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Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
I swear I lose myself in those eyes
Wander within those walls built of "whys"
Lose track of which direction and turns I make
Finally let go of lingering ache.
Let it go
Steve Page May 2018
A stronger sense of a shifting alliance,
a richer aroma of a growing assurance,
a longer shadow of an alternate position
and a faint echo of a younger ambition,
coalescing into a whisper
of a change of direction,
cracking open a narrow door
of renewed anticipation
and waiting for me
to PUSH.
Prompted by a line in a novel; 'a sense of shifting potential'.
Adam Apr 2018
“Just pick a path,
and pick a vice”

Is what the old man said
when I asked for advice
cleann98 Apr 2018
W                            e                        s          ­   t             a           r          t         e      d            f       a       r          a       w     a      y      f    r   o   m     e  a  c h   o t h er now wehavenowhereelsetogobutruntogether but no o n e   r e a l  i  s  e   d     t    h    a    t      w    e      s    h   a    l     l       a      l     w      a       y       s         b        e         d        r        i         f         t           e        r        s         r      u        n          n          i         n        g            t      o       w      a       r      d         w    h    a    t     l  o ve nextoffers.
Love shall always have it's directions and misdirections---- But it shall never be left nor right, not even correct or wrong, just together and apart.
Lora H A Mar 2018
Sometimes I found myself
Laughing out loud,
Just to catch your attention.

Sometimes I just walk
In silence,
Looking why are you distracted.

Other days,
I just breath,
I just live.

Either way,
I know our time flow.
Now that we both go
In different directions.
I just thought,
How ironic people are.
How time is more than some question.
Daydreaming Apr 2018
it’s about time to part away
it’s about time to walk in different directions
it’s about time to pull our feet and walk out
to enter a new door
to build another bridge

we don’t have to burn this bridge into ashes,
but no one will be responsible if this one went down because the wave swept it off of its anchor,
it is no one’s fault when it happens,
it’s just the wave,
it’s just the water,
it’s just the fate,
it’s just the life
Nicole S Apr 2018
I think I made a wrong turn somewhere.
I mean, I guess- well, it's embarrassing, but I just kept following my GPS
even when the roads got rough
and my gut felt a little strange
(you know it, right?  That twinge you start to get when you realize you have no idea where you are?)
and before I knew it,
I was in the middle of nowhere.

Maybe the batteries are low,
though you'd think they'd install some kind of warning about that-
I mean, people are depending on these things, you know, to get them places.
They've even got them in phones.

Google Maps, I hear.

Anyway, I really...I really think I'm lost.
Could you give me directions?
Mosh Microbiomes Apr 2018
Pick up your weight, it’s time
Slog, slog, slip & slide
Convince yourself, earn the dime
Put all your time on the line

My heart is in it? I don’t know
Who cares, it has nowhere else to go
Been silent for so long now
But stop, no slowing down now

Finally getting a little satisfaction in this
Less worries, the liberation is not amiss
Picking needles & sorting them one by one
Time’s up, reality is circling back, yelling


But I’m still here, you’re still kicking
This **** is not getting old, it never will
You’ve emblemed me, now I’m immune
If words could heart & direct my heart
I’d still be lying in bed, with emotions & reality apart
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