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preston Dec 2020
Selmhem Naise

Too much pain in this one
it's no longer fun--  no
not so fun.
Another world--  with
another Sun
    where I can run.

I just want to run in the Sun.

But it can't be too far from
this one,  so
I make a parallel one--
with a parallel Sun.

Where I can have fun--
                                   as I run.

In the safe one,  I
can run,
and in the parallel Sun
my parallel fun--

                   I run in both.


New oneself,
new me
new you,
new us,
new world,
new life
new mindset,
the race of
ideas, new
days and
new ways.
New thangs.
But only
change, it's
divine. But
more ways
happiness is
positive vibes.
preston Dec 2020

Wheels cranking
gears clanking

a precision machine  that
would make the
   Terminator's ***** rust wi-....

Silly little spilly
open-mouthed hippy-filly-  yappin,
   all *****-nilly

A crane in
your brain to
keep thoughts   sane--

but you talk so   funny
through that smile; and
     your heart--
it is melting your   mental

  How do you always  find
a way to speak to me
through it all?

And I'm still  trying  to
figure out  how
all that brilliance
fits into your pretty little head

You must sometimes get
beyond all recognition--

and the  only way
you can deal with it all
is to find  new ways  to
   b r i n g   it to us

        without us  even knowing.

Youre not quite ready yet:
   and so..  in your creativity--
y o u  don't walk from your machine-  

    we do;
every time  we walk towards you.

for our love
for our fear

for our rise
against the years and years and years

Zywa Dec 2020
Thanks to the moth holes

in the umbrella, I count –

the stars exactly.
“El colonel no tiene quién le escriba” (“No One Writes to the Colonel”, 1961, Gabriel García Márquez)

Collection "Glimpsed"
Zywa Dec 2020
Mum is beautiful, and the garage
with my own name on it
which I can not read yet
and my bike on Queen's Day

the flower garlands on the cars
after a day at the seaside
with all the cousins

everything I make
and break down again, cranes
buildings and drawings

Mum says: you live
on Mount Olympus
because you are very special
and make everything beautiful
Collection "I am"

Bury the past behind, live the life of the current moment.

Love the
moment and
cherish the
present time,
can only
hope' for
but is uncertain.

Because no
man knows
what tomorrow
the future
is born put
the past in
the casket.

Tomorrow's unfold just
got to open
the mind and
realize on a
real eyes
where that
hidden potentials
and how to
and turn them
to fortune.

talents are hidden underneath
the soil of a
man's mind.

Mining the
which are
invisible to
the naked
eye to
Requires a sanely sensitive creative
gazes what
the brain thinks.

The mind is a book & it's encrypted with whatever  always activated on it. However, whenever you speaks its more like reading out what had already been written, stored on the tablet of the mind. The more you study it more you understands it, the more easy it becomes to work for you.

The mind also could be compared to a void farmstead without cultivation. It's got to be cultivated by planting seeds of good thoughts, ideas, and creativity potentials, with enormous talents.

Lest weeds is allowed to grow and germinate on a precious ****** farm-field of the mind.
Plus: The mind is a world on which everythang happens and done before on the physical world.

Reason that! It's the more freedom on the mind more as the freedom around. The mind is the first place to survive if anyone wants to survive whatever they may be going through, refine and reset the mind. Because life begins from within the mind.
Jay Dec 2020
Oh, inspiration.
How i desire you yet seem to drive you away.
I strive for you,
look for you in every inch of every corner.
You strike unforgivingly just like lightning, though it seems the latter is more likely.
I receive you most from others; from what they’ve been inspire to do.
I hope that maybe sometime this can be an inspiration to you.
Oh, inspiration-
short poem about inspiration and the way it trickles through people, passing it down and around.
Francesko Dec 2020
The world has demands and puts us pressure,
Our inability to cope is our demise.

They told us that life is an adventure,
We didn’t know we had to compromise.

The pen used to be my secret saviour,
My only illumination through the dark.

Now I dream and I try to endeavour,
My creativity is just an empty park.

Magnanimous my darkness gives me chances,
But I’ve long ago forgotten how to fight.

Certain is the change of circumstances,
But I’ve lost the ability to write.
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