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Chloe Haas Nov 2019
My brain is wired this way,
obsessed with everything other than 
what it ¨should¨ be
With being small enough that if I breathe
my skin may start to bleed from
the aching bones inside of me.
The obsession with being perfect
or to be anyone,
other than me.
sushii Nov 2019
welcome to ana heaven
where people are collar bones
and thigh gaps are God

we are fragile, like petals
the only simile that saves me
from the harsh reality

i don’t look at you, i look through you
x-ray vision desecrates you
i don’t see you as human
i see bones

you are not thin yet, child
come with me, and it’ll be worth your while
or you collapse into the clouds
and god forbid, you fall back to Earth

stay in play land
where we live off tea and acid reflux

where we spit up food
and giggle like babies
at the sight of our malnourished bodies

give me ana heaven, sick skin
give me laxatives, stick thin

or i have nothing at all.
maledimiele Nov 2019
I could say I am sorry,
But I am not.
Because on the one hand it is a choice,
(But then again it isn’t.)
It’ll take me 3 months and 22 days,
a caloric deficit of 700,
7 hours of gymnastics a week,
half an apple instead of one,
skipping lunches three times a week,
discipline, motivation and strength,
but one day, I will be where I want to be.

I have a goal, a very specific number,
and as for now, it’s all just in my head,
and –actually- I’ve never really liked numbers ,
in school I always hated maths,
but - since I’ve started measuring every inch of happiness,
since I keep my feelings locked up in measuring cups,
I cannot imagine living without them anymore.
It feels good to have a goal again.

So, when I pinch my skin,
and cry myself to sleep at night over a *******,
when I hate myself for being myself,
I could say that I am sorry,
to me, to anyone.
But the truth is, I am not.
Not yet.
I still have a goal to finish.
Riley Oct 2019
Skin tingling.

Claw marks
a bright burgundy against fair skin.

It’s happening again.

It’s a violent urge.
An uncontrollable compulsion.

It’s bleeding skin and
it’s I want to stop but
it’s I can’t
and I won’t.

My hands are the
but it’s hard to win a
against something
to your own body.

Taped fingers do
nothing but

A temporary fix for
a permanent problem.

Nowhere is safe.
Every piece of skin is
equal opportunity.

don’t exist
in this world.

Nothing can stop these
hands and
it hurts to try.

A compulsion ignored
is like
pins and needles
across your
whole body.
It’s sitting still


unable to think of
anything else.

And so I–pick.
Run sharp claws
across soft skin.
Riley Oct 2019
Today I am consumed.

The monster is ready to
is coming to a head
and I’m running from it.

This road always looks new;
my brain doesn’t know how to navigate it
and it’s catching up to me,
it always does.

I can not run forever.
He will not let me.

Like I said,

I am consumed.

The monster will
have me in it’s grip.
I may escape but do not
be tricked
as I have been,
it is not real.

The monster is purposeful.

It likes to let me go so
that it can play games.
It’s favorite game plays
with freedom.

Or freedom plays with me.

But that is not the game
we are playing
this time.

Today is about being
It’s running until you’re cornered
or your legs give out

or both.

I try to hide but
the thoughts and feelings
inside me
are loud.
The monster can hear
The monster can always
hear them.

It’s like they call for him
of this fake game of

It’s like he’s almost
Like he’s better than this
treacherous road to

I am familiar with him.
And he is familiar with me
and that is why he finds me.

I’d like to say that it hurts
when he consumes me
but it doesn’t.

It’s gentle,


It’s familiar;
something known.

I forget he’s even there
sometimes. But
next time he let’s me out
I will run again. Because
no matter how gentle,
no matter how loving,

he scares me.

And he has always scared me.

You would have to meet
him to understand
but his eyes are sunken
and his teeth are sharp.

He could **** me and I
he wants to.

He tries sometimes

but that’s when I escape
Because I don’t want to

He’s comforting and
I’ll always be found or
I’ll always come back but
I don’t want to die.

And so I’ll let him
consume me
but I can’t let him **** me.
Alex John Peace Oct 2019
I’m the devil on your shoulder,
The voice inside your head,
You don’t deserve to be happy,
You're better off dead.
No one will miss you when you go,
You're just a burden you know,
You're worthless and pathetic,
You’re so fat and ugly it’s disgusting.
Why don’t you just **** yourself,
‘cause your life isn’t worth living.

You'll never get rid of me,
‘cause I'm everywhere you see,
I'll even haunt you in your sleep.
I'm always gonna be there,
Lurking in the shadows,
I just want to be your friend.

You need me,
I control you,
You have no on but me,
Just do what I say and I promise I'll keep you safe,
What have you got to lose?
You have nothing,
Haha you’re just a waste of space!
Why don’t you just cut yourself,
Go on! Pick up that blade...

He's the devil on my shoulder,
The voice inside my head,
He tells me horrible things,
And says I'm better off dead,
He whispers in my ear,
And follows me everywhere,
Feeding me with empty promises,
He's says he can keep me safe,
He thinks he’s in control
But not anymore,
Because I’m stronger than him,
I won’t let him win.
Iz Oct 2019
Is it really survivors guilt if
I haven’t survived yet
Today is fine;
Good, even.
The tiniest disturbance.


I don't like this.

A hole, torn in your existence.
Begin the singularity,
Tiny Upset,
thought about,
more and more.
Becometh the raging storm.
Longer I stare,
Surround my consciousness.

everything is black.

I can't see.
I can't breathe.
My heart hurts.

We are.
Reflections of the wrong.
Exponentiate the entropy of thought.

Today is fine.
Not really.
Empire Sep 2019
It’s fine
I’m fine
It’ll go away
All on its own
It won’t last long
Tomorrow will be better
(Tomorrow is never better)
You’ll feel better if...

What game are you playing now?
You said this last time
When you thought you lost your mind?
What did you say?
C’mon. Tell me.
What was your perspective on the issue?

You said,

And I quote:

“It’ll go away on its own...”

And guess what

It got so much worse.
ignorance is bliss

until you start desiring death
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