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Marco Dec 2020
Has the pain
not been enough
after I left you,
crawling on skinned hands and knees,
ribcage open,
heart bare, bleeding out,
exposing the shallow grave you dug
for yourself
to nestle and rest in
forever, for
as long as I breathe?
Just below the torn,
worn skin,
barely concealed and ever present,
never to be forgotten for you are,
alive in my head

Death carries
no meaning here,
where you
and I
on our battlefield of blood spilled
and souls lost,
minds lost,
bodies lost in the abyss of
man’s darkness and

The depth of hatred can
only be matched to
the depth of love,
two halves of the same,
in your blood and mine
we lie as one.

Never reach for me again.
Mickey Dec 2020
And there will be nights like this.
Nights that you rather not remember.
Where you beg for mercy.
Asking if you please don’t have to look into the  interstice pieces of the moon.
Because you can’t take another battle.
Another realization.

Another night.
If the spirit isn't broke,
Yet all your dreams are up in smoke,
Whose ego will you now stroke?
Was it always a joke?
The famous saying goes - If it ain't broke don't fix it. Sometimes there are imperfect pieces to a perfect puzzle. The human spirit, though imperfect, has the power to change almost everything unless ego gets in the way.  

Your spirit vs your ego - Who will win?
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
There lies a soldier deep within
He is strapped with might
To fight
The blight

He is not perfect, nay
He has even sinned
But this battle that's been laid before him
He will surely win
To help bring light
Into the night
Yeah, even unto his own kin

He carries great knowledge of the spiritual realm
For this - he has been placed right at the forefront, yeah
Placed right at the helm
But knowledge = power
Therefore, he will not be overwhelmed

He will be carried straight through
To victory
On the wings of an eagle
He will succeed
It is time for this soldier that I speak of
To be freed
Its time for him to ******* all his armor
For all the world to see
And this soldier that I speak of, is indeed,
Now is the time to be unleashed and be the promising soldier I was always meant to be ✌
I think the poem explains itself. Theres a lot of evil and darkness in this world. Somebody has to fight against it. Ive been called to, but Ive been struggling. Hoping to get out of this cruddy place I'm in and start fighting like I'm meant to.
We will charge harder
Yes sir!

We will strike when it is cold
Yes sir!

Let's go by night
Yes sir!

Prepare the feeryboats and other vessels
Yes sir!

Send them West at once
Yes sir!

Charge our men forward
Yes sir!

Eliminate thy enemies
Yes sir!

Crucify their men to the cross
Yes sir!

Their women
Bring spoils from the merry
Yes sir!

Your dignity of war
Yes sir!

What's with the yes sir?
Yes sir!

Incompetency tthou keep under thy bossom
Yes sir!

Are you sure you can lead,
Thy men to battle?
Yes sir!

What's with the yes sir?
Yes sir!

Yes sir!

Thou look less serious
Yes sir!

Go forth and disseminate thy rivals
Yes sir!

Go now!
Yes sir!

Yes sir!

What are thou waiting for?
Yes sir!

Written Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This is a comical poem of a soldier who says "Yes Sir" to everything he's being asked or told to do.
adalicia Feb 2019
thousand of rhymes scattered on my blank sheets. every syllable holds the memory of battles that i've faced and will be facing, spilling my very soul on every piece that i've scribbled hoping it will be the metaphors to relieve my withering verses. i was nothing but a bleeding warrior— a bleeding poet with the paper as my shield, my heart and emotions as the ink, and a pen that will serve as the sword in this big battlefield.

but i was never alone in this battlefield. along with this journey, i had my comrades who did also possessed a heart that bleeds. allowing these very feelings and voices to flow from thy hearts. as our words were written down it has formed a life. thus, i've always thought that pen is indeed mightier than a sword. and if you did asked me why, it's simple. the pen has a huge and far-reaching impact while a sword does only have a short reach. and so we've made the pen as our weapon to stop wars and to create peace. using it to change hate into love and using it to also fight for friendship.

these words and verses sure could heal or ****, either start or quash a strife.

we are nothing but the bleeding warriors who wields the power of writing. the users of words and emotions, again with the pen to create new life and letting it be an eye-opener. we are the defenders of the underrated, illuminators to darkness, and fighters of the words unsaid. the chaotic emptiness of our papers that requires to be filled and fought; the blood we've spilled in the battlefield, our words as the blade, and the verses and rhymes we've created to build a fortress and shield.

we are the ones who breathe and live for poetry and literature. the ones who have no hesitations to cut down our souls, to tear down our faith so long as we could still bleed to create a masterpiece, and a life-changing chance for ourselves and to everyone. we have hidden a lot. from every composition and lines created, it held and hid the voices of pain, sorrow, anger, hate, retribution, change, and feelings. with these voices and words that are hidden and unsaid, it revealed the unfamiliar to familiar minds with the help of us, the bleeding warriors.

and until now, i keep on bleeding. i keep on writing. but i have as well devoted my life along with them— along with the writers of the society, the voice of the voiceless. and if ever my life had and would come to an end, sure it would be with full glory and might.
xXwallflower53Xx Nov 2020
The scars on my skin show the battles I have lost,
but the air in my lungs prove I am winning the war.
A quote I read a lifetime ago that had no name attached. It is my motto.
AceLione Nov 2020
The sweat streaming down my eye brow
Looking at the arrow in my ankle that was shot by Paris' bow
Oh my briseis, please don't cry
My shield and spear are always yours as i point it at the sky
Zeus, you have blessed me with immortality but oh i am cursed
All my life i've been killing men for another's thirst
Finally my chains have been broken, i can breathe
This cold feels nice, my sword at last in it's sheath
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