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Megan May 2018
I'm in class
instead of paying attention-
doodling instead of listening.

I'm just hearing
the mumbling
of the professor...

he's talk talk talking about...
Doing something
because of something.

But I’m just doodling.
Again not listening.
Again not hearing
Such important details

Of something
Happening somewhere
Because of...

Something bad is happening
Sounds like something that’s happened

I continue to doodle
adding tornados to the scribbles.
Causing mayhem between
Simple blue lines on bleached paper

Just like somewhere
Where something happened
Because of...

Harder like the pressure of the pen
I doodle with
It’s too late

Lecture over.
Don’t get me wrong though I love class and learning! It’s just sometimes it’s like people never listens in class or take their own initiative to learn something and that frazzled me up a little lol

I can't kiss ***
Must be something i ate in class
Or was it mother's scalding tongue
That'd scorch ya just for fun
Or maybe brother's saucy mouth
That'd shake ya 'til all the loot fell out
No I can't kiss ****
Can't figure out this stuff
You might call me a brat
Say I'm a loud whiskered alley cat
But it could be that bull in ****
Dying for just another hit
Whatever it is
I can't seem to kiss ***
And if I did now I'm done
Maybe it sounds crass
But god help me
I'm no good at kissin' ***
I might get hell for this
You might think I'm takin' the ****
But I just don't have that kinda class
I just can't
I  can't kiss ****
Can't is included in my collection The Situation@amazon books.....I grew up in an Irish family that was rather blunt in terms of saying stuff about others or situations outside of them.. However there were deeper feelings that were not talked about and it not that kosher to talk about. I'm learning to be more vulnerable and unashamed of expressing feelings that may be uncomfortable but important for me and for my relationships with others...Can't feels like an antidote to living part of my life without authenticity.
JosilinP May 2018
math class smells like rot
but i never gave it a second thought
for i live with dead bodies in my brain
and i will never be the same
i did this in math class
Coraline Hatter Apr 2018
Sitting in class
everyone's talking
everyone's quiet

I don't feel anything
not nothing
my heart is empty

I could laugh
I could cry

or just die.
Levi Bradford Apr 2018
Once, in seventh grade,
I took a class in a portable
that had a bathroom built in.

I sat behind a girl
with brown hair
that always smelled like dryer sheets.

When she would write,
her shoulder blades would
glide under her cardigan

as if the wind of grace
was making waves
on the skin of her back.

When she stood up
her eyes moves to mine--
the only mobile dots on a freckled complexion.

She walked behind me
into the bathroom
and I listened to her ****
while the teacher explained
that X isn't always greater than Y.
I forgot most of my childhood and my developing years. I have a pretty bad memory. This was an attempt at remembering the tipping point when I recognized the grey in a world that used to be black and white, the glorious impurity about things I originally thought were perfect, and the subjectivity of math.
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
You wish to
Drip and Drop
Then to Splish and Splash
But when you get there
It is nothing but
Zip and Zap
When they all enter
The room
And Lub and Dub
Appear out of nowhere
And we hear
Nothing but
Swish and Splat
And we embrace
Every star
That was once
So far
And you have found
A brand new
Drip and Drop
For with no scream
You Splished and Splashed
Your last
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
I've seen it now
mentioned twice
by poets in their lines

somehow I must have
this mission that was assigned

I guess I wasn't quite
paying enough

boy! I sure hope
I don't end up
in detention

I must have fallen asleep
in class


better behave
this way I'll never pass

I just found out
April's poem a day

oh well, too late now
perhaps I'll try it in May
After I posted, I looked. Quite by accident, I have written a poem every day so far. Of course, it's only the 7th!
Jaz Mar 2018
I'm really ******* confused and I wish I wasn't and I wish things were okay again but they aren't and now I'm sitting in the middle of a world issues class at 9:21pm and I haven't caught a single word from my teacher's mouth in the past 2 hours and I'm not sure why I'm trying so hard to fall apart and I can't seem to focus and what is he saying and why did I do this to myself
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