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Pints int sun
Socks, sliders and chit-chat
Walking home in zig zags
Good people
I miss all that

Summer days
Sunny haze
Topping up the tan
In the English rays

Factor 50
Laid on thick
When the temp strikes 20
The sunstroke hits

Ice-cold bevs
On a picnic bench
Tunes blasting
Pints thrown
Am chuffing drenched

The ciggies and spliffs
Chasing the vibe
Oh, what it is
To be alive

The beer gardens
Packed to the brim
“Sorry mate
You can’t come in”
Party in the park
And burnt sausage
Go on then
Another gin

The English summer
What a sight
Top’s off, top’s on
Golden days
And Endless nights
For the English summer
I think I'll go across the sea,
And study music in Italy.
Leave with only the clothes on my back,
My jacket pocket full of little literatures.

Or should I study English arts,
In England?
I doubt I'd read much,
There's not a lot to see in a London fog.
I dream of seeing Europe
Man Feb 13
In I came to Dublin town,
Riding one fine morning,
I spied some Johnny Bullies
And I started off a'cussing!

Leave my home,
Go on get out.
Leave the whiskey,
Leave the grub.
Tell the king
To go *******
And stay in his doe-hog hovel.

O'er glens of An Cabhán
There flew a rag of red,
I tore it off from where it hung
And ripped it all to shreds!

Leave my house,
You're unwelcome.
Leave the rope & iron.
Tell the king
To go *******,
Lest he would rather violence.

In Londonderry & Belfast,
Pleasant little branches,
We'll grow ourselves gigantic oaks
Uproot their picket fences!

Leave my home,
Go on get out.
Leave the whiskey,
Leave the grub.
Tell the king
To go *******
And stay in his doe-hog hovel.

Say the hounds are all but slept,
Yet I still hear the barking.
I think it restful pouting
Readying for a real good bouting!

Leave my house,
You're unwelcome.
Leave the rope & iron.
Tell the king
To go *******,
Lest he would rather violence.

Hard to find good honest work,
When of royal or noble;
Hard to find good honest work
If they claim you're not loyal!

Leave my home,
Go on get out.
Leave my house,
You're unwelcome.
Tell the king
To go *******,
And kindly don't respond.
Johnny Poodle/Noodle - Yankee Doodle

John Bull - Personification of England
A'cussing - Cussing, as in cursing, but also accusing.
Doe-hog hovel - Buckingham Palace
Rag of Red - Union Jack
Grub - Foodstuffs
Rope & Iron - Noose & Cutlass
Pleasant little branches - Douglas Ross Hyde, first President of the Irish Democratic Republic. Young advocates of full Irish independence.

Just a fun shanty
KarmaPolice Feb 3
A winters stare,
Beautifully resonates in the air,
A clear sky, a frozen pitch,
I wonder if the beauty,
will last more than a few minutes,

The snapping of a twig,
which was once part of the untouched view,
A graceful swan as muted as I am in awe,

Gliding by,

Looking over by the hill,
The mist breathing through the grass,
as I pause once more,
The grandest of oaks, silhouetted by the rising sun,
Grips me to the core,

Only in England…

Say no more.

© Darren Wall
A really old poem, I wanted to share again.
Lizzie Bevis Jan 7
I wake up to the sound of cars
driving through puddles,
Splashing me awake;
Whilst moments ago,
I was dreaming
Of somewhere far away.

The rain should be soothing,
As plump drops beat down
Persistent in their rhythm,
Hammering on the glass
Whilst I hide under covers
And I  do not wish to rise.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Enraged clouds of deepening grey  
Advance with wind-whipped waters,  
As tranquil skies begin to decay.

The fierce wind howls like a ravenous beast
Splintering trees like twigs with its might,  
As nature's fury prepares to feast.

Devastation rolls in like a violent dance,  
As lightning splits across the darkened sky.
Nothing in its path stands a chance.

Heavy rain slashes through the air,  
The surge greedily devours,
Then vomits debris everywhere.

In its wake, the lull exposes the carnage,
And the savage toll we pay in defeat
When we cannot best the weather’s rage.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I can't sleep as the storm is too noisy, so I wrote this instead.
Akintola kunle Nov 2024
The day I shall bore this egg
along my will, beside my Witt,
With dreams to **** or more .

A sway I can't ignore
Born and be reborn like Christ
Around my faith, all that await.

Life is a deadly gift
I am a living rift
With my surplus goals and desire.

Nor those vain glories to acquire,
Zeal above my will, debase me still
Please write down my will.
Isaace Oct 2024
I had been staring at corporate blocks of incestuous dual notation, rippling within a multitudinous sea horn. Many of my skins partook in the abuse of subterfuge in order to forget the sea horns. We would head into the night, deep into oblique dens of solitary apparition, conjuring that which had plagued our collective mental cognition.

With cascading light festering, lurid transcendence of encumbered paralysis began. Physical forms traversing innumerable alleyways of dread, between concrete moulded into the shape of modernity, and cables transpiring towards opaque operating systems which imported and exported collected consciousness for the trade of gelatinous brain matter, had overcame us.

Sliding into abyssal-black tar of stroking, crawling, writhing primal sludge; escaping through pores of sweat coagulation, allowing silk-woven experience to be spun within a lair of manifestation, coinciding with visions of mutilation, inspired by visions of arachnid dread.
O Land of warbling Nightingales across
Th'Atlantic pond where golden Daffodils
Dance for the sheepish Clouds that shade the hills
And trees are emerald green with clinging moss,
My Heart is griev'd for thy most grievous Loss
Of Liberty as Tyranny fulfills
His loathsomest Designs and swiftly kills
The Speech that should be free, however gross.
Despair thee not.  The Lord of Love and Might,
Though he doth try thy Patience, He shall yet
Shatter the Teeth of Tyranny and set
The Captives free, the broken Bones aright.
Father will come (have faith, for God is just)
And resurrect the Tongue that tastes the dust.
Steve Page Apr 2024
Saint George is an englishman
Who never came to England
Born in ancient Turkey
Fighting for the Romans

Saint George is an englishman
Who never met a dragon
Willing to be martyred
Killed for saintly passions

Saint George is an englishman
Adopted as our own
Our nation full of mongrels
Imports a classic hero
It's St George's Day in England today.
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