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Mrs Timetable Jun 2023
Pink jelly beans
Kinda don't like your taste
Not sure what flavor
You're supposed to be
Maybe generic Barbie?
Don't take this personal
Still very cute
Someone loves you
I don't enjoy the taste of
Andrew Rueter May 2023
If alcohol is a crutch for one's brain
then narcotic pills are a candy cane
not if you're looking to manage pain
(although those intentions can change)
but to hop on the sugar rush train
just know once the pez dispenser is drained
you'll have to walk all the same
after the sugar train sugar crashes
and you must escape the sugar ashes
of a powder overload
that people confuse with blow because you explode
once your sweet tooth is exposed
you can barely speak because that's all that's left of your teeth
and your only way of relief
is atop a pixie stick peak
surrounded by a cocoa ocean
perpetuating turbulent motion
so you look for sugarless lifesavers
like that's asking a light favor
after you spited neighbors
over candy flavors
but now you need their help to walk
they'll think you're nothing but talk
because you thought your cane was the kind used by pimps
but take it away and watch how you limp.
feeling down
spun out
like a candy cloud
waiting to be

Anais Vionet Aug 2022
Sophy’s mom sent her a giant case of “Fun dip” - a thousand packets of sour, fruit-flavored sugar. Is there anything more junkavore a parent can buy a child - well, ok, an 18 year old?

She LOVES them and so does Leong who’s from China where, apparently, you can’t get useless, non-nutritional snacks. The two of them are running around, all sugar hyped with their emo-grape-chemical-lips, sticking out phosphorescent-green-tongues and threatening to tickle everyone with cherry-red-fingers. It has me wondering, should I switch to dentistry?

Our college prep has moved to a new phase - with just 16 days until we move back into our residential college. We’re suddenly sleeping-in. It’s nothing we planned or even discussed, it just started happening. We go to sleep around 10pm and sleep until 10am - or later. I think we all subconsciously realized that soon we’ll be back to sleeplessness.

I’m peachy - in a great mindspace - these days. I’m well rested (see above), we’re killing our sophomore prep - even the physics, my period was a nothing, we spent over two hours in Ulta sampling perfumes, I have a new Macbook M2 (see below) and I painted my nails in tropical colors.

The FedEx man rolled up yesterday. “Anyone expecting something?” Anna asked the crowd of roommates attracted by the driver bringing packages to the door, two at a time. No one was expecting anything. Eventually he’d delivered 8, back to school, M2-Macbooks (2 in each color) - one for everyone - from my Grandmère.

If that sounds needlessly ostentatious, then you’re thinking she went to the mall and paid full price, but she probably just traded Tim Cook a half ton of lithium or something - one of her companies mines it - in Chili - I think. But still, my roommates were blagabloo.

I picked a starlight one. An odd thing about the new, flat Macbook Air design is that you can’t pick it up with one hand - unless you hook it underneath with a long fingernail - what are guys going to do?
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Ostentatious: something overly elaborate that attracts envy.

junkavore = someone who eats completely unhealthily
peachy = happy and healthy
blagabloo = ecstatic
Andy Chunn Jul 2022
Butterscotch for me
The best as you will see
So brown and sweet
A masterful treat
With flavor flowing free
'Cotton Candy Tree'
Colored clouds in the sky,
Bird nests held by the trees,
Only if I could reach that high,
I would swirl the sky to make a
  cotton candy tree,
Flowers growing ground up,  
All the baby birds nestled in their cribs, made of floss,
Incredible spiders on the ground, Then they go round and round,
in webs that look like invisible rainbow gloss,  
Mother Nature does love,
I love her from the lowest to the highest above.
written by @author_venjarnold
I love nature, so serene and I peaceful
Colored clouds in the sky,
Bird nests held by the trees,
Only if I could reach that high,
I would swirl the sky to make a cotton      candy tree,
Flowers growing ground up,  
All the baby birds nestled in their cribs made of floss,
Incredible spiders on the ground, Then they go round and round,
  in webs that look like invisible rainbow gloss,  
Mother Nature does love,
I love her from the lowest to the highest  above.
-Author Ven J Arnold
Nature is mine but most of all I belong to Mother Nature. I just can't get enough.
Broadsky Nov 2021
if all our minds were candy dispensers
then a penny for my thoughts would get you a taste of sour on your tongue
you'd grimace and scowl and feel it in your lungs
and i'd ask "did it feel like running through a candy store when you were young?"

cinnamon candy too

there's always enough bad thoughts to go around,
which one do you choose?

I'll take the pills they tell me to
some sugar helps the medicine go down,
isn't that true?

i'll just have to wait and see
and in the mean time i'll try to believe
that being 24 is really hard
at least that's what they've told me

a heaping double scoop of asperity
leaves my guests looking at me warily
giving me just a cake sliver of clarity

I'm getting tired of eating macaroons,
I hope my time here in candy land ends soon.
I’m finally starting to feel better.
FunSlower Oct 2021
By the time hard candy
Flashes in front of soft eyes,
Two hazel halos have
hallucinated to sweet infinity.

Reciprocated intimacy, repeatedly
Fitting and splitting our favourite trinity.

Brace to brave another winter with me.
Only this time let’s do it better.

Just in time to chase our fate.

Replace that precious cycle.
Like skewed binary,
Where one and one make zero.
Embrace the perfect circle of us.
Everything and nothing all at once.
Always have been, always will be; my hero.
How did we do it?
Only you knew it.
My life is your love.
Elate me. Pursue it.
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