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Yusof Asnan Dec 2017
He would view back all her photos every night,
To remind himself how lucky he is.
Also, to make his dreams as good as his reality.

Seema Dec 2017
You are tying the knots today
Do you promise to live it that way?
Are you sure you don't wanna losen few
Or just open it and tie again as new
The threads are strong yet
If you pull too much, its gonna break I bet
The grin on your face does tell something
I would find out, I would know everything
You did say I deserve better
Was that a hint as what you do, doesn't matter
I hope  you understand, this commitment
And not later on give me punishment
While by cutting off the tied knots
Instead of tightening or opening the lots
Life together will be a challenge factor
Let's just assume me as actress and you the actor
Together the film of life be shot
Whichever moments, it all shall be caught
But my wishes would be same as today
That you love me as I love you everyday
And like this, our love shall grow day after day...

Fictional write.
anon Dec 2017
the thing is
i'm not a sociopath
i don't hate you
i'm not angry

i'm not a lesbian
or asexual
or something

i just

can't commit

my parents never taught me
what a healthy relationship
should look like
because they don't know

and so i've only ever been

and i need you to understand
that i like you
i think you're cute
and the way your hair
complements your face
is beautiful

and oh my goodness
your laugh is
a tune
i could play for hours
and not get annoyed
or tired

but i know
that because i'm hurt

i might hurt you
by not
loving you
the way i should
and not
to you
like you deserve
Charlotte Dec 2017
one. small spaces
two. immortality
three. becoming an alcoholic
four. admitting the truth
five. commitment
six. people
six. life repeating itself
six. people who promise that they won’t hurt you
six. having children, not because I'm scared of children, but because I know I'd be a failure of a mother
six. loving someone new
six. loving someone healthy for me
seven. waking up in the morning to the same thing, to the same routine, to same people who hurt me the first time.
George Grenfell Nov 2017
Ive done it again
Let imaginary love scare me away
At the end of the day it was early still,
And its my lack thereof that got you.

Truth is i wont let myself commit,
The little story in my head where im happy never plays out to the end.

I know you couldnt wait forever,
Keep letting me close with no notions of whats to come.

My silence fed your doubts about yourself, why doesnt he see me in his life outside of now?

Truth is i dont know,
My lonliness isnt aware of its transience.
My affection is camouflaged in lustful waves.

Im scared to let myself go.
Im scared to trap you in.

Thoughts that grow from a scarred heart are misshapen and tough.
I know if youd seen the real me,
It wouldnt have been enough.
Thoughts on insecurity and ending relationships early because of them
Dr Zik Nov 2017
I am a your will
I'm not eager to deny
Love and commitment
Dr Zik's Poetry
tee2emm Nov 2017
Dear queen of this deserted throne,
The chirping birds and crickets;
The croaking frogs behind our home seem to have traveled with you.
I have swimmed this deep sea of space and silence,
It is warm and it is cold.
I will study stars if they can foretell your return.
I have felt the frostbite of our memorable moments,
Bringing you close to my heart and further from our bed.
I argue with myself if we are better apart or together
But teeth and tongue have taught me better.
Dear queen of this deserted throne,
Return and breathe life into this clay-moulded Adam.

Dear warrior of my kingdom,
This city is beautiful with its golden monuments.
The birds here fly with pride
And the people walk with majestic strides,
But, in spite it's beauty and glory,
It feels like a beautified royal cemetery.
Its monuments look like tombstones,
This is where beauty exemplifies ashes.
I have wished to fly home on milky ways,
To lay my weary head on your bossom.
Dear warrior of my kingdom,
Keep the gates locked, I'll see you soon.
Lexi Nov 2017
I wear a ring on the fourth finger
I get asked who I'm married too.
I say A ring on any finger is what you make it to be.
A ring on my wedding finger does not mean i am married
Marriage is trust, love, committed to each other, vulnerability, no secrets, friendship and so much moreb. Marriage is promise to always be there no matter what, until death. So why is it that its called the wedding finger when indeed it could possibly be called the promise finger because are we not promising to spend the rest of our lives together. Even if one is not in a relationship with that person does that now make wearing a ring on that finger forbidden?
I wear a ring on the fourth finger or third if your one of those aliens that think their thumb is not a finger.
I get asked who I'm married too.
and idk this got to me
Matthew A Cain Nov 2017
If love is a drug than I don't want it.
cause I got a gypsy soul for leaving
and a mothers heart for scars in need of healing

If love is a drug than I don't want it.
Because I got no self control,
An addict mind and habits ages old
Love has always been an intoxicating idea. I recognize that I find corrosive people to satisfy my temporary state of mind. When midnight comes calling and I'm all alone I seek out relationships to keep me high. I seek love but find a cheep substitute drug in the form of infatuation and lust. Most times I can't tell when it's the substitute and when it's the real thing so I simply try and never take the plunge in the first place never take the first hit. I keep everyone at arms distance because I'll never be addicted to the fake thing if I never take a hit. consequently I'll never get that real high and so I die with my extroverted mind driving me insane as I look for connection but can't let anyone in.
Infinity Nov 2017
You are
An astrological being
An astronomical being
A planet
The stars
The universe

You are
The quintessential muse
Confused and utterly beautiful
Utterly dysfunctional in your eternal solitary defense

Do you know?
How gravity gravitates towards you
You are the center
The core
The rock barricading my misery

You are
The Sun
Essential for life to flourish
For temperatures to warm
For flowers to grow to decorate the earth
For trees to grow to clean the air and shade us
From you
For living beings to survive

You are the Sun
Too dangerous to get close to
If we were closer than we were right now
We would burn
The trees would burn
The flowers would burn
The warmth would be heat, and the heat would be deadly

You are the Sun
Essential, as long as you're not close enough to burn

As long as you're not close enough to hurt me.
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