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Conor Martin Dec 2016
Empty Bottles align in the light, Reflect the shattered soul, Broken down to the last drop ****** the cork like the wolf harvests bone, The devil within busts through the held open door, Societies vessel of acceptance, ignorance in a swig and a sip ****** up the wall, I Doubt it’s worth the loss of yourself after all.

Dignity as fragile as the brown paper bag, Held around the chalice of your disgusted pride, Bottle after Bottle are you even allowed to call yourself alive, Hooked to the bottom of the glass, Any excuse even if the next ones your so-called last.

Friends and fortune faded, The bottles figure jaded in the light of your dim-witted realise, Nothing else to do but sit back and enjoy the ride

The Reaper sits across the bar, Sickle in hand pouring bottle after bottle never drifting very far, No strings to pull as the tender waits, Bottle like a shotgun, the mixer shakes, the distilled Deity waiting to deliver the last call.

Before the turn, No Misery or Shame, In the end, Is it really the bottle or the man who’s to blame.
Kareena Oct 2016
It was familiar
But not the same
Nothing looked exact
Just a counterfeit
Of what I knew

I talked to your family
In my hazy dream
Mid sentence, you entered
I looked over at you
And broke down

I sobbed like I forgot I could
I just grabbed on to you and cried
For us, the mess we made
Trying to love each other
In these crazy lives we lead

You looked different, you weren't you
And I couldn't help but say
How everything looked different
In between choking on tears
That's all I could say

I clung to you because I needed to
Because I needed you
I sobbed into your chest and shook
As I did so many times before
As I'll never do again

But you were only there as a form
You looked at me with sympathy
But without the same convictions
Without the same emotions
I cried harder

I shouted out for you last night
Said your name, reached to feel you
Because as I'm trying to move on
It's hard to not extend towards you
To hold the hand I grew to know

And as I write this, fully awake
I need to walk away from it all
Because I'm afraid my roommate will see me
Crying at the kitchen table
I have just been trying to distract myself with life to forget about how broken I've felt, I think it's time to deal with it all. I'm tired of feeling so numb towards you. It's time.
storm siren Sep 2016
You become
After you lose the people
You thought would always be there.

There's always a part of you
That doesn't work quite right
After they leave you in shambles,
And even though you want to forgive all of them,
Sooner or later
You realize you shouldn't.

It's a fact of life,
That you become
Fiercely protective
Of people you thought you were going to lose
That you didn't.

Whether it be your mother
Who overcame all odds,
Or your brother,
Who didn't--
But is here anyway,
Because there's a reason he's here
There has to be.

Or people who wander around
Back into your life,
And you realize,
There's a reason
For him too.

But overcast days like today,
With all this rain and cold,
Remind you of the people
You couldn't will back into your life.
The people you didn't reach out to,
The person you didn't help.

And the guilt eats away at you,
Because what are you supposed to do?
If you could change it,
You would. A thousand times over.
But you can't.

Everyone says it's unfair to blame yourself,
But this year you're turning twenty two,
And well--
He isn't.

When people are ripped from your heart,
You become fiercely protective of who you have,
Because you are vividly aware
How easy it is to lose someone.

And you close your eyes,
And remember your mother's tears when she read a card
From her favorite of your cousins,
That went on to say how wonderful she is,
And how excited he is to meet you--
And then he was gone too,
Not a week later.

But you remember him,
And maybe it was the pictures and the stories,
But you remember him.
And everyone says it was just an accident,
But his words written in red stir something inside you,
Something all too familiar for it to be comfortable.

You push the lump in your throat away.

And then you think of her.
She was bright and lovely,
Full of life, full of love.
Wore lots of pink ribbons
In her cascading black hair.
She was so little, so young.
A child.
And that summer you went home,
And she needed you
And you weren't there
And you should have been there
But you weren't
And no one believes you
And no one wants to hear it
But it was all your fault,
And you can't bring yourself to deny that something is out there anymore,
Because if there's nothing out there
Then she's gone for good
And you can't cope well enough
With that.

Allow yourself
To become compassionate
Allow yourself to become
Of the people you love.
Reach out, open up.

You only have so long.
I missed her birthday this year. I didn't even make mention of it. She would have been sixteen.

Every time I listen to that stupid Taylor Swift song "Ronan" I think too much and then this happens.
Arreonna Frost May 2016
How do you cope?
Always being knocked down
Once you get right back up.
Life is like a merry go round.
Always spinning
And never ending.
Taking you in the same path
Over and over and over again!
Doesn't it get old after a while?
Seem like once we finally found a way out
Or even a solution
We have to start all over again.
That's one of the great tests of life
Some point everyone has to start over
At least once
Going round and round
Never knowing when to end.
Wishing you knew how to stop this
Merry go round.
Always being put down by others
How do you cope?
How do you cope?
How do you cope?
How do you cope?
How do you cope?
As you spin round and round.
Life is a ride.
It does end
But your way put right back on
Every turn, hill, and corner
Is thrown at you
How do you cope?
Pauline Morris May 2016
Will everything go as I demand
Will things come out as I have planned
As I travel through tomorrow's foreign land
In my reaching outstretched hand
Will the blue bird of happiness finally land

What will happen as the future I transverse
Will my darkness and agony get worse
Can I out maneuver this curse
At times I feel like I'm about to burst
In scorching pain I am immersed

This life is a living nightmare, a hell
Out of this raging storm I want to sail
I want freedom from this, I scream and wail
To escape into death, my soul to the Devil I would sell
I'd let him pound in the last coffin nail

But I hang onto hope
Hope that I can cope
Damian Murphy May 2016
Those who on negativity do dwell;
Who fail to recognise the positive,
Are those whom without we could all do well,
To whom our precious time we should not give.
For 'tis rare they have any good to say
About anyone, indeed anything.
Just ask yourself at the end of the day
What exactly to your life do they bring?
Have we not got enough with which to cope
Without their constant negativity?
To leave them behind is our only hope
Before like them we all turn out to be.
How much happier lives we all could live
If we focused more on the positive.
Why cant people come with warning labels, because i have met some of the most intoxicating people.
I wish I knew the dose I needed to take in of them, in order to be considered healty.
because I ended up over dosing on attachment and false hopes. I saw them as my pills. pills that were given to me to take those bad days...and just push them far away. the good ones where shaped as love but when they went down I tasted lust.
the after taste was worse. because it gives you enough time to were the one who held them up. let them in without going over the side-effects.
Leal Knowone Apr 2016
The cycle has started
Its set to wash
but everything is so FILTHY
Everything in life cycles
Spinning slowly
Slightly misshapen circles
Nothing and everything's perfect
It's in the eye of the beholder
So much lost between the lines

Double spaced
All these layers
Not sure if we can cope with the answer
Maybe questioning is the answer
for all is one
and we are god
We make or own reality
but it seems it's now blocked by this technology
Slightly misshapen circles
Over circles forming bigger circles
They may seem perfect in some eyes
They say circles within circles represent power
The chalice the gift of life
Drinking from the breast of a broken society
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
I've been down this road before, so ****** and cold
But on I go, thoughts running wildly uncontrolled
I just go home and silently close the door
When I can't take it any more
It's like deja vu
I'm so scared without a clue
Of how to stop the bleed
I'm so willing to concede
My mind plays tricks on me
So I set down and smoke some ****
It quites my mind
So I can find
A small space inside
Where my feelings can hide
Lock them up and toss the key
To the bottom of the black sea
It's where I long to be
Where I can't breath
Do the dead mans float
Cuz I can't cope
I need some dope
So I'm not found at the end of a rope
No one understands
No one can
To the bottom I sink again
This time I'm not even trying to swim
Peter J Thomas Mar 2016
Eyes reddened by the liquor,

Soul blackened, lacking hope,

Amazing how in spite of this,

The World thinks he can cope.
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