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The lies she tells
Ona whip lash of fairytales' cane
Pouring out miracles

Fortune teller of old
Seeing the way to canaanland
Lies she brings from the shrine

The leading of many
Perishing at thy hands
Calling to an orisha

Have you heard her words?
Following to her paths
Straight-narrowing to fantasy

Lights at the end
Unknown passage to relief
Upon hated of darkness

Look into the *** of life
Calling to an orisha
Answering from the other side
Upon hated of darkness

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
Blind Oracle talks about a certain people who believe in a particular prophet yet the prophet is deceiving them.
By his Majesty's foot stool
Tales never been told
A warrior's analogy
Imaging the blood of many

The battle of old
Modakeke it's passage
Crowning victory a renegade

Scars untold
Proportionate to the heartbeat of Ile-Ife
Setting Ooni's mantle
Bowing to Orunmila

Scavangers setting the pace
Awarding criminals the holy Cross
Anointing them for the book of life

Desertion of no return
They called it a treatise
Holding onto dissertation of old

Blood a signal of peace
Reminding hearts of tales unforgettable

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
There was a very long aged war between two places in Nigeria called Ile-Ife and Modakeke. This poem depicts the war that between these two places that went of for years claiming so many lives.
Big Virge Oct 2020
Ya Know...

I REALLY AIN’T About THAT... !!!

Running Chat That’s CRAP... !!!
To PLEASE These Clans...
of... CANCELLING Gangs...
Who Behave Like The ****...

of... Ku Klux MANS... !!!

DEMANDING Compliance...
Like... Racist TYRANTS... !?!

It’s A CRAZY Time...
Which Has Now CONFINED...

How People Express...
What’s Inside Their Heads...

I Mean What Will Be Next... ?!?

Cutting OFF Heads...
Because They’ve Caused OFFENCE... !?!?!

Well... Let Me INSPECT...
What Was Earlier Said...
Within THIS POEM... !!!

Censors In The Past...
Have ALWAYS Taken To Task...
Those Who’ve Used Their Art...

To Speak... FREELY...................
On Everything From The LGBT...

To YES... Queer Crews...
And Have QUICKLY Been Refused...
The Right To Sell Tunes...

That Were Deemed To Be RUDE...
And... HATE Filled Too... !!!

So These... Cancel Crews...

But Now The Ante Has Gone UP... !!!
Just Like ******* AFTER *** Stunts... !!!

But There Is NO LOVE... !!!
If You... Speak of...

In With Their... “ New Club “...

Kinda Sounds Like Stuff...
That Supremacists Run...

“If You’re NOT WITH Us,

And This Has Come...
Right From The TOP... !!!

From Politicians To World Governments...
Who Have WITHDRAWN Funds...
In Countries Where... Some...

REFUSE To Accept...
What Was Once Expressed...

As Going AGAINST...
What Their BIBLE Said..
In It’s Religious Text...

Which Was That...

“ God Would Be VEX...
If Those of The SAME *** !
Dealt In ******...

So What Came NEXT... ?!?


And That Is NO JOKE... !!!


The Lord’s NO LONGER Our Saviour... ?!?
Cos We’ve Got A NEW FLAVOUR... !!!

That We MUST ACCEPT... !?!
And FORGO What Is Said...
In The Book That Expressed..

What’s Been Taught To CHILDREN...
Since... WAY BACK WHEN... !?!

So Things Have TURNED AROUND...
Because of CERTAIN CROWDS... !!!

Who Will NOT ACCEPT...
The Type of IGNORANCE...

Because Racisms DEAD...
And DOESN’T **** Blackness... !!!

Now I'm NO... GENIUS...
But That's Talk That Is CLEARLY...

................ INCORRECT................... !!!!!

But These Words Are FACT... !!!
I REALLY AIN’T About That... !!!!!!!!

Are Their Skins SO THIN... ?!?

That They DON'T Understand... ?!?
That There Will ALWAYS Be Chat...
That OFFENDS Their CLAN... !!!

Like The FACT That RACISTS...
Will... NEVER Like Blacks... !!!!!

Because It Is … HUMAN...
To NOT Agree With EVERYBODY...
It’s Just The Way That People Be... !!!

But Now It’s CLEAR...
That We MUST ALL Adhere... !?!

To These CANCEL Clans...
And Their... NEW STANCE...

That Apparently Breeds Equality...
And UNITY For Humanity... !!!

Which Is PROVING To Be...
A Whole Load of... CRAP... !!!

So When It Comes To Their Plans...
To DICTATE That Our Chat...
Does NOT OFFEND Their Gangs... !!!

I Need To Make This CLEAR... !!!

“I REALLY AIN’T About That !”
Okay folks, as said, feel free to cancel me !!!
However, this is my stance, and i'm ENTITLED to it.
Ifeoma Ogbonnaya Mar 2019
With patches and creases
I try to put together the pieces
Of my broken shattered heart,
I've watched all my walls
Crumble right before me.

Every truth I held high
gradually coming undone.
Who had lied to me greatly?
But the very ones
I esteemed more enlightened.

Where's all the love
They talked about?
Nothing but cold broken hearts
Around here
Seems like I'm not the only one.

With patches and creases
I try to put together the pieces
Of my broken shattered heart,
I've watched all my walls
Crumble right before me.

Deception... what's worse is
The solutions they had claimed
to present were
Nothing but lies and man made stories

I believed.

I had hoped
they knew better.

Groomed to become the one
to take on the totem,
they'd be sorry to see the monster they created.

Oh, but we tried didn't we?
To live up to the standards they had created
and live out the laws they had taught us.
Though they broke their very own rules
We watched.

With their hands they had created
The very disaster they now seek to get rid of.

With patches and creases
I try to put together the pieces
Of my broken shattered heart,
I've watched all my walls
Crumble right before me.

Now they blame it on the Universe
and claim that God has been unjust to them,
For no one desires the consequences,
They claim it was the instruction from above.

Gradually, their rules failed them,
not because the rules themselves were evil,
but because they constantly failed to uphold
the very doctrines they had created.

With patches and creases
We try to put together the pieces
Of our broken shattered heart,
We watched all our walls
Crumble right before us.

Yet we wonder
Who has done this evil?
Big Virge Oct 2020
So This... “ Cancel Culture “...
Now Seems To Be Structured...
To... RESTRICT Numbers...

And Now Be The CONDUCTOR... !!!
of What Folks Say And What Gets Played...

Via TV Or Stage And WHO Gets Paid...
As If THEY Are Some SPECIAL Class...
Who Know How Far Free Speech Should Go... !?!

But It Seems As Though They’re A Little LATE... !!!
Where EXACTLY Were They When The... KKK...
Used To ****** Slaves Just Because of Their Race... !!!

Oh, Because These Days,
Things Have REALLY Changed...

Are These People INSANE...
And NOT Using Their Brains... ?!?

Because We STILL Have SLAVES... !!!
And Heads Who CLEARLY Want To DICTATE...

Are They Cancelling THEM...
Or Doing What THEY SAY... !?!

Or Just Causing PROBLEMS...
Over Gender And Race... ?!?

Well Some It Now Seems...
Who’ve Made BIG MONEY... !!!

Them... CANCELLING... !!!

When It Comes To Free Speech...
And Indeed The Arts Because of Policies...
That Seem To STINK Like FARTS... !!!

Have They Cancelled BOMBS...
Or RACIST... Sitcoms...

Oh Yes NOW They Have... !!!
AFTER These Shows Have...
Made PLENTY of CASH...
And Been Shown Across Lands...


On TV’s AND Indeed BIG SCREENS... !!!

REPEATEDLY For The World To See...

So Where Have They Been... ?!?

BEFORE Gender Themes...
Became The Very Fabric of SOCIETIES... ?!?

To Be Who They Wanna Be...

Well That’s A FALLACY...
That’s NOT REALITY... !!!

Just Like PIPE DREAMS... !!!

Oh But SUDDENLY... !!!

And Now DAMAGING... !!!

The Careers of Those...
Who WON’T Be Controlled... !!!

Like Those Who Speak...
What They Want... FREELY... !!!

So They Can CANCEL ME... !!!
Cos That’s How I NOW BE... !!!

For Them To Shepherd And Keep...
Just Because of Free Speech...

That DOESN’T Tread... “ Lightly “...

How... CANCELLING Goes... !!!

Because It’s Really Not New...
It’s What Censors Do... !!!

But Here’s Some TRUTH...
To UPSET Their Crews...  !!!

It’s One Rule For THEM...
But NOT The Same For You... !!!

If You’re NOT ONE...
Who’ll Keep Your Mouth SHUT...
To APPEASE These Teams...

Who Now Want TOTAL CONTROL... !!!

That’s Just The Way That The Story Now Goes...
NO Bambi Or THUMPER To Be Some Foot Drummer... !!!

Just A Breed of Vultures...
Now Willing To PUNCTURE...
Careers Like BAD Plumbers... !!!

Whose Force Has A Cause...
Now Trying To ENFORCE..

What Should Be Put ASUNDER...

..... “ Cancel Culture “..... !!!
I'm clearly not the only one who feels like things regarding this cancel culture, are now going too far ! Freedom of speech and expression, should not be lessened, just because it offends, or stands against new trends ? So, as the poem says, it's not really a new thing, but the way it's being enforced now, is again, as the poem says, just ridiculous in my opinion.
Big Virge Oct 2020
You See... MANY Have Tried … !!!
And MANY Have LIED … !!!
And MANY By My Pen …
Are … Lyrically FRIED... !!!!

Burned To... ASHES … !!!
Grabbed And SMASHED KID … !!!

Cos’ My Lyrical Hand Scripts …
Flows Like … RAPIDS …
Fluid And RAMPANT …

Causing Pure HAVOC... !!!
... TITANICALLY Tragic... !!!!!

Cos' These Kids Be Pulling Tricks …
That Keep Proving They’re FOOLISH... !!!

But Yet They Seem To THINK …
That They’re Claiming BIG WINS …
Deserving Reigns Like KINGS... ?!?

Well Big Virge Reins Them IN … !!!
Cos’ What They Try Is SINking … !!!
Because of Thought Waves Linking …
Themselves To YES POOR Thinking … !!!!!

They Try To CLAIM The Lyrics …
They Spit To Be The Business … !!!!!

Well IN TRUTH That’s What THEY ARE … !!!
UP … Business Peoples’ CLAAT … !!!

Because Wordplay They CHART …

of Bringing What Is REAL …. !!!
That Comes Straight From The Heart …

NOT Something That They STEAL …
Like Lyrics of … PURE FARCE … !!!!!
That They Then Try To Pass …
As Some … AUTHENTIC ART... !!!!!!!!!!!

….. “ AUTHENTIC “ ….. !?!
Yeah ….. MY **** ….. !!!!!!

They TRY Playing They’re SMART …. !!!
When Truthfully THEY KNOW ….
That They Just AREN’T As SHARP …
As Lyrical Darts My Mental IMPARTS …
That Are Detrimental To Punks Acting DAFT … !!!

This Here Is MY CRAFT … !!!!!
RUGGED Like A Raft …
That Cruises Past SHARKS … !!!
And These Human... " DAWGS' “ … !!!

Who TRY Through Their BARK … !!!
To Prove They Are HARD … !!!!

When REALLY They’re CLEARLY … !!!
WEAK Like … Pussyclaat' … !!!!!!!!!!!!!

... “ Ja’ Faican’ “ … !!!!!!

Well... Dem’ Rass …
Do Try But Make FALSE Starts … !!!
Because They’re Cars...
Just Like Their TRICKS …

Due To Them Making Calls …
That Lead To Their DOWNFALL … !!!

But I’m Used To Them Now … !!!!!
These Cats Who Act... FOUL … ?!?

In FACT TRUTH Be Told … !!!
I’ve … Written It Down … !!!!!

Because Time Has SHOWN …

“ They TRY “... NO...
... ARE CLOWNS... !!!!!!!!!

Who … Constantly Send …
My Mind Through Poems …
Ways To YES … VENT …
And TURN Down The Stress … !!!
They Try To Bring Heads …

Because of THE PAIN … !!!
That Runs Through THEIR VEINS … !!!

They TRY But LACK Brains …
That Most Call... INSANE … !?!

Because What They TRY …

They’re WAY BEYOND Blind … !?!
And A BLIGHT On Mankind … !!!!!!!!

They TRY But CAN’T FIND … ?!?
These Here Types of Rhymes … !!!

Because of THE FRIGHT … !!!
of Searching Their Mind … !!!

They TRY But DON’T SHINE … !!!!!
Because Their Minds Vibe …
Is … DARKER Than Night … !!!

DARKER Than Mine … ?
Well Maybe That’s FINE … !?!

My Mind’s DARK Enough... !!!
To Write This GOOD Stuff … !!!

They TRY But Just … “ Bluff ” …
With NUFF' … HUFF And PUFF … !!!

They TRY Yes THEY TRY … !!!!!

Find Their Family Ties …


To PROVE They’re Inclined …
To Write For THE PEOPLE …
And Yet EMBRACE EVIL … ?!!!?

THEY... FULFIL That Line … !!!

What I Try … Is FINE …
While What They Try LIES … !!!

The Concept of RIGHT … !!!
And Therefore … THE TRUTH … !!!!!

So Those EARLIER Lines …
Have … Water-Tight PROOF … !!!

The Things That They TRY  …
That They MANAGE TO DO … !!!

Gives PROOF That Their Lives …
Smell WORSE THAN … Poo Poo... !!!!!

They TRY To Be … “ COOL “ …
With Lyrics They Use … !!!
While Mine Just Confuse … ?!?
Because They EXUDE …..
The DEEPEST of Dudes …
With The DARKEST of Moods …
That Somehow Stays TRUE ….

To... PEACE As The Tool …
To... EDUCATE Yutes …
That IT’S COOL NOT TO Shoot... !!!

... IGNORAMUSES Too … !!!!!!!

Who TRY To Pull Moves …
That DON’T HAVE Cool Grooves... !!!

I Guess This Is  WHY … ?
We Have CALMER Sides …
And …. POWER OF MIND …. !!!!!

So That We Can FLY HIGH … !!!!!

... “ They TRY “...
Big Virge Oct 2020
Now There Really AREN’T...
So Many Who Can CLAIM...
That What They Create...


ESPECIALLY Those Who Choose To Entertain... !!!
Because Artists Are CLEARLY NOT THE SAME... !!!
So DON’T Play The Game To Gain Industry Fame... !!!

It’s Just A CRYING SHAME That In This Modern Age...
That There Are Still Constraints On What People Can Say...
When It Comes To The Ways of The World Today...

Like These CANCEL Brigades Now Making Waves...
About What Is Said By Women And Men...
Who Entertain And Create In Various Ways...

From Comedians To Media Heads...

Constraints Now Play...

Where Freedom of Speech...
Is Being Placed In... “RESTRAINTS”... !!!

So The SLAVERY Game...
DOESN’T Seem To Have CHANGED... !!!
Nowadays The CHAINS...
Surround Homes And Gates...

And Now Are Things...
That Some Folks Call BLING... !!!

Now Those Are DEEP Lyrics... !!!
Upon Which You Should THINK... !!!

That TRULY STINK... !!!!!!!!

Because Back In The Days...
Wasn’t That The Way...
That Slaves HAD To Behave... ?!?

Who Were ENSLAVED...
And Mentally CAGED... ?!?

I Guess The Pictures I Paint...
Are Just FAR TOO BRAVE... !!!

So Fall FOUL of Constraints...
That Are NOW In Place... !!!

"DON’T Speak About THIS !
DON’T Speak About THAT !
If You Say That Again,
You’ll Get NO MORE CASH !

“Okay, sorry *****’
I deserve a few lash !”

It’s Constraints Like These...
That May **** ARTISTRY... ?!?

Due To The CANCEL Police...
And The..... LGBT..... !!!

I Mean... SERIOUSLY... ?!?

Are They Really ABOVE...
The Ideal of FREEDOM... !?!

When It Comes To Speech...
And Creative HONESTY... !!!!!!!

But How Could They Be... ?!?
When Their Closets Run DEEP...
With... “Secrecy”...
And The Type of DECEIT...
That’s Truly HARD To BELIEVE... !!!

Having Families And DENYING The TRUTH...
Until NEW Policies Have Allowed Them To...

DICTATE What’s Said By Creative Heads...
Well They Can KEEP Their Markets...

Cos' I’m The Type of Artist...
Who DOESN’T Believe That Any Artistry...
Should Ever Be CONSTRAINED... !!!

Like... Slaves In Chains... !!!

Cos’ In This Day And Age...
These... CANCEL Brigades...
Seem To Want The WHOLE STAGE......

So That ONLY THEY...
Can Entertain And Get Paid...

And Say...
What THEY Wanna Say... !!!

... “ FREE of Constraint “... !!!
Okay so, it's a controversial subject, however, only if you believe that, CERTAIN People have more freedom to speak, than others, which I DO NOT.
Harley Hucof Oct 2020
Alleged linear
Ignoring its devious nature,
Time is homogenous
Conflicting with my behaviour

Allowing ritualized secrets and processes
Personalized by fragments that possesses
The civilized enablers
To protect art in form of divination

Revealing obsequious attempts
To pretend the culture's end
Ignoring our needs,
Promoting that healing isn't real
Inculcating us through a pharmaceutical delight
A treat to numb your mind
And make you believe that magic isn't real.

Words Of Harfouchism.
Your coming
A painful event
Leaving memory scars
Telling your time of existence

Markings on your back
Piercings way through your ears
Cries so loud
Calling to the other side

Looking to imaginery friends
Talking to thyself
Singing songs of thy departure

Elders paying tribute
Bowing to thy exit
Waiting for thy arrival
To depart again
This poem talks about an ancient child called "Abiku" in Nigeria culture, Yoruba culture to be precise which dies and comes back again.
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