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Trace your silhouette
And I'll trace mine--toned darkness--
I fall in your lines,

But I don't need saving; your
Valleys are the peaks of mine.
Lanna K Dec 2020
Typically, its the intangible that wretches ones soul. It’s the feelings left unexpressed, the words and conversations that were left unsaid. It starts etching into your soul, leaving an imprint, that only you in your darkest hours are familiar with.
Benjamin Clarke Dec 2020
I dread your arrival, it’s true
You are cold, you are raw, so blue
You rob me of my heart, my soul
Your talk is not meant to console
Less of this, more of that, lose hope
No clear way to connect or cope

Pause, please hold on and let me speak
Like a friend who cares for you deep
I’m here to connect you to pain
A friend who you passed for your brain
My voice is low, but is the way
I beg you to hear what I say

Stop trying, stop doing, let go
I am your guide, let’s try this flow
It’s time to feel how you feel now
I am here to whisper slow down
The tightness I bring to your chest
A mark for you to seek what’s best

I hear you but I can not wait
You show up when I need to be great
That magical girl, her eyes bright
I want her to see my mind and my might
But here you are again, so bold
Your track is on repeat and old

OK, OK, I’ll see us through
Close your eyes and believe what’s true
You want to love and care for her
Like you have never practiced before
You forget who you are in pursuit of this door
So pause, breathe, and connect to the floor

Stop shaping your words, dulling truth
She wants your all, not needing proof
Show her your world, not what she wants
Your care, your truth, even what haunts
The vision of the world you could share
Your soft touch, gentle words, heart bare

You are on the ledge, the risk is high
But be yourself till the day you die
The measure of a man is his heart
It conquers fear, evil, that’s just a start

You call me anxious, but I’m your friend
You won’t forget this when we meet again
A dialogue between me and anxiety
Derrick Jones Dec 2020
Conversations are like hikes in the realm of thought.

Multiple people traversing ideas, concepts, memories, emotions. Together.

Once the conversation ends, it’s like a completed hike, a route you can re-trek, go back to explore even further.

Like a tracing of a route on a map, the conversation is almost like a work of art. A map of the world of thought created and experienced in-between those conversing.

Some conversations, like hikes, are scattered, going all over, making many detours.

Others are a nice straight path, easy to follow.

Other conversations can take many interesting turns, detours, and leave you somewhere totally unexpected.

Some are like climbing a mountain, difficult to follow the trails, requiring great effort, but the view from the top is extraordinary.
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
hannah lace Dec 2020
trying to hold a conversation with you
is mentally exhausting and i just
don’t have the time to defend every
sentence that comes out of my mouth

my words are not wrong
just because you don’t like them
i haven’t wanted to write poetry as much as i do right now having met you
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