned fifty
"does this make me look fat" she asks
"do i look old" she asks
sometimes i believe she forgets too
that she is more than her beauty
that she is a person
Chloe Jan 2023
When, oh when
did I stop smelling your head?
3 months in
and my life is already flashing
in your eyes
Oh, my little kin
It will never be the same
as it is right now,
as it is right now

Why ask why
when I know you are the answer?
You give me reason,
so much joy
and light
Oh, sweet child
You move me with every smile,
with every smile

Your daddy’s son
You are the reason
I fell in love
Oh, you gentle soul
Do you even know
how you’ve rocked my world?
With the sweetest sound
I’ve ever heard,
I’ve ever heard

My little me,
may you always know
the joy you bring
Oh, how I dreamed of you,
I dreamed of you

to you,
my little light
Tomorrow you will light the world
You will light the world.
For Leo
zee Jan 2023
she holds my hand in her palm
cradling it gently
as she cleans
the wounds she reopened
on my calloused paper skin.
The giver birth
the harbinger of my death,
embraces me in crocodile tears.
"Who is she?" I am asked
and in a cracked voice bandaged with promises,
I answer;
"she is my mother."
Been doing some reflection and here's something on motherly wounds.
Robert Ippaso Jan 2023
They say youth is but momentary,
An emotional journey, a fleeting mirage,
Where uncharted waters are a treat not a foil
Tempered only by fates willful barrage.

But as time marches on and life settles in
with a rhythm well known and rehearsed,
A mixture of joy, tedium and tears
To the beat of our life we're soon versed.

The rest is a blur of dates and events
Where memories bloom and then fade,
Countless seasons merge into one
As the years rush by on parade.

Then one day we awake from the stupor that was,
Look in the mirror intrigued yet resigned,
Gazing intently at the reflection so stark
Bewildered at lines so defined.

Yet there's a glimmer of light in our eyes,
A developing smile on lips pursed so long,
Older and weathered well may we be,
But we're finally free if a little less strong.

To those that say youth is an absolute
Once lost never regained,
That notion insidious and barely skin deep,
For we know it’s the mind where youth is ordained.

So let this new chapter blossom and thrive
As we commence our journey anew,
Untethered from work and most burdens of life
We embrace simple joys to our spirit renew.
Steve Page Jan 2023
What I have passed on to my son
is often unclear to me.

I just know
that I had the grace to ensure
the package I passed on
is not the one I received

and that the extent to which
it will be unpacked and utilised
is not mine to determine.

That choice was part of the package.
I have grown up chiuldren - my son reported progress with his bathroom fittings and passed on advice concerning my health today.  Struck me how he's grown.  #inmysixties
Andrew Jan 2023
From the first breath
I ever took

I watched my mother
give the
saddest look

It was that day
I found my fear
It went
through me
with every tear

As I grew
I came
to learn
I saw this world
for its wicked turn

Amongst a crowd
I tried to fit in
behaving shy
they screamed
and shout

Preferred the dark
hidden from light
I got taught
to live in doubt

From every hour
I had to fight
there was a heart
I held so dearly tight
My childhood and adult life
Lazarus Bertsch Jan 2023
Wake up in bed, am I dead or alive
Every second of the minute my life flashes by
Seeing things that are reminiscent as a kid
I wish things ended up different than it is
But time can't stop I just live it as it is
But it's cruel to be a kid and see your friends life wiped
Rip to Nic Rip to Blake Rip to Zach
I miss you because I was 15 tuning on 16 when we saw each other last
Now i'm 17 turning on 18 and its hurts to see our past
I can't believe I'm crying while writing this in class.
But it's only my way of closure so I wanna make this poem last.
Like they way we laughed and made these moments last.
This poem is about my friends Nico, Zach, and Blake..
Nico was 16 died in a car crash and Zach was 17 commited suicide and Blake was 18 overdoesed... this all happend in a span of 2 years.. and it impacted my life greatly... and a postive way when they showed me who they were and showing there love for me as I showed my love for them...
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