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Zywa Jan 17
All the white angels

sway, they are singing of us:

of our division.
Song "Plus rien ne m'étonne" ("Nothing surprises me anymore", 2004, Tiken Jah Fakoly), album "Coup de gueule" ("Rant")

Collection "May the Might"

See Le Grand Choral 2024 on YouTube
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
Whisper the depths of the night— as angelic wrath burns away
at my soul, consuming me in a tempest of alienation, a spectre
unseen; - out of sight; I've lost my mind to my sanity that slips
through my fingers. Where, I ponder, if the appearance of a
grotesque smile will find its place in this so to claim, “beautiful
world?” I remain oblivious to the value of my treasures; until
the very essence of what I cherished fades into oblivion.

Direct my heart toward the doorway; what purpose lies in this
revelation — exposed to the harsh truth of humanity's rawness,
akin to the crude oil extracted to nourish our existence, fuelling
this artificial journey we call life.

The intellect of this age is only but artificial; what is cherished in
these times is only but superficial, fracturing the essence of love
we ought to share. For what is called to be love divided among
us, swiftly reveals the stark truth that all are not treated equal.
Casting shadows on the bonds that should unite us.

We are divided by this so-called love.
Silence Screamz Nov 2024
What was that?

Was it...

Compl­aints of misinformation,
Fever from inoculations,
Bully pulpit installations,
Social media revelations,
Orange crush situations,
Closed minded stagnation,
Radical simulations,
or that crazy armed insurrection.

It might be
a division of the population

Then it could be a

an exuberation,
an inauguration?

Complaints of tempation,
Riveted attempts of execution,
Attacks of verbal accusations,
Wall Street inflation,
Crossing the border examinations,
A presidental hibernation,
Constant constipation
or divisive communication?

In the end it was just
a very confused and crossed
democratic election!!!
Zywa Nov 2024
Souls are colourless,

black and white the setups that --

separate people.
Poem "(work in progress) 'n meerstemmige teks: pogings om die wit staar aan myself te verduidelik - poging 2" ("(work in progress) a part-text: attempts to explain the white stare to myself - attempt 2", 2022, Antjie Krog)

Collection "Within the walls"
Robert Ippaso Oct 2024
If in the basket of deplorables must I be,
To quote a term most used by sweetest Hilary,
Then let me state this best I can,
I'm voting for our country, not the man.

A country where race and gender aren't the bait,
But where everyone is open to debate,
United by a sense of common pride
Holding back divisions’ surging tide.

Where knowledge of our strength is used for good,
And our intent for peace is not misunderstood;
Making clear to tyrants our firm resolve,
So that by dialogue not war may they
squabbles solve.

A nation where our people are first in line
And not succumb to disadvantages or imported crime,
From open borders with illegals pouring through,
With misguided politicians caring more for them than you.

Where doctrine is replaced by common sense,
From the fringes seeking dominance hell-bent.
Boys competing fully in girls sport,
No reasoned thought for when children to abort.

Politicians’ vanity projects not worth
Squandering our money with intent and
unrequited mirth;
While millions live in poverty and need,
Ignored by legislators craving fame and intellectual greed.

I want our leaders to respect our flag,
And not applaud when to the ground protestors stomp and drag;
And for why, but to score a series of cheap shots,
Empowering radicals to ferment those never ending plots.

So yes, my vote goes to just my country,
And if a name must I choose, I say this humbly,
My selection won't be for one that's woke,
Or that will seek to send our country broke.

Politicians convince themselves they're special,
They are in fact a wallowing empty vessel,
Using their guile and mimic to impress,
When truth be told, they almost invariably depress.
To make us think
Odd Odyssey Poet Jun 2024
This world shoots you down for no reason;
try to make peace- there’s no treaty
Divide our kinds, but still claim we’re all equal;
give us numbers, to define the body count of our people
For war is the longest film to mankind; but it feels much
longer when it comes with a sequel.

               We’re just trying to survive
               hoping tomorrow we’ll still wake up alive.
Man Jun 2024
Duhhh, brown desert people bad
Durrrrrr, God is wrong

Duhhh, white devils are back
Durrrrrr, people should worship Allah

Don't tell me you people still believe this ****,
I couldn't even imagine being so superstitious.

I wish we could all agree this was myth,
Just something to instill some morals and values to our kids

Duhhh, you sneeze?
Gahhhhhh, bless you
Jeremy Betts Mar 2024
"I don't like this, I don't want to be here"
Well, add a "T" here or move on
The PURSUIT of happiness is the right they mention
Remember though, it's an emotion
And just like every other one
It too isn't healthy to always be on
A better life is the big con
Middle class gone
Devide and conquer worked to perfection
Mostly 'cause half the population
Can't do long division
Can't trust a single politician
Corruption now the backbone of religion
Founding fathers knew the importance of separation
But those who've cherry pick the bible from generation to generation
Now want the option too cherry pick the Constitution
It no longer matters what's right and wrong
Just belt out your fight song
If you don't like something go get your march on
Or hit the gong
Pretend your conviction is strong
And when your judgement comes along
There's nothing you can do but end up where you belong

Zywa Nov 2023
Two people will form

a community, any --

trio will split up.
Saying among the members of the various Reformed churches in Holland (Michigan), from AD 1847 - quite different from "two's company, three's a crowd"

Collection "Wean Di"
Secret Poet Feb 2023
These paint splattered tear drops falling on the canvas.  Shaky brush from these rattling thoughts, and joy division playing silently in the dark.
Joy Division is such a vibe
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