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Eric Fraley Feb 2018
Locked inside

Feeling left out

Living life but life's locked out

Hopes and dreams

Love and laughter

Here for moments then gone so long right after

Helpless thoughts

Within a crowded home

Happiness hides in the basement

While sadness steals the show

Motivation lacks as madness lapses

Running laps around bad habits

Wasting time on time to go’s

Stick around but just for show

No peace of mind until we're lavished

Gone out of mine to find the meaning but still can't grasp it

They say to live your life as if you're dying

Every second counts yet life's untimely

But what's the point when living blindly

Futures fate

The pasts behind me

Took a chance

But life's denied me

Lost my faith

Got it back

By a thread

About to snap

Here I sit

Trying to stand

Fight the demons

Be a man

Lost in the ocean

Cant find land

Life's a struggle

No upper hand

Empty notions

Glass half full

Lost my way

So long ago

Now im caged

Stuck in a hole

Fleeting strength

The depth just grows

I  must be willing

This I know

Climb back up

However slow

Do not wait

Get up and go

Times against me

Stop saying no

Afraid of heights

But feeling low

Use all my might

Trudge through the snow

I will not stop

Until I'm happy

Until I’m whole

I will not stop

I  w i l l  n o t  s t o p

Until I reach my goals
Sage Feb 2018
Stuck in this prison,
confined by its walls,
I can't shake this feeling,
that I'm stuck in these halls.

I'm trapped in my mind,
I can see the light,
but somethings holding me back,
keeping me in the darkness of the night.

My friends will support,
but they don't really see,
how broken I truly am,
how I wish I couldn't breathe.

I feel stuck in place,
not able to move,
as if one little step,
would be disapproved.

Walking on society's thin wire,
as fragile as glass,
one wrong step means
you'll be at the bottom of the class.

With the weight of people's emotions,
all on my shoulder's,
you'd think I could handle it,
that I'd be strong like a soldier.

But instead, I feel weak,
I couldn't adapt.
and now I am stuck here.
Now I am trapped
Amanda Kay Burke May 2017
How wonderful,
It would be,
If I were,
A canary.

Singing melodies,
Til the fading light,
And pondering,
The stars at night.

And to be loved?
To be adored!
A little care
i could afford.

I wish my days
Were filled with dreams,
Lazy rays
of sunshine beams.

How wonderful
this life must be,
A birdies world
is so carefree.

But what is this?
A darker side?
No place to go
When I need to hide?

When my only home
Is an endless stage,
A performance behind,
The bars of my cage.

Tired and anxious,
Daylight goes dim,
Another sleepless
Night begins.

Wondering if
Ill ever be free,
From the prison thats
surrounding me.

In the blink of an eye
Morning comes pink.
Maybe im more like
a canary than i think.
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
defeated in battle
her legs the price
a warrior lays dying
before a grand golden cage
a doll looks down at her
from within, eyes unblinking
her own legs folded underneath her
unused for centuries
“would you like my legs?
I have no use for them
I am sure you would
make them strong again”

the warrior, with the long legs of a doll
gains grace and speed
quite unlike what she had before
she gained glory and revenge
and treasured the gift
swearing to return them
on the day the doll was free from her cage

the doll faired no different
with legs or not
gained a protector
and a companion
she never tried for freedom
for there was no door to the cage
and her dreams were not hindered
she had her hands
and she had her voice
with which she could pass the time
merrily away
with the warrior
Mercedes Jan 2018
My little bird,
She just loves to fly.
Please close the window
So she can't reach the sky.

My little bird,
She mourns like a widow.
I'll give her a cage
So she can't reach the window.

My little bird,
She grows restless with age.
I'll trim all her feathers
So she'll stay in her cage.

My little bird,
Won't you sing me a song?
They used to warm my old heart,
But not in so long.

My little bird,
Is it because of your feathers?
I'll let them grow back,
If we can just sing together.

My little bird,
Is it due to the cage, dear?
I'll throw it all out,
If you give me something to hear.

My little bird,
Is it because of the window?
I'll open it now,
But please just don't go.

My little bird
Has taken to wing.
Now that she's gone,
I can finally hear her sing.
Duzy Jan 2018
Buck the herd, ***** the wage
Let's be stirred into rage
Seems absurd in this age
To keep a bird in a cage
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
what the world is in right now, an atomic cage - we are trapped in our advanced scientific inventions
Alec Dec 2017
There is a wall between us
One i cannot break
One i can’t get through
And find a way to say hey

No matter how hard i try
Our relationship, i cannot save
I wish i could reach out
Break through this clear cage.

But i can only smush my face against the glass
In hopes you will see
But you are not looking at me
Can you even see the glass?
Do you realize i am trapped?
Do you see that i cant reach through
I can’t touch or talk to you.

I’m not so sure what to do
You look content
On your side of this wall
Laughing and dancing
Talking and walking

And i -
I stay here
On my side of this wall
It looms all around
I feel like I’m  bound
‘Tis a solemn event
As i attempt to find a way through,
I can only conclude
It’s too strong to dent.

This is more of a vent
But i want it to rhyme
I just want to get over the wall! I’m hell-bent!
I want to get past this pane
It’s glass that just won’t ******* break
Without you how can i possibly stay sane?!
How do i fix this?
How do i reach you?
I’ll find a way out
I need to.

Do you even seen this glass?
How long can this loneliness last?
Do you see how I’m stuck?
How can you reach me?
If you can’t even see me?
I can not reach you.
Though try i might
But you look happy
Perhaps I’ll just give up this fight.

So i stay behind this glass
Maybe if you are happy my sadness will be over in a flash.
But alas i am forced to wait
So I stare through this pain

No matter what I want you to be happy,
Even though i wish i could feel the same.
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