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saranade Jul 2017
Rain, so fine just like dust
looking at sky, purple,
over-the-top roller coasters
Peaking at 92 mph
dodging the yellow
More than numbers, I passed
Cardboard windshield for glass
Clarity, it comes and goes
I need to slow down
Even when I'm
Not going
Fast enough.
Too fast. Not fast enough.
Jellyfish Jul 2017
From one mood to another,
it's always "fun" being on a roller coaster.
Brian Hoffman Jul 2017
When you're bipolar you can't really control your emotions. Everything hits you like a wave. And you can't take it all in because it's exactly like being hit by a wave. You panic and try to grab a hold of the ground to keep you from going deeper, but the grip loosens and the next thing you know you're neck deep.
Sinking in the waves is like drowning in my thoughts.
Sienna Luna Jan 2017
Life is so hard sometimes.

It pulls, taking the table cloth
along with it.
It strengthens, taking the tide
along with it.
It chides
talking the moon
out of its misery
wishing it were daybreak
but when day arrives,
the moon wishes it were night.
Round and round we go
on this roller coaster called life.
Hanging on is so difficult
with responsibilities tugging
at the mainframe
about to crumble apart like
break pads crumbling under
the weight of it all.
A pressurized catapult or
catalog explaining the width
it takes to squeeze through
the trash chute without
crushing anything of importance.
Holding our breath
as the bumps become clear
afraid of the coaster
slipping off the tracks
and plummeting into
the frigid unknown.
Luck is only heresy
in this world of uncertainty.
But cars can be fixed,
jobs can be taken,
and bodies can be satisfied
in ways unheard of in reality.

Life is so hard sometimes.

But looking at it with new eyes,
with a combative, stubborn grip
on the cold steel handle,
a roller coaster can be both exhausting and exhilarating

if you know what to look for.
I'ts Cedie Dec 2016
I...I love you
I love you so much, I just can't  gather the words in my head to put together to explain.
Explain how this came about.
What? when? why? how?
How do you go from falling in love ,to being in love, to not being in love at all?
Talking just about every day,  to not talking at all.
Seeing them, to not seeing them at all.
Why do we love love, when love doesn't love us back?  
It's Complicated
It's tragic
Its a mess
I miss you!
I miss you, but only the thought of you.
I want you, but only the thought of you.
The thought of you is attractive,  but I can no longer ride the roller coaster of emotions anymore.
It's draining!
The thrill of traveling to the highest peak of the ride, arriving to cloud 9.
The Joy
The love
The laughter
Until everything comes to a stop, all hell breaks loose.
Speeding down to the gates of hell.
Just when you think you're done, the ride still continues.
I'm tired... I'm done!!!
If I knew that I would be treated this way, I would've never chose this ride.
It's clear that you don't care!
So why should I?
I... I hate you
I hate you so much,  I CAN gather ALL the words in my head to explain.
To explain how this hate came about.
Silence Screamz Mar 2016
That's why it was an emotional nightmarish roller-coaster. .with small bits of sunshine on the track
My spring break 2016
Johnathan locke Nov 2015
The thing at the back of everyone's minds is,
"I'm going to die!"
I'm the ******* that's yelling behind them,
"Your going to be pacakes!"
Totally done this
Sally A Bayan Apr 2015
(fourteen lines)

Every day, we start our usual pace
unaware, how we follow, get ourselves into the race
going fast... becoming faster
sliding up and down, like a roller coaster.
It could be on one fine or not so ordinary day
on an unknown place along the way
we fall....get lost.....we stray
To find our way back, we retrace
But when speed becomes intolerable, or unbearable
we then pack up...we conclude, "today is unmanageable."
We inhale...exhale...settle.........make up our minds,
say, "tomorrow is another day..." we leave the past behind.
We walk anew as the day begins...keep up with the pace
try to do better... to stay within the race...


Copyright March 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

***when will we ever slow down?  Any chance we get
let us find some be silent
to be alone...just thinking..listening....reflecting
lenten season...or any season...**
ejb Nov 2014
life is like a sinusoidal graph
curving up and curving down
over and over again and never stopping

sometimes we feel higher than the sun
and everything is going great
then a few days or weeks or months later it all comes crashing down again

right now im on the downward curve preparing for what is to come
but i know that things will be okay again
but all this up and down makes my stomach do flips
i know it's cliché but life really is like a roller coaster you can't get off
curving up and curving down again
and never stopping
life is rough
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